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ProZ.com's first virtual powwow for Certified PRO members

Apr 8, 2011

Virtual powwow

ProZ.com's first virtual powwow for Certified PRO members

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Schedule:This session ended at 21:00
Description:Join fellow Certified PRO Network members in a live virtual powwow where you can connect via text, voice & video chat.
Speakers:Lu Leszinsky
Lucia Leszinsky es traductora e intérprete en inglés-español y escritora. Obtuvo su título en traducción de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata en Buenos Aires, Argentina, y trabaja como parte del staff permanente de ProZ.com desde el año 2008. Twitter »         Facebook »         www.atintasuelta.com »

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Discussion for ProZ.com's first virtual powwow for Certified PRO members session (2011): ProZ.com's first virtual powwow for Certified PRO members
Wiyanto Suroso
Wiyanto Suroso  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:15
Membro (2009)
inglês para indonésio
+ ...
Machine translation Apr 8, 2011

Is the machine translation affecting the volume and rate of translation in your respective language pairs? Are there many chances of being post-editors for the machine translation? Thanks

Paola Gatto
Paola Gatto  Identity Verified
Local time: 16:15
Membro (2004)
alemão para italiano
+ ...
I think so. Apr 8, 2011

Clients do not tell you when the text you are editing is machine translation and that you are post-editing. Now machines can translate pretty well. But I do feel that they are stealing a great part of our job: weird feeling! What can you do if you assume you are post-editing a machine translation? You can say you want to be paid more. Maybe, or maybe not, because the client just does not admit it.

Wiyanto Suroso
Wiyanto Suroso  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:15
Membro (2009)
inglês para indonésio
+ ...
Reduced volume of work Apr 30, 2011

Thanks for your opinion, Paola.

Although our powwow has been over, I hope that I can continue our interesting discussion.

I heard from a colleague of mine regarding possible jobs as a post-editor for the machine translation. I do not know whether or not such kind of job is available.

I agree with you that many (or most?) agencies unlikely inform translators about machine or human translation.

Once, I was offered a “proofreading” job from an Asian
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Thanks for your opinion, Paola.

Although our powwow has been over, I hope that I can continue our interesting discussion.

I heard from a colleague of mine regarding possible jobs as a post-editor for the machine translation. I do not know whether or not such kind of job is available.

I agree with you that many (or most?) agencies unlikely inform translators about machine or human translation.

Once, I was offered a “proofreading” job from an Asian agency. The source was in the form of strings for a website localization. Of course, it was a voluminous task divided into many files. I felt being deceived when I found that too many inconsistencies widespread in the source. It was not proofreading actually but “heavy post-editing”. I objected to continue two remaining files having a big amount of words except the agency agreed to revise my rate due to such heavy post-editing. Finally, my request was agreed by the agency. I’d prefer translating the source to editing it. By using a CAT tool, the translation had to be fast. I do not want to repeat this inconvenient experience for the second time.

To be frank, the machine translation is actually a great advancement for our civilization. However, I agree with you that it reduces human translators’ earnings. Could you approximate the percentage of reduced volume of work in your both language pairs compared to what you normally get due to the machine translation? Due to my limited experience in this case, I am sorry not able to approximate any figure for my language pair.



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