The alemão para espanhol translators listed below specialize in the field of Agricultura. For more search fields, try an advanced search by clicking the link to the right.

52 results (paying members)

Freelance Interpreter native in

Specializes in

Javier Jiménez Solanas
Javier Jiménez Solanas
Native in espanhol Native in espanhol
German, English, media, laws, localization technical
Luis Cerna
Luis Cerna
Native in espanhol Native in espanhol, alemão Native in alemão
patents, electronics, energy, medicine, chemistry, fibres, industrial chemicals, engineering plastics, animal nutrition, industrial plants, ...
Estrella Bosch Giménez
Estrella Bosch Giménez
Native in espanhol (Variant: Standard-Spain) Native in espanhol
Spanish, English, German, French, Translation, Consecutive Interpreting, Simultaneous Interpreting, Proofreading, Sworn Translation, Published work, ...
Nadja Gläser
Nadja Gläser
Native in alemão Native in alemão
Marcos Romano
Marcos Romano
Native in espanhol Native in espanhol
Philosophie, Psychologie, Wirtschaft, Unternehmen, Literatur, Technik, Antropología, Psicología, Religión, Ciencias sociales, ...
Brittany WL.
Brittany WL.
Native in inglês (Variants: British, US, UK) Native in inglês
Translation, proofreading, MTPE, native speakers, Patent, Medical, IT
Alexis & Teresa Bulnes de Romanov
Alexis & Teresa Bulnes de Romanov
Native in russo Native in russo, espanhol Native in espanhol
перевод испанский, немецкий, каталонский, нидерландский, английский, русский, польский, португальский, переклад іспанська, німецька, ...
Adrian Garcia
Adrian Garcia
Native in espanhol (Variant: Standard-Spain) Native in espanhol
Spanish, English, German, Chinese, IT, computing, software, gaming, trade, marketing, ...
Pablo Ilundain
Pablo Ilundain
Native in espanhol Native in espanhol
Übersetzer spanisch, technische Übersetzungen Spanisch, technical, traductor, translator, español, Fachübersetzer, inglés, english, spanish, ...
Jairo Dorado Cadilla
Jairo Dorado Cadilla
Native in galego Native in galego, espanhol (Variant: Standard-Spain) Native in espanhol
translation, translator, interpretation, interpreting, simultaneous, consecutive, English, Galician, Spanish, Bosnian, ...
Miquel Gomez Besos
Miquel Gomez Besos
Native in catalão (Variant: Oriental) Native in catalão, espanhol Native in espanhol
Spanish, Catalan, Esperanto, German, English, Portuguese, French, Italian. Culture, literature, videogames, ...
Oluwamuyiwa Fafowora
Oluwamuyiwa Fafowora
Native in inglês (Variants: British, UK, US, Canadian) Native in inglês
Segurança, Psicologia, Nutrição, Medicina (geral), ...
Traducendo Co. Ltd
Traducendo Co. Ltd
Native in italiano (Variants: Standard-Italy, Roman / Romanesco, Neapolitan) Native in italiano, espanhol (Variants: Latin American, Argentine, Mexican) Native in espanhol
traduzione italiano inglese, traduzione italiano spagnolo, traduzione italiano francese, traduzione italiano portoghese, traduzione italiano tedesco, traduzione italiano russo, traduzione italiano cinese, traduzione italiano tailandese, traduzione italiano indiano, traduzione italiano maltese, ...
Irene Vázquez López
Irene Vázquez López
Native in espanhol (Variant: Standard-Spain) Native in espanhol, alemão (Variants: Austrian, Swiss, Germany, Bavarian) Native in alemão
German, Spanish, English, translation, interpreting, sworn translation, sworn interpreting, legal translations, financial, econocimcs, ...
Pablo Cruz
Pablo Cruz
Native in espanhol Native in espanhol
technische Übersetzungen Spanisch, Ingenieurwissenschaften, Bau, Maschinenbau, Umwelt, Ackerbau, Waldbau, Forstwirtschaft, technical translation Spanish, translation German into Spanish, ...
Nancy Cortell
Nancy Cortell
Native in inglês Native in inglês, espanhol Native in espanhol
English, Latam and European Spanish, novels
Piabezie Chi
Piabezie Chi
Native in francês 
french, English, Spanish, German
Native in inglês Native in inglês, alemão Native in alemão
Segurança, Psicologia, Nutrição, Medicina: Assistência médica, ...
Native in espanhol (Variant: Standard-Spain) 
spanish, german, catalan, english, subtitling, translation, audiovisual, transcrip, QA
Laura Fernández
Laura Fernández
Native in espanhol (Variant: Standard-Spain) 
German-Spanish, English-Spanish, science, medical translation, scientific translation, localization, pharma, pharmaceutical, international organism, environment, ...

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Interpreters, like translators, enable communication across cultures by translating one language into another. These language specialists must thoroughly understand the subject matter of any texts they translate, as well as the cultures associated with the source and target language.

Interpreters differ from translators in that they work with spoken words, rather than written text. Interpreting may be done in parallel with the speaker (simultaneous interpreting) or after they have spoken a few sentences or words (consecutive interpreting). Simultaneous interpreting is most often used at international conferences or in courts. Consecutive interpreting is often used for interpersonal communication.