Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- May 22 esl>eng guardarse la cara a... keep a discreet profile with each other pro closed no
- May 10 por>eng Não fede, nem cheira is neither here, nor there, so not worth making a stink about pro closed no
- May 9 esl>eng Menudo puñetero what a nasty spoilsport/ what a damned rascal pro closed ok
- Apr 14 esl>eng “Donde me dan las doce” wherever carriages take me at midnight pro closed ok
- Apr 11 esl>eng abono copiado fabricated manure pro closed no
4 Apr 10 esl>eng picada de amor propio (Mex.) with a swollen sense of pride; with stoked self-esteem pro closed no
- Dec 13 '23 deu>eng wer mir Böses gönnt decency forbids me pro closed ok
- Dec 6 '23 esl>eng escritos de poética lyrical label()ing pro closed no
- Oct 28 '23 esl>eng ilustración historiada gaudy, comic-strip illustration pro closed ok
- Oct 24 '23 eng>deu pour hearts and souls into wir Senner sind bei Käseher-z-stellung keine Penner pro closed ok
- Sep 27 '23 esl>eng dar reparo para feel uneasy about pro closed no
- May 28 '23 esl>eng estados de enrarecimiento state/s of rarefied (heightened) consciousness pro closed no
- May 18 '23 esl>eng mujer de ingenio female with talent -> woman of many talents easy closed no
- May 6 '23 eng>esl Donuts taste better than skinny feels. mejor churro gordo que delgado pro closed no
4 Apr 17 '23 fra>eng Vous avez une langue de vipère ! You (really do) have a serpent's tongue pro closed no
- Mar 28 '23 esl>eng escogencia selectability (of materials) pro closed no
- Feb 25 '23 por>eng não ser de (se) jogar fora is not one to be sniffed at (kept out of the beauty stakes) pro closed ok
- Jan 22 '23 esl>eng la sombra del bigote the distinctive stubble pro closed ok
- Dec 23 '22 fra>eng On est pas sortie de l'auberge ! (Someone is) stuck in limbo with no room at the inn ! easy closed no
- Dec 21 '22 por>eng trem da alegria joy(-)ride pro just_closed ok
4 Oct 22 '22 esl>eng más que todo moral, no de mando por jerarquía more of a moral imperative, rather than an order from on high pro closed ok
- Aug 12 '22 esl>eng Hecho de los mexicanos with the Mexicans' original touch pro just_closed no
- Jul 13 '22 esl>eng evento de confrontación staged face-off pro closed ok
- May 20 '22 esl>eng no saca un perro de una milpa that prairie dog (AmE) hasn't got a prayer; prairie dog's (BrE) bark is worse than his bite pro closed ok
- May 8 '22 esl>eng salida "por arriba" an 'up and away' escape from the predicament pro closed no
- Mar 23 '22 esl>eng Nada más porque sí, no, ni las cucarachas matan Not for nothing do these things happen. No way. But neither will bed bugs kill you. easy just_closed no
- Feb 5 '22 fra>eng du bout de son nez .... from a nasal tip(- off) pro closed no
- Jan 29 '22 eng>por I'm having a moment estou sofrendo uma desorientação en esse momento pro just_closed no
- Jan 27 '22 esl>eng coronó sus afanes he was regally rewarded for his zealousness pro closed ok
- Dec 24 '21 esl>eng hasta la usura o la muerte until burnout (worked to exhaustion) or death pro closed no
- Dec 19 '21 deu>eng Der Kurs ist Klar There is a Clear Bearing pro closed no
- Nov 6 '21 esl>eng el burro del salón the school dunce wearing a cone hat in the corner pro closed no
4 Oct 20 '21 ell>ell Στη βράση κολλάει το σίδερο = it's better to strike when the metal is warm yet strike while or whilst the iron is hot pro closed ok
- Oct 1 '21 por>eng trocar os passos miss one's step; take a mis-step pro just_closed ok
- Sep 10 '21 dan>eng Splitte min bramsejl Well, blow me down ! pro closed ok
- Jul 12 '21 deu>eng Um- und Weiterdenker original and progressive thinker/s pro closed ok
- Jul 10 '21 por>eng pular o muro de volta to pass back the buck pro closed ok
- Jul 10 '21 por>eng um banana a turnip; BrE: a wet; a feckless fellow or character pro closed ok
- Jul 10 '21 por>eng covarde mimimi to chicken out pro closed ok
- Oct 8 '20 deu>eng Nachgeborenen after-born / 'after-spawned' cousins pro open no
- Oct 5 '20 deu>eng Aus-sich-heraus-Schöpfen unconscious drawing of inspiration from one's own depths; .. plumb their own depths for inspiration pro closed ok
- Jul 2 '20 deu>eng sich hier ein höchst erbauliches Stelldichein geben will be gathering here for a most up-lifting and eddy-fying tryst pro closed no
- May 24 '20 esl>eng Lo de moda no incomoda. What's in vogue today - whilst not roguishly hurting - isn't always tomorrow pro closed ok
- Oct 25 '19 eng>esl the coulds, the woulds, and the shoulds las oraciones condicionales, como las de poder, querer y deber pro closed ok
- Sep 12 '19 deu>eng Grüß Gott von mir Austrian greetings and God bye from me pro closed ok
- Aug 20 '19 esl>eng chistar hiss at pro closed ok
- Jul 11 '19 esl>eng Te asustas de la mortaja y te abrazas al muerto It is the shroud you pretend to fear - then embrace the corpse with a crocodile tear pro closed ok
- Jun 15 '19 deu>eng Selbst ist der Mensch (BrE) There's no harm being full of yourself (and blowing your own trumpet) pro closed no
Asked | Open questions | Answered