| Powwow Report for Brasil - (Sep 10 2005) Report from Philippe Maillard | Report on : http://www.proz.com/powwow/724 Sept. 10, 2005
We were quite numerous (19 participants!) to this last Powwow.
The first to arrive was "my" photographer (Sandra)... hopefully! Discover hereafter a selection of her work ...
A splendid day, a meeting place where we were almost entirely on our own, totally relaxed and at ease.
The atmosphere was extremely nice and friendly. It allowed us to exchange experiences and, above all, to make acquaintance (for those who didn�t already know each other). Excellent "discoveries" happened between us and I am convinced that those initial contacts, soon, will become regular.
After lunch, some were already about to leave when a � big surprise � appeared: a member who didn�t confirm his presence (Henrique), joined, wearing a splendid t-shirt marked "Belgian Beers"!! When one knows that the restaurant�s owner, Isabelle as well as myself are Belgians, there was quite a good portion of the "small Belgium" present at the same time! As we all know, nothing happens just by chance�
Finally, Monica, who twice informed about her absence, joined! Great!
We all promised to meet again in the near future and, I believe, develop some joint activities.
That�s what one may call �the ProZ spirit�!
Thanks a lot to all of you!
Philippe Maillard
110794 Philippe Maillard
63074 Birgit Schrader
113886 Weuler Gon�alves
110640 Sandra Pereira
81133 Luiz D�ria Furquim (from Porto Alegre!) + his daughter Fernanda
78659 Paul W. Dixon and Marilene
111596 C�sar Guerreiro and his wife �C�sarinha�
21708 Rosemary Polato
104232 Isabelle van der Beek
80549 Hilton F. dos Santos
139 Carmen Cacciacarro
20007 Paulo Ferraretto
12427 Tamara Barile
93899 Isabel Maria Vidigal
52020 M�nica Nehr
27543 Henrique Cotrim
| (Click on an image for larger view) |
ProZ.com users and members who attended
: organizer : photos : report : host |
Postings from ProZians who attended this event Aug 20 '06 Jorge Rodrigues: Powwow no litoral.
Quem estiver interessado, favor seguir o link: http://www.proz.com/powwow/990 | Oct 31 '05 Paul Dixon: Pow-Wow Guarulhos
Venho através desta confirmar o novo powwow em Guarulhos no próximo dia 5 de novembro:
To be held at the Novilho de Ouro Steak House - the meat is out of this world, and lots of it!
Restaurant Telephone: (011) 6421-5944, 6421-5937
Rua José Saraceni, 6 - GUARULHOS
(Next to the Internacional Guarulhos Shopping Centre)
Bus: Jardim Adriana at Armênia Underground Station
By Car: Take Dutra Motorway, then exit 225 onto Guarulhos Avenue, heading towards the city centre
A ser realizado na Churrascaria Novilho de Ouro - a carne é ótima e em grande quantidade!
Telefone do Restaurante: (011) 6421-5944, 6421-5937
Rua José Saraceni, 6 - GUARULHOS
(Ao lado do Shopping Internacional Guarulhos)
Ônibus: Jardim Adriana, na Estação Armênia do Metrô
De Carro: Pegar a Rodovia Presidente Dutra, saída 225, depois Av Guarulhos em direção ao centro da cidade
URL of this page: http://www.proz.com/powwow/747 (Invite a friend!) | Sep 10 '05 Philippe Maillard: Mais uma interessada
Super !
Aguardamos vocês !!
Até breve
Philippe | Sep 10 '05 luizdoria: Mais uma interessada
Fernanda de Colla Furquim, relações públicas, teatro, jornalismo, será minha companhia para o almoço do powowow na Vila Mariana. Aguardem! | Sep 10 '05 Monica Nehr: tenho até forminhas em forma de bichinhos
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