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Em qual projeto de tradução você está trabalhando agora?
Forgot to log the most recent job: a 1306 word essay on art, anthropology and the pandemic. 1 user
Recently received the payment for a job right up my alley: two news stories for the Amazon Environmental Research Institute (IPAM) on socio-environmental issues
1 user1 user
Back on track with a short text about a very interesting social project that teaches embroidery to lower class women :)
(editado) Paper on a cotton cultivar
One year since I started on my first large translation project, a Provisional Patent Application. The job also included contacting the filing office.
(editado) Completed a two-month-long market research project. I translated the comments on online collaborative market survey for a global services company.
(editado) Got paid for a recent job (PT>EN, consumer survey) and confirmed an upcoming one for next month with the same agency, to which I had been recommended.
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