Glossary entry

inglês term or phrase:


português translation:

palavra da moda

Added to glossary by Lincoln Silveira (X)
Aug 7, 2008 17:59
16 yrs ago
10 viewers *
inglês term


inglês para português Adm./Finanças Finanças (geral)
Buzzwords have always been a part of the business lexicon. But just like street slang, the language of business changes. For instance, today's business words are heavily influenced by the technological times we live in.
Change log

Aug 12, 2008 17:18: Lincoln Silveira (X) Created KOG entry


Luciane Shanahan Aug 8, 2008:
the salesman in his selling the technology to the listener.
Luciane Shanahan Aug 8, 2008:
while jargon (ideally) has a defined technical meaning — if only to the given specialists; however, the advertising hyperbole written to sell new technologies, ironically, often converts technical (machine) terms into buzzwords, that then are used by the
Luciane Shanahan Aug 8, 2008:
buzzwords because they are convenient. It is much easier to copy the words and phrases that someone invented than it is to come up with one's own. [2] Buzzwords differ from jargon; the speaker tries to impress the listener with obscure meanings,
Luciane Shanahan Aug 8, 2008:
buzzwords render sentences opaque, difficult to understand and question, because the buzzword does not mean what it denominates, yet does mean other things it ought not mean. [1] Per George Orwell, in "Politics and the English Language": people use
Luciane Shanahan Aug 8, 2008:
A buzzword (also fashion word and vogue word) is a vague idiom, usually a neologism, that is common to managerial, technical, administrative, and political work environments. Although meant to impress the listener with the speaker's pretense to knowledge,
Tem razão! Por isso mesmo continuei entretanto as minhas pesquisas e indiquei uma possível tradução...
Edimilson Ferreira Aug 7, 2008:
"Palavra-chave", a meu ver, não combina com a definição nem com o contexto fornecido aqui.
Edimilson Ferreira Aug 7, 2008:
Encontrei esta definição para "buzzword" ( "A word or phrase connected with a specialized field or group that usually sounds important or technical and is used primarily to impress laypersons".

Proposed translations

4 horas

palavra da moda, da onda, "bola da vez", "babado"

Coloquial, para o coloquialismo do termo de origem.
Peer comment(s):

agree M. Celina Alonso Neves
12 horas
agree Luciana Roppa : Perfeito!
7 dias
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "É isso aí: palavra da moda, modismo. Obrigado."
3 minutos



Note added at 4 mins (2008-08-07 18:03:47 GMT)

n. password, key word; fashion word, technical word or neologism that has become stylish, vogue word

■ noun informal a technical word or phrase that has become fashionable.

Raynet Business & Marketing Glossary
a word or phrase that takes on added significance through repetition or special usage. "Customer Retention Programmes" has become a buzzword among retailers.
Peer comment(s):

agree Fausto Machado Tiemann
26 minutos
agree Isabel Nunes (X)
2 horas
agree Lincoln Silveira (X) : Acho que pode ser isso também.
4 horas
agree Mrs Wood
4 horas
Something went wrong...
8 minutos

palavra de impacto

My two cents.
Peer comment(s):

agree Marcos Antonio
4 minutos
Something went wrong...
34 minutos


Note from asker:
chavão é lugar comum, clichê: alto e bom som, ao apagar das luzes, bola da vez, cair como uma luva, cavalo de batalha, dar o último adeus, morto prematuramente, pôr a mão na massa, ~ as barbas de molho, ~ as cartas na mesa tirar o cavalo da chuva, via de regra, vias de fato, vida de cachorro e voltar à estaca zero etc. Obrigado.
Peer comment(s):

agree Lincoln Silveira (X) : É uma boa.
4 horas
Obrigada, Lincoln.
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44 minutos


Parece-me traduzir a ideia, depois de consultar estas definições:
Já que palavreado significa reunião de palavras sem nexo ou sem importância...
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1 hora

gíria comercial

Outra sugestão.
Peer comment(s):

agree Luciane Shanahan :
12 horas
Obrigada, Luciane.
agree Sonia Heidemann
4 dias
Obrigada, Sonia.
Something went wrong...
1 hora


Note from asker:
Você tem razão, mas 'slogan' é trocar seis por meia dúzia, Ficamos na mesma.Divisa, lema, frase de propaganda, mas aí não cabe. Obrigado.
Something went wrong...
12 horas


Creio que utilizar "economês" seja uma boa saída:

"Termos do economês sempre fizeram parte do repertório no meio empresarial."

Ou seja, adotando uma interpretação mais específica e já adaptada ao seu texto.


Note added at 12 hrs (2008-08-08 06:58:43 GMT)

Marco, o Houaiss sinaliza o termo como "jocoso". Veja:

n substantivo masculino
Regionalismo: Brasil. Uso: jocoso.
linguagem pejada de tecnicidades do jargão dos economistas; terminologia só compreensível a economistas

A Wikipedia explica "buzzword":

A buzzword (also fashion word and vogue word) is a vague idiom, usually a neologism, that is common to managerial, technical, administrative, and political work environments. Although meant to impress the listener with the speaker's pretense to knowledge, buzzwords render sentences opaque, difficult to understand and question, because the buzzword does not mean what it denominates, yet does mean other things it ought not mean.

Ou seja, leva também o tom "derrogatory" característico de "jocoso".

Se o seu texto fosse da área de informática, poderia adotar "informatiquês", se da jurídica, "juridiquês", e assim por diante.

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