Freelance translators » espanhol para alemão » Outra » Engenharia: Industrial » Page 2

Below is a list of espanhol para alemão tradutores freelancers especializando-se traduções na área Outra: Engenharia: Industrial. Para obter mais campos de busca, tente a busca avançada clicando no link à direita.

120 de resultados (associados - pagantes)

Freelance translator native in

Specializes in

T&I Portfolios
T&I Portfolios
Native in alemão Native in alemão
Übersetzer, Übersetzung, Übersetzungen, Fachübersetzungen, Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung, Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung, Übersetzungsbüro, Übersetzungsagentur, translation, translations, ...
Klaus Lauble
Klaus Lauble
Native in alemão Native in alemão
German, English, Dutch, Spanish, translation services, translations, technical translations, multimedia, marketing, corporate communications, ...
Luis Cerna
Luis Cerna
Native in espanhol Native in espanhol, alemão Native in alemão
patents, electronics, energy, medicine, chemistry, fibres, industrial chemicals, engineering plastics, animal nutrition, industrial plants, ...
Ivan Nieves
Ivan Nieves
Native in alemão (Variant: Swiss) Native in alemão, espanhol (Variant: Standard-Spain) Native in espanhol
german, spanish, portuguese, french, english, switzerland, spain, brazil, pharma, IT, ...
Christian Muhm
Christian Muhm
Native in alemão (Variant: Germany) Native in alemão, espanhol (Variant: Standard-Spain) Native in espanhol
bauwesen, bau, bauchemie, fe-programme, finite, elemente, nichtlinear, nichtlineare, civil, kran, ...
Clemente Garcia
Clemente Garcia
Native in espanhol Native in espanhol, alemão Native in alemão
Native in alemão (Variant: Germany) Native in alemão, português (Variant: European/Portugal) Native in português
automobiles, pharmaceutical, tobacco, chemical, industries, journalism, tourist-guides, Portugal, Germany, medicine, ...
Eñaut Urrestarazu Aizpurua
Eñaut Urrestarazu Aizpurua
Native in espanhol Native in espanhol, francês Native in francês
engineering, mechanics, automotive, trados, sdlx, agriculture, technical, combines, tractors, loaders, ...
Wolf Kux
Wolf Kux
Native in alemão Native in alemão, português Native in português
brazilian portuguese, german, english, IT, software, systems, ERP, formatted, mechanic, mechanical engineering, ...
Christiane Weill
Christiane Weill
Native in alemão (Variants: Germany, Austrian) Native in alemão
Übersetzungen Französisch-Deutsch, Übersetzer Französisch-Deutsch, Französisch-Deutsch, vereidigter Übersetzer Französisch-Deutsch, beglaubigte Übersetzungen Französisch-Deutsch, Recht, Gesellschaftsrecht, juristische Texte, Verträge, Urkunden, ...
Andrea Wiethoff
Andrea Wiethoff
Native in alemão Native in alemão
software, crusher, screens, website, ashalt plants, concrete plants, computer, Belletristik, Gedichte, Poems, ...
Irene Anton
Irene Anton
Native in alemão Native in alemão
Kunst, Installation, Museum, arte, art, Malerei, Design, Skulptur, Lebensart, Inszenierung, ...
wordsystem Inc
wordsystem Inc
Native in inglês (Variant: French) Native in inglês
Ana Martinez Ghisi
Ana Martinez Ghisi
Native in espanhol (Variants: Latin American, US, Peruvian, Colombian, Rioplatense, Argentine, Chilean, Uruguayan, Mexican, Standard-Spain) Native in espanhol
English, Spanish, technology, legal, aerospace, tenders, engineering, safety, home & health, tourism, ...
Yvonne Manuela Meissner
Yvonne Manuela Meissner
Native in alemão (Variants: Swiss, Swabian, Luxembourgish, Austrian, Bavarian, Germany, South Tyrol (Italy)) Native in alemão, holandês (Variants: Netherlands, Aruba, Flemish) Native in holandês
German native, Dutch native, Italian, English, Spanish (Argentina), contracts, law, public notary, law, real estate, ...
Judith den Otter
Judith den Otter
Native in alemão Native in alemão
Börse, Wirtschaft, Clearing, Settlement
Markus Hills
Markus Hills
Native in alemão Native in alemão
Stuart and Aida Nelson
Stuart and Aida Nelson
Native in inglês (Variant: British) Native in inglês, espanhol (Variants: Latin American, Standard-Spain) Native in espanhol
Law, contract, deed, legal, affidavit, pleadings, medical, health, genetics, domestic violence, ...
Werner Behnke
Werner Behnke
Native in alemão Native in alemão, inglês Native in inglês
English, Englisch, auto industry, technical translations, chemistry, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, medicine, medical devices, contracts, ...
Jennifer Richmond
Jennifer Richmond
Native in alemão Native in alemão

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A tradução é muito mais do que uma conversão de palavra por palavra de um idioma para outro. Os tradutores devem compreender profundamente o assunto dos textos que traduzem, assim como as culturas associadas com os idiomas de partida e chegada.

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