Idiomas de trabalho:
alemão para português
inglês para português
espanhol para português

Su Braga

Ponte da Barca, Viana do Castelo, Portugal
Horário Local: 09:05 WET (GMT+0)

Nativo para: português 
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Hi! Nice to meet you!

My name is Su Braga, I am a technical translator,
currently living and working from home in Portugal. I work as a freelance
translator and interpreter since 2012, on a professional, daily, and paid

I am a member of IAPTI and TEKOM.

See my personal web page here:


After completing my 1st University degree
in Communication Studies, I have travelled the word while working in the
tourism and hospitality segment. 

I have returned to Portugal, in 2005, to answer an
invitation to work as a liaison interpreter and export sales assistant in a
Portuguese international company.

After that I have worked as an in-house translator and
liaison/ad-hoc interpreter in several Export-Import and Logistics companies. During
this period and after that I have enrolled in several vocational training
courses on Logistics and Supply Chain Management and Business Plans
Development. This experience all together gave me the chance to enhance and
cultivate a passion for the translation of corporate and technical documents.
From here to deciding to take it on professionally it did not take me a long

In 2010, I went back
to university and in 2012 was recruited as an in-house translator by one of the largest portuguese translation agencies, and I have worked there until 2017 the year when I have decided to go 100% freelance.

Let´s get in touch! I am always available for my clients and their projects.

Palavras-chave Su Braga Translations, german english spanish portuguese, technical, legal, computer, marketing, business, intrepreter, transcriptor, reliability. See more.Su Braga Translations, german english spanish portuguese, technical, legal, computer, marketing, business, intrepreter, transcriptor, reliability, quality, proofreading, translator. See less.

Última atualização do perfil
Jul 19, 2021