Computer games were, at one time, unified. We didn’t even have the term “casual game” in 1993, let alone the idea that a first-person shooter (then an unnamed genre) could be considered a “hardcore title.” There were people who played computer games, and people who didn’t. People who got way into golf or Harpoon or hearts or text adventures — those were the “hardcore” players, in that they played their chosen field obsessively.
When Myst and the CD-ROM finally broached the mass market, this ecosystem was disrupted. Myst had, Robyn Miller makes clear, been designed to appeal to non-gamers. It sold to them. Enthusiast magazines like Computer Gaming World couldn’t set the taste for the industry anymore: there were millions buying games who didn’t read these magazines. An entirely new breed of player. In this situation, what could be more natural than concocting an us-and-them formula? In a very real way, it was already true.
The great narrative of Myst is that the “hardcore” game press and playerbase lambasted it when it launched. Disowned it. A slideshow, they called it. Abstruse, idiotic puzzles; pretty graphics and not much depth. “Critics and hardcore game players universally panned it as a slide-show that had little actual gameplay interaction”, claimed PC Gamer’s Michael Wolf in 2001.That same year, a columnist for Maximum PC recalled Myst as a “tedious code-breaking and switch-throwing mess”, and saw its then-new remake realMYST as “a pointed reminder of why the press dumped on the original so heavily when it came out.” | „Računalne igre“ je pojam koji je nekada ujedinjavao sve igre na računalu. Pojam “casual igre” nije postojao 1993. godine, a ponajmanje ideja da bi pucačina (tada žanr bez službenog imena) mogla biti smatrana igrom koju igraju samo hardcore igrači. Postojali su ljudi koji su igrali računalne igre i ljudi koji nisu. Ljudi koji su bili zaluđeni golfom, Harpoonom, Srcima ili tekstualnim avanturama – to su bili hardcore igrači, u smislu da su opsesivno igrali žanr koji su odabrali. Kad su Myst i CD-ROM konačno postali dostupni na masovnom tržištu, poremetio se postojeći ekosistem. Myst je, prema riječima Robyna Millera, bila dizajnirana kako bi privukla negamere i oni su bili ti koji su je najviše kupovali. Gamerski časopisi poput Computer Gaming Worlda više nisu mogli odrediti u kome smjeru ide industrija; milijuni osoba koji nisu pratili te časopise kupovali su igru. Nastala je posve nova vrsta igrača. U takvoj situaciji, naprirodnije rješenje bilo je razviti formulu „mi i oni“, što se već, nažalost, pretvorilo u stvarnost. Odmah po izlasku, hardcore gamerski časopisi i igrači žestoko su osudili Myst. Odrekli su je se i nazvali je plitkim slideshowom punim nejasnih i idiotski slagalica te lijepe grafike. „Kritičari i hardcore gameri iz cijelog svijeta okarakterizirali su je kao slideshow s vrlo malo stvarne interakcije u igri.“, tvrdio je 2001. godine Michael Wolf, novinar PC Gamera. Te iste godine, kolumnist Maximum PC-a opisao je Myst kao „dosadni nered razbijanja šifri i prebacivanja prekidača“ te ocijenio tada novi remake realMyst kao „dobar podsjetnik zašto su mediji toliko oštro iskritizirali original kad je izašao.“ |