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inglês para italiano: The big idea: should other species have their own money General field: Outra Detailed field: Meio ambiente e ecologia
Texto de origem - inglês
Only about 120,000 orangutans remain in the wild, and despite the whopping $1bn that has been spent on protecting them since 2000, their numbers continue to decline. The orangutan is the most endangered great ape, but the picture is only marginally less grim for the others – except us, of course – and the trend is the same across the living world: we’re witnessing a sixth mass extinction. Given that current conservation efforts aren’t working fast enough, many feel it is time for some out-of-the-box thinking. It doesn’t come much further out than giving other species their own money, but that proposal is now on the table. The first to benefit might be our intelligent, red-haired cousins.
Tradução - italiano In natura rimangono solo 120.000 oranghi e, nonostante l'enorme somma di 1 miliardo di dollari spesa per la loro protezione dal 2000 fino ad oggi, il loro numero continua a diminuire. L'orangutan è la grande scimmia più minacciata, ma il quadro è solo leggermente meno oscuro per le altre - tranne noi, ovviamente - e la tendenza è la stessa in tutto il mondo vivente: stiamo assistendo a la sesta estinzione di massa. Dato che gli attuali sforzi di conservazione non funzionano abbastanza velocemente, molti ritengono che sia giunto il momento di pensare in modo innovativo. E l’innovazione forse andrebbe lontano a punto di offrire ad altre specie il loro proprio denaro, ma questa proposta è ora sul tavolo. I primi a beneficiarne potrebbero essere i nostri intelligenti cugini dai capelli rossi.
inglês para francês: The big idea: should other species have their own money? General field: Outra Detailed field: Meio ambiente e ecologia
Texto de origem - inglês
Only about 120,000 orangutans remain in the wild, and despite the whopping $1bn that has been spent on protecting them since 2000, their numbers continue to decline. The orangutan is the most endangered great ape, but the picture is only marginally less grim for the others – except us, of course – and the trend is the same across the living world: we’re witnessing a sixth mass extinction. Given that current conservation efforts aren’t working fast enough, many feel it is time for some out-of-the-box thinking. It doesn’t come much further out than giving other species their own money, but that proposal is now on the table. The first to benefit might be our intelligent, red-haired cousins.
Tradução - francês Il ne reste qu'environ 120 000 orangs-outans à l'état sauvage et, malgré le milliard de dollars dépensés pour les protéger depuis l’année 2000, leur nombre continue de diminuer. L'orang-outan est le plus menacé entre les grandes singes, mais la situation est seulement un peu moins sombre pour les autres - sauf pour nous, bien sûr - et la tendance est la même dans l'ensemble du monde vivant : nous assistons à la sixième extinction de masse. En tenant compte que les efforts de conservation actuels ne sont pas assez rapides, de nombreux penseurs déclarent la nécessite d’innovation. Et l'innovation irait peut-être très loin jusqu'à offrir aux autres espèces leur propre argent, mais cette proposition est désormais sur la table. Les premiers à en bénéficier pourraient être nos cousins intelligents aux cheveux roux.
Anos de experiência em tradução: 6 Registrado no Feb 2018. Tornou-se associado em: Dec 2018
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I've been in this linguist field as a full-time freelancer since
2018. But my relationship with foreign languages started way back.
I've started studying English when I was 12, I'm 42 now. In the
whilst, I also studied Italian, Spanish and French. Obviously, time
alone is not the main thing to highlight. Experience and immersion
are paramount. I worked in the touristic trade as a travel agent and
a tourist guide, what gave me the opportunity to get in touch with
many different people and cultures. Besides, I studied different
fields of the human knowledge, for instance, I took two years of
Pharmacy in the University (unfinished); studied to be a tourist
guide (technician level); took a course of Health & Safety practitioner (technician level); and finally, got a bachelor degree
and an MBA in Management. For all this, I have a very comprehensive
understanding of the market and its industries, what leads to a more
qualified translation and interpretation. Hope to be of service and
to give the best response to all the challenges you and your company may have with
languages. Best wishes, JP Duarte.