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[View Powwow Report] powwow: Prague Reloaded

December 1, 2012, 6:00 pm
República TchecaPragueIn persontcheco
Místo už je vybrané, rezervace několikrát potvrzená:

Staropražská krčma Jedová chýše

Jde se tam asi nejlépe z Vodičkovy, je to ve vnitrobloku, kterým se projde do Jungmannovy.

Protože se asi těžko domluvíme všichni na stejnou hodinu, nemůžu ani domluvit nějakou jednotnou večeři. Každý si tak objedná, až dorazí, a na co bude mít chuť. To samozřejmě znamená, že se může stát, že na jídlo bude třeba hodinu čekat, pokud se v kuchyni zrovna sejde víc objednávek (nebo nebudou moct dohonit prase na dvorku). Prosím proto o trpělivost, jinak to zařídit nejde.

A budeme mít jeden účet, každý si zaplatí tu svoji část při odchodu.

Jo a každý dostane malý dárek pro štěstí :-)

Tak to už je všechno, těším se na vás v sobotu večer...


So the location has been chosen and the booking has been re-confirmed:

Jedová chýše, an old-Prague stylish restaurant

It's only a five-minute walk from Wenceslas Square.
Here are some more details. The restaurant is in a passage that can be entered from Vodičkova street. I assume most of you know where Wenceslas Square is. It's in the centre of the city, easy to reach by tram and metro. Go to the central part where the trams go and stand facing the National Museum (or the Old Tram Café). Turn right to Vodičkova street, following the tram almost as far as the next stop, Vodičkova. Don't turn right to Palackého street. When you see a big ad for Levis Jeans on your left on the wall of what is now Air Bank, slow down and watch out for McDonald's Café on your right. The passage is right to the café.
Event Organizer:

Daniela Zambrini

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: organizer : photos : report : host

Interested members (56) / Confirmed: 29 / Tentative: 6
Name NoteWill Attend
Pavel Janoušek  \"Organizer\" \"Reporter\" ...  y
Daniela Zambrini  \"Organizer\" \"Photographer\" flights and hotel all set :-) see you there my friends!  y
Textklick   Shame. Was looking forward to it. Hope it goes well.  n
Erik Hansson   I cannot import beer from Bamberg, but I can always take care of the quality control.  y
BirgitBerlin   ...  y
Helena Diaz del Real   I am very sorry, but I won't make it. I am soooo sorry! :..((  n
Herbert Fipke   Just in time...  y
Angelika Koerber   I try, I try, and I try - and I am successful :-)  y
Anette Hilgendag   Pity, will be in London that weekend. Any chance to change the date to the weekend after?  n
Miriam Ludwig   Versteht sich von selbst :-)! und nun ist auch der Flug gebucht!!!  y
Stephanie Wloch   I'm deeply sorry, but can't make it. Have fun! Na zdraví!  n
Paula Ribeiro   Confirmed!!! I'll be there and I can't wait! Need something from Portugal?  y
Zbynek Taborsky   One just can't say no when it comes to a promised double portion of Christmas sweets... :)))  y
Christian Schneider   Despite of the mess I'm in I will be there.  y
Jan Kolbaba   ...  y
Karel Tatransky   ...  y
Marek Buchtel   ...  y
Jiri Kortus   I am sorry. for the 1st time I won´t make it - interpreting now in Austria. Have a nice time.   n
Kateřina Suchánková   ...  y
XJohanna_S._K.   ...  m
Justine Sherwood   definitely coming with husband  y
Kostas Zgafas   ...  y
Anne Diamantidis   ...  
Tomas Mosler, DipTrans IoLET MCIL MITI   maybe  m
katerina beckova   :-)  
XKristin Sobania (X)   Train and hotel booked; and most probably I bring my new boyfriend along.   y
XAllisonK (X)   Just booked my ticket - no turning back now!   y
Marion Lurf   ...  n
Daniel Meier   ...  y
Klara Zejdlova   Hope I'll be in Prague....  n
Helena Gogelova   Maybe  n
Daniel Šebesta   ...  y
Nigel Saych   Flight booked, no thanks to Wizzair website. May book a hotel but I have heard that it's quite fun in a sleeping bag under the Charles Bridge. OK to bring my wife, I assume; someone has to guide me back to the airport....  y
Roberto Lombino   Is that a kind of Matrix ? :D  y
Jaromír Rux   ...  y
Vladimir Goroshko   ...  y
Jose Lopez Hernandez   Už se těším!  
Paul Knight   ...  n
Martin Janda  \"Photographer\" ...  y
Jennifer Hejtmankova   ...  
Radovan Pletka   Jsem v Praze do 18. prosince, snad to vyjde.  
martinmadera   Looking forward to my first powwow  n
Helga Humlova   :-) I gfrei mi scho auf eich! Looking forward to meeting the crowd again...  y
Steven Sidore   Shame, but just can't make it this time. Have fun!  n
Kevin Lossner   Tempting to make the drive....  m
Csaba Ban   ...  n
Ing. Jiri Klima   Jestli mě nepřejede parní válec, tak přijdu  y
Sarka Rubkova   ...  y
Jarmila Doubravová   Pro mě novinka - ráda přijdu  m
Hynek Palatin   ...  y
Sonja Stankowski   maybe  n
JosefKubovsky  \"Photographer\" \"Host\" ...  
Claudia Adlhoch   ...  m
two2tango   Wish I could come! This powwow promises to be great! Have fun!!  n
trent2101   maybe..  m
Melissa Dedina   ...  

Postings about this event

Powwow: Prague - Czech Republic
AllisonK (X)
AllisonK (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 18:46
holandês para inglês
+ ...
WizzAir Sep 13, 2012

Nigel, be careful with WizzAir's site. I don't know if they've solved the problem (I would assume so or they would have been out of business by now), but a few months ago my husband booked a flight to Krakow and somehow the website was hacked and his credit card was 'stolen' and cancelled. Don't click anything for payment more than once! If you book it through or whatever, there doesn't appear to be a problem.

Nigel Saych
Nigel Saych  Identity Verified
Local time: 18:46
holandês para inglês
+ ...
Wizzair continued Sep 19, 2012

Thanks for the warning. There still seem to be problems with the Wizzair site (not booking, just logging in - and I thought Rayanair was crap!) Finally booked it through e-dreams (I have those all the time), and guess what; the confirmation came through from Wizzair....
So I got an 18 euro discount from e-dreams and a 24 euro 'administration fee' appeared somewhee else.

However, it means I can fly from Eindhoven and presumably arrive somewhere east of Hamburg.....

... See more
Thanks for the warning. There still seem to be problems with the Wizzair site (not booking, just logging in - and I thought Rayanair was crap!) Finally booked it through e-dreams (I have those all the time), and guess what; the confirmation came through from Wizzair....
So I got an 18 euro discount from e-dreams and a 24 euro 'administration fee' appeared somewhee else.

However, it means I can fly from Eindhoven and presumably arrive somewhere east of Hamburg.....

Looking forward to a quick weekend in Prague.

AllisonK (X)
AllisonK (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 18:46
holandês para inglês
+ ...
Yikes Oct 1, 2012

So it wasn't for nought then, my warning. Crazy that they haven't sorted out their online booking problems. Glad you got it sorted! Looking forward to seeing you all again!

Daniela Zambrini
Daniela Zambrini  Identity Verified
Local time: 18:46
inglês para italiano
+ ...
I might be able to make it! Oct 1, 2012

Have just noticed this Powwow, and I am busy checking out travel arrangements...
There are so many people I would love to see again who have registered: I really hope I will be able to make it!


Daniela Zambrini
Daniela Zambrini  Identity Verified
Local time: 18:46
inglês para italiano
+ ...
OK, done! Oct 4, 2012

arriving on Sat, leaving on Sun... just enough to spend an evening with special friends!
So looking forward to Pragueicon_smile.gif

Pavel Janoušek
Pavel Janoušek  Identity Verified
República Tcheca
Local time: 18:46
Membro (2007)
alemão para tcheco
+ ...
Wow! Oct 9, 2012

The location is already booked (, more details will follow soon. The name of the place is "Jedová chýše", or Poison Shack icon_smile.gif. You can read more a... See more
The location is already booked (, more details will follow soon. The name of the place is "Jedová chýše", or Poison Shack icon_smile.gif. You can read more about it here: . Unfortunately, their website is only in Czech, but I think you'll understand the pictures icon_smile.gif

Looking forward to meeting you soon!

[Edited at 2012-10-09 19:14 GMT]

AllisonK (X)
AllisonK (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 18:46
holandês para inglês
+ ...
cranky waiters? Oct 11, 2012

Hi Pavel,

Great news about the location! Wait, I see this staircase on the website and am having a flashback to the conference post-powwow restaurant - it's not that place, is it? The one with the stressed-out waiters?icon_smile.gif) Really looking forward to this powwow - Dec. 1st can't get here soon enough!icon_smile.gif

Pavel Janoušek
Pavel Janoušek  Identity Verified
República Tcheca
Local time: 18:46
Membro (2007)
alemão para tcheco
+ ...
Different location Oct 12, 2012

Hi Allison,
It's a different pub icon_smile.gif.
Looking forward to meeting you here soon again!

Nigel Saych
Nigel Saych  Identity Verified
Local time: 18:46
holandês para inglês
+ ...
Wow! Oct 22, 2012

Pavel Janoušek wrote:

The location is already booked (, more details will follow soon. The name of the place is "Jedová chýše", or Poison Shack icon_smile.gif. You can read more about it here: . Unfortunately, their website is only in Czech, but I think you'll understand the pictures icon_smile.gif

Don't worry, Pavel, we are translators; we can eat and drink in any language! Really looking forward to meeting you and the others again...

Looking forward to meeting you soon!

[Edited at 2012-10-09 19:14 GMT]


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