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[View Powwow Report] powwow: Enjoy Hamburg with us!

August 31, 2019, 9:00 pm
AlemanhaHamburgIn personinglês
Powwow in Hamburg!!!
30.08.2019 Friday evening get-together from 19:00 at the Rosenhof Cafe in the beautiful Hamburg park Planten und Blomen - table is reserved and you can look forward to a good view of the water and light show that gets underway at 22:00
31.08.2019 Saturday: Alster boat trip 11:45, please get your own ticket if you wish to go on this boat trip.
The museum exhibition about German sayings and their meanings can be visited at any time.
The Beatles tour will take place around 15:00 with Jessica Link.
ADÜ Nord, our local translation association, invites you all to an aperitivo at 17:00 in their headquarters at Königstraße 26. The S-Bahn Königstraße is 50 m away. Please let me know if you want to attend!
MAIN POWWOW dinner from 19:00 at the restaurant September near the Messehallen. Tables reserved.
01.09.2019 Sunday 10:30: Brunch at Literaturhauscafé, Schwanenwik 38, 22087 Hamburg.
I will add a poll in the FB thread so that people can register for what they want to do and we get an idea of numbers :) Or, if you are not on FB, please write in the comments what you want to join in with!
FB link:
Any other suggestions and ideas are very welcome!
We look forward to seeing you all here in Hamburg - tell your friends!

Alster boat trip, 31.8.19, 11.45 - To book tickets for the Alster steamboat tour at 11:45 on 31.8.19, please contact them directly:

Beatles tour, 31.8.19, time 15:00, please contact me if interested in taking part!:
The tour will be on Saturday. It will take about 1,5 hours and we will walk around St. Pauli and visit places and clubs where the Beatles lived, played music and did other stuff.
The most important information for the Beatles tour:
Date: Saturday, 31.08.2019, 15:00
Starting point: Heiligengeistfeld (U3 Feldstraße)
Duration: 1,5 hours
Language: German (and English)

Login to add your name to the list of people interested.Click here to login now.

Click here to register. (It is free.) Users attending this Powwow

: organizer : photos : report : host

Interested members (15) / Confirmed: 6 / Tentative: 1
Name NoteWill Attend
Heather McCrae  \"Organizer\" \"Reporter\" ...  
adacta   Jacqueline Echtermeyer, Adacta  n
Sylvie Pochet - LocalTeam Translations   ...  
Christiane Buttke   ...  y
Marie-Claire Beckx   Marie-Claire Beckx  n
Irene Anton   ...  y
Cristina Bufi Poecksteiner, M.A.   very interested, but for planning purposes I needed details of the event posted here in advance (no FB, living abroad )  n
Sylvie Pelissier   ...  m
Thomas Gohlke   I am looking forward to meeting everybody. Thank you Heather for organising this once again!   y
Chris Spurgin   Will be travelling from Munich  n
Kieran Sheehan   ...  
Thomas Pauly   Hi everybody. The Facebook link is not working, are all activities acutally taking place?  n
Tina Heise   ...  y
skrybit   I'd like to be present Fri-Sun [items: Rosenhof Cafe, Boat trip, Beatles tour, Main powwow dinner, Brunch]; FB site is not accessible to me; I've met Heather in Bologna  y
Nadja Jaeger   I would like to join you for brunch on Sunday. Thank you for organising this event, Heather! I am looking forward to my first powwow.  y

Postings about this event

Powwow: Hamburg - Germany
Chris Spurgin
Chris Spurgin  Identity Verified
Reino Unido
Local time: 12:35
Membro (2016)
russo para inglês
+ ...
Enjoy! Aug 26, 2019

I cannot make it due to a big order coming in but I hope everyone has a good and productive Powwow!
Best wishes to all and feel free to get in touch digitally.


Heather McCrae

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