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inglês para português: Medical procedure Detailed field: Medicina (geral)
Texto de origem - inglês Administering anti-D immunoglobulin.
In the case of an Rh-negative pregnant woman having a baby with a Rh-positive father, there may be a compatibility problem between the mother's blood and the blood of the foetus. During pregnancy, there are exchanges of blood between the mother and the foetus. If the foetus is Rh-positive, the mother's defences will consider it an invader and produce antibodies that cross the placenta and may react against it.
If the child's father is also Rh-negative, it is not genetically possible for the baby to be Rh-positive, so there is no risk of producing antibodies. If you are not sure about the father's Rh, it is preferable to undergo the treatment.
Anti-D immunoglobulin should be administered at 28 weeks of gestation or up to 72 hours after the birth if the baby is Rh positive. It should also be administered in cases of miscarriage or induced abortion, pregnancy outside the uterus, invasive procedures (amniocentesis or chorionic villi sampling), placental abruption, placenta praevia (located on the cervix), abdominal trauma or any other situation in which the baby's blood may enter the pregnant woman's bloodstream.
Tradução - português Administração de imunoglobulina anti-D.
No caso de uma grávida Rh negativo em que progenitor do bebé é Rh positivo, pode haver um problema de compatibilidade entre o sangue da mãe e o sangue do feto. Durante a gravidez, vão havendo trocas de sangue ente a mãe e o feto. Se o feto for RH positivo, as defesas da mãe vão encará-lo como um invasor e produzir anticorpos que atravessam a placenta e podem reagir contra ele.
Se o pai da criança também for Rh negativo, não é geneticamente possível que o bebé seja Rh positivo, pelo que o risco de produzir anticorpos não existe. Se não tem a certeza sobre o Rh do pai, é preferível fazer o tratamento.
A Imunoglobulina anti – D deve ser administrada às 28 semanas de gestação ou até 72 horas após o parto se o bebé for Rh positivo. Deve ainda ser administrada em casos de aborto (espontâneo ou provocado), gravidez fora do útero, realização de manobras invasivas (amniocentese ou biópsia das vilosidades coriónicas), descolamento da placenta, placenta prévia (localizada sobre o colo do útero), traumatismo abdominal ou qualquer outra situação em que o sangue do bebé possa entrar na corrente sanguínea da grávida.
francês para inglês: COVID-19, vaccines General field: Medicina Detailed field: Medicina (geral)
Texto de origem - francês Patiente de XX ans
Antécédents: obésité, clinophilie, néoplasie mammaire en 2007 (tumorectomie + radiochimiothérapie) ; cardiopathie radique ; diabète insulinodépendant ; syndrome d’apnée du sommeil.
Traitement habituel: non précisé.
Effet indésirable:
1ère dose de COMIRNATY lot EW2246
12 jours plus tard: apparition d’une dyspnée rapidement progressive.
J14 vaccination: consultation aux urgences.
Absence de douleur thoracique ou de signe en faveur d’une TVP, de contage infectieux ou de symptômes évocateurs de COVID.
Aux urgences, hémodynamique stable.
Fièvre à 38.2°C. polypnée à 28/min, hypoxie à 68 mmHg avec hypocapnie à 31 mmHg.
Troponine négative.
PCR covid négative.
ECG avec séquelle d’infarctus postéro-latéral avec rabotage de l’onde R et bloc de branche gauche.
Oxygéno-requérance à 5L/min.
Angioscanner: embolie pulmonaire bilatérale associée à des images scannographiques compatibles avec un OAP (épanchement pleural bilatéral d’aspect en verre dépoli sans franc épaississement septal ni crazy paving).
Anticoagulation curative par énoxaparine ; traitement par dexaméthasone 6 mg (devant la suspicion initiale de COVID).
Une ETT est réalisée devant une rapide dégradation de l’état respiratoire avec majoration de l’oxygénothérapie à 10 l/min au MHC.
Une ETT est réalisée:
FEVG à 40%, akinésie apicale et légère hypertrophie ventriculaire gauche.
PRVG aumgentées sans dilatation de la cavité droite.
Concernant l’OAP:
-terrain de cardiopathie radique à FEVG altérée (40%)
-Facteurs de risque CV:
SAOS sévère, diabète, obésité
-cliniquement absence d’OMI, pas de signe d’IC
-crépitants bilatéraux discrets bi-basaux
-bruits du cœur réguliers sans souffle.
Tradução - inglês XX-year-old female patient
History: obesity, clinophilia, breast neoplasia in 2007 (lumpectomy + chemoradiotherapy); radial heart disease; insulin-dependent diabetes; sleep apnoea syndrome.
Usual treatment: unspecified.
Adverse effect:
1st dose of COMIRNATY batch EW2246
12 days later: onset of rapidly progressive dyspnoea.
J14 vaccination: Casualties consultation.
No chest pain or signs of DVT, infectious disease or symptoms suggestive of COVID.
In casualties, hemodynamically stable.
Fever 38.2°C. Polypnoea 28/min, hypoxia 68 mmHg with hypocapnia 31 mmHg.
Negative troponin.
Negative COVID PCR.
ECG with posterolateral infarct sequelae with R wave planing and left bundle branch block.
Oxygen demand at 5L/min.
CT angiogram: bilateral pulmonary embolism associated with CT images consistent with PAO (bilateral pleural effusion with a ground glass aspect without obvious septal thickening or crazy paving).
Curative anticoagulation with enoxaparin; treatment with 6 mg dexamethasone (on initial suspicion of COVID).
A TTE was performed due to rapid deterioration in respiratory status with increase in oxygen therapy to 10 L/min at MHC.
A TTE was performed:
LVEF at 40%, apical akinesia and mild left ventricular hypertrophy.
Elevated LVFP with no dilatation of the right cavity.
Concerning the PAO:
- radiation heart disease with impaired LVEF (40%)
- CV risk factors:
Severe OSA, diabetes, obesity
- clinically no IMO, no signs of CI
- bilateral discrete bi-basal crepitus
- regular heart sounds with no murmurs.
espanhol para inglês: COVID-19, vaccines General field: Medicina Detailed field: Medicina (geral)
Texto de origem - espanhol Motivos de vacunación del paciente:
Profesional sanitario o personal de centro sociosanitario o esencial
Información adicional de las RAM:
Varón de XX años con antecedentes de displasia arritmogénica del ventrículo izquierdo y miocarditis en el pasado.
Al día siguiente de la segunda dosis de la vacuna contra el Covid 19 comienza con febrícula, malestar general, diarrea, cefalea, debilidad.
Posteriormente dolor torácico y disnea.
Consulta en urgencias, donde se objetiva elevación de troponina y CK, y se decide ingreso.
Ecocardiografía similar a previa con fracción de eyección del ventrículo izquierdo del 40%.
No cambios ECG ni signos de insuficiencia cardiaca.
Ausencia de otra causa aparente de elevación enzimática.
Al ingreso importante clínica neurológica con debilidad de predominio en cintura escapular y pelviana, marcha con arrastre de pies y reflejos miotáticos disminuidos de forma bilateral.
Electroneurograma / Electromiograma sugestvo de afectación miopática.
Resto de estudio (TAC craneal, RMN cerebral, punción lumbar, estudio autoinmunidad, RMN ambos muslos) sin alteraciones.
La relación temporal con la dosis de la vacuna, la afectación cardiaca y simultánea neurológica, la elevación de CK y enzimas miocárdicos sugieren como primera posibilidad etiológica del cuadro en su conjunto reacción adversa a la vacuna del Covid 19 (no se puede descartar por completo "hot phase" de miocardiopatía arritmogénica o infección viral, pero es menos probable).
El paciente presentó inicialmente durante el ingreso recurrencias del dolor torácico y miopatía intensa.
Tras tratamiento con aspirina a dosis altas mejoría clínica.
Al alta resolución completa del cuadro cardiaco pero persistencia de miopatía de leve o leve-moderada intensidad.
Tradução - inglês Reasons for vaccination of patient:
Health professional or staff of a social or essential health care facility
Additional information on ADRs:
XX-year-old male with a history of arrhythmogenic left ventricular dysplasia and myocarditis in the past.
The day after the second dose of the COVID-19 vaccine, patient began to have low-grade fever, malaise, diarrhoea, headache, weakness.
Subsequently, chest pain and dyspnoea.
Casualties consultation where troponin and CK levels were found to be elevated, and it was decided to admit him.
Echocardiography similar to previous one with left ventricular ejection fraction of 40%.
No ECG changes or signs of cardiac failure.
No other apparent cause for elevated enzyme levels.
On admission, significant neurological symptoms with predominant weakness in the scapular and pelvic girdle, shuffling gait and bilateral decreased myotatic reflexes.
Electroneurogram / Electromyogram suggesting myopathic involvement.
Other tests (cranial CT scan, brain MRI, lumbar puncture, autoimmune test, MRI of both thighs) with no alterations.
The temporal relationship with the vaccine dose, the cardiac and simultaneous neurological involvement, elevated CK and myocardial enzymes suggest, as the first aetiological possibility of the overall medical condition, an adverse reaction to the COVID-19 vaccine (the "hot phase" of arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy or viral infection cannot be completely ruled out, but is less likely).
During admission, patient initially presented with recurring chest pain and severe myopathy.
Clinical improvement after treatment with high-dose aspirin.
At discharge, complete resolution of cardiac symptoms but persistent mild or mild-to-moderate myopathy.
português para inglês: Corporate website General field: Adm./Finanças Detailed field: Marketing/pesquisa de mercado
Texto de origem - português A XXX, no mercado desde 19xx, opera no setor da indústria xxx e está presente em cinco áreas de negócio.
Englobando algumas das mais relevantes empresas do setor xxx nacional, a XXX possui fábricas e instalações em vários pontos do país, entre os quais se destacam xxx…
O Grupo aposta em marcas fortes que têm permitido atingir posições de liderança no mercado nacional, bem como a conquista de quota de mercado no mercado externo.
A par da sua atividade económica fortemente inovadora e dinâmica, a XXX tem sempre presente a sua responsabilidade social e ambiental. Todo o investimento que efetuamos é tido como uma necessidade imprescindível para a melhoria da qualidade de vida das comunidades locais, sendo os benefícios claramente visíveis e notados pelas mesmas.
A XXX ambiciona desenvolver negócios no setor da indústria xxx, em áreas geradoras de sinergias, concebendo e disponibilizando ao mercado soluções competitivas, inovadoras e sustentáveis, mantendo elevados níveis de serviço e qualidade e equilibrando os interesses legítimos das partes interessadas.
A XXX pretende ser reconhecida como um grupo empresarial de referência no setor da xxx.
Tradução - inglês
XXX has been in the market since 19xx and operates in the xxx industrial sector within five business areas.
Encompassing some of the most prominent companies in the country’s xxx sector, XXX owns factories and facilities at several locations around the country, including xxx…
The Group invests in strong brands which have enabled it to attain leading positions in the domestic market, as well as significant market share abroad.
Alongside its highly innovative and dynamic economic activities, XXX always keeps in mind its social and environmental responsibility. Each investment we make is considered crucial to improve the quality of life in local communities, and the benefits are clearly visible and noted by these communities.
XXX strives for business development in synergy-generating areas within the xxx industry. We design and deliver competitive, innovative and sustainable solutions whilst maintaining high levels of service and quality and balancing the legitimate interests of stakeholders.
XXX aims to be acknowledged as a benchmark corporate group in the xxx industry.
francês para inglês: Winemaking Website General field: Ciências Humanas Detailed field: Vinho/enologia/vinicultura
Texto de origem - francês Blanc
Ce vin harmonieux montre une couleur or cristalline avec des reflets jaunes brillants. Au nez, ce vin révèle une riche maturité avec des notes timides de miel et de fruits blancs confits. Après aération, le vin exhibe des notes d’amandes et de vanille, accompagnées d’une pointe fraîche d’agrumes.
En bouche, attaque ronde et velouté avec une douce saveur de miel. Notes minérales caractéristiques du terroir rocailleux. Les notes fruitées sont constamment présentes et donnent au vin une délicieuse expression. En milieu de bouche, le vin gagne en gras avec une belle fraîcheur. Finale longue et ample accentuée de notes d’amandes et de vanille.
Cette cuvée est d’un profond rouge rubis, d’une belle intensité avec de vifs reflets pourpres. Nez dense marqué par la maturité. Vous remarquerez des notes agréables de cassis et de mûres. Avec aération, le vin dévoile un autre éventail d’arômes ponctué par des notes poivrées et épicées.
En bouche, attaque ronde et pleine, soulignée par des arômes confits de baies noires, renforcée par des saveurs de réglisse. Les tanins sont riches et restent fort élégants, procurant au vin une belle souplesse. Belle concentration et très bonne longueur en bouche. C’est un vin harmonieux, racé et prometteur pour les années à venir. À décanter 1 heure, servir entre 16 et 18°C.
La bio-dynamie en viticulture
La culture biodynamique permet à la vie et aux levures de se développer sur la peau du raisin. Plus il y a de variétés de levures indigènes, plus typé sera le vin. Il n'est donc pas nécessaire d'introduire des levures étrangères qui orientent les arômes et finissent par standardiser les vins.
Il en va de même avec l’utilisation des produits œnologiques visant à modifier l’équilibre initial du raisin (chaptalisation, acidification/désacidification, enzymes, azote…), obtenu à partir d’une climatologie et d’un terroir précis. Le vigneron en bio-dynamie fera tout son possible pour obtenir des raisins équilibrés, lui permettant d’éviter l’utilisation de tels produits.
L'utilisation de l'anhydride sulfureux (SO2) reste controversée. Si l’obtention d’un vin sans SO2 reste un objectif louable, force est de constater qu’il n'existe pas d'alternative crédible à une utilisation modérée. Le cahier des charges en vinification bio prévoit une baisse d'environ 50 % des doses maximales admises par le règlement européen.
Additifs et conservateurs ne sont pas nécessaires dès lors que la matière première est soignée et de bonne qualité.
Tradução - inglês White
This harmonious wine boasts a clear golden colour with brilliant yellow highlights. The nose reveals a rich maturity, with undertones of honey and white fruit preserves. Upon aeration there are notes of almond and vanilla blended with a spot of fresh citrus. Mouth-feel is round and velvety, with a soft honey flavour. Mineral notes are characteristic of the rocky soil. Fruit notes are ever-present, resulting in a deliciously expressive wine. In the middle palate, the wine gains fat and a lovely freshness. The aftertaste is long and full-bodied, with accents of almond and vanilla.
This vintage has a beautifully intense ruby-red hue with violet highlights. The nose is dense and remarkable in its maturity. There are noticeable, delicious notes of cassis and blackberry. With aeration, the wine reveals a new range of aromas interspersed with peppery, spicy notes. Mouth-feel is round and full-bodied, with an underlying flavour of dark berries and accents of liquorice. Tannins are rich, lingering and extremely elegant, lending the wine a delightful flexibility. Lovely concentration of flavour and excellent aftertaste. This is a harmonious wine, full of character and promise. Decant 1 hour before serving, then serve between 16ºC and 18°C.
Biodynamic winemaking
Biodynamic farming allows yeasts and other living organisms to develop on the grape’s skin. The greater the variety of indigenous yeasts, the more marked will be the character of the wine. Consequently, there is no need to introduce alien yeasts which would affect the flavour and result in standardized wines.
The same applies to the use of wine-making products such as acidifying or de-acidifying agents, enzymes and nitrogen, aimed at modifying the natural balance of the grape, which is a result of its particular indigenous climate and soil. Biodynamic wine farmers will do everything in their power to produce balanced grapes, so that they can avoid using such products.
The use of sulphur dioxide (SO2) is a moot point. While the production of wine without SO2 remains a laudable goal, we have to admit that there is no feasible alternative to its moderate use. The process of biodynamic wine making aims to decrease by approximately 50% the maximum amounts allowed by European regulations.
Additives and preservatives are not necessary, since our raw material is carefully tended and of high quality.
inglês para português: PhD Dissertation General field: Ciências Humanas Detailed field: Ciências sociais, sociologia, ética etc.
Texto de origem - inglês In times of economic crisis and social turmoil, new technological tools and communications media have become particularly relevant in expressing demands and organizing protest, promoting the emergence of informal mobilization in political and civic action. These are practices where young people have played a prominent though not exclusive role as the visible face of widespread discontent, as evidenced by the recent public demonstrations we witnessed in European countries and the rest of the world. The 2011 protests in Tunisia and Egypt are good examples of this, just as the "Los Indignados" movement in Spain also testifies to the same trend.
If young people have been assigned a leading role in social change, this is largely due to the fact that they apparently represent one of the sections of the population most affected by the social and economic consequences of austerity policies, which translate not only into reductions in State support and in employment opportunities but also result in further unemployment and job insecurity.
Tradução - português Em tempos de crise económica e turbulência social, as novas ferramentas tecnológicas e meios de comunicação têm-se afigurado particularmente relevantes para exprimir reivindicações e organizar o protesto, favorecendo o surgimento de mobilização informal da acção política e cívica. Estas são práticas onde os jovens têm tido um papel proeminente, embora não exclusivo, enquanto rosto visível do descontentamento generalizado, como atestam as recentes manifestações públicas a que assistimos nos países europeus e no resto do mundo. Os protestos de 2011 na Tunísia e no Egipto são um bom exemplo disso, do mesmo modo que o movimento de “Los Indignados” em Espanha também testemunham a mesma tendência.
Se aos jovens tem sido atribuído um papel de protagonistas da mudança social, tal deve-se em grande medida ao facto de estes corresponderem aparentemente a uma das camadas mais afectadas pelas consequências sociais e económicas das políticas de austeridade, traduzidas não apenas numa diminuição dos apoios do Estado e das oportunidades de emprego mas também num aumento das situações de desemprego e precariedade laboral.
inglês para português: Walden, by Henry David Thoreau General field: Arte/Literatura Detailed field: Poesia e literatura
Texto de origem - inglês 1-A. Economy
WHEN I WROTE the following pages, or rather the bulk of them, I lived alone, in the woods, a mile from any neighbor, in a house which I had built myself, on the shore of Walden Pond, in Concord, Massachusetts, and earned my living by the labor of my hands only. I lived there two years and two months. At present I am a sojourner in civilized life again.
I should not obtrude my affairs so much on the notice of my readers if very particular inquiries had not been made by my townsmen concerning my mode of life, which some would call impertinent, though they do not appear to me at all impertinent, but, considering the circumstances, very natural and pertinent. Some have asked what I got to eat; if I did not feel lonesome; if I was not afraid; and the like. Others have been curious to learn what portion of my income I devoted to charitable purposes; and some, who have large families, how many poor children I maintained. I will therefore ask those of my readers who feel no particular interest in me to pardon me if I undertake to answer some of these questions in this book. In most books, the I, or first person, is omitted; in this it will be retained; that, in respect to egotism, is the main difference. We commonly do not remember that it is, after all, always the first person that is speaking. I should not talk so much about myself if there were anybody else whom I knew as well. Unfortunately, I am confined to this theme by the narrowness of my experience. Moreover, I, on my side, require of every writer, first or last, a simple and sincere account of his own life, and not merely what he has heard of other men's lives; some such account as he would send to his kindred from a distant land; for if he has lived sincerely, it must have been in a distant land to me. Perhaps these pages are more particularly addressed to poor students. As for the rest of my readers, they will accept such portions as apply to them.
Tradução - português 1-A. Economia
QUANDO ESCREVI as páginas que se seguem, ou melhor, a maior parte delas, vivia sozinho, nos bosques, a mais de quilómetro e meio de qualquer vizinho, numa casa que eu próprio construíra, nas bordas da Lagoa de Walden, em Concord, Massachusetts, e ganhava a vida exclusivamente com o trabalho das minhas próprias mãos. Lá vivi dois anos e dois meses. Agora, já faço novamente parte da sociedade civilizada.
Não importunaria tanto os meus leitores com os meus assuntos privados, não fossem as perguntas muito particulares dos meus conterrâneos sobre o meu modo de vida, perguntas essas que muitos achariam decerto impertinentes, embora a mim não me pareçam impertinentes mas sim muito naturais e pertinentes, tendo em conta as circunstâncias. Alguns perguntam o que eu comia; se não sofria de solidão; se não tinha medo; e outras coisas semelhantes. Outros têm curiosidade em saber qual a proporção dos meus rendimentos que dedicava a causas caridosas; e alguns, com famílias numerosas, quantas crianças pobres eu sustentava. Pedirei, portanto, aos leitores que não sentirem qualquer interesse particular em mim, que me perdoem se agora me disponho a responder a algumas dessas questões neste livro. Na maioria dos livros, o eu, ou a primeira pessoa, é omisso; neste, será retido; esta, relativamente ao egotismo, é a diferença principal. Geralmente, esquecemo-nos de que, afinal, é sempre a primeira pessoa que fala. Não falaria tanto de mim próprio se houvesse outra pessoa que eu conhecesse tão bem. Infelizmente, estou limitado a este tema pela minha parca experiência. Além disso, pela minha parte, exijo de qualquer escritor, em primeiro e último lugar, um relato simples e sincero da sua própria vida e não meramente aquilo que ouviu dizer sobre a vida dos outros; a espécie de narrativa que escreveria à família alguém que se encontra ausente numa terra distante; pois, se viveu de forma sincera, deve ter sido numa terra distante de mim. Talvez estas páginas se dirijam mais particularmente aos estudantes pobres. Quanto aos meus outros leitores, decerto aceitarão os elementos que se lhes aplicarem.
português para inglês: A Barca Da Vida, by Mário Cláudio General field: Arte/Literatura Detailed field: Poesia e literatura
Texto de origem - português Não há que duvidar de que das mesmas tábuas, outrora de pinho, e agora de cambala, ou de inúmeras qualidades de madeira, se talhou o berço dos meninos que no passado se aquietavam com uma chucha molhada em aguardente e açúcar. Quem diz 'berço' dirá de facto 'barca', palavras quase homófonas, e homógrafas, o que ficará por prova de que não existem coincidências.
Tábuas do casco, dos deques, das escadas, das tarimbas, dos escaleres, da mesa onde os camaradas se reúnem sob a lâmpada afectuosa, tudo resulta da árvore nascida, e morta em suma, na ignorância das ondas. Poderá rugir o mar na sua cólera, e não as satura de visco, poderá o caruncho tentar a sua obra, e não as rói na paciência, poderá o calor ensaiar as suas manchas de inchaço, ou o frio as suas tácticas de constrição, e nada as atingirá, nada de nada. Convocámos o cavername, sustentáculo da construção flutuante, e o imenso respeito apodera-se de nós, imóveis defronte do que singra e range, mas não cede, do que resiste sem medo, e do que perdura sem resistência. As tábuas vieram de um lugar onde impera o silêncio, a floresta atávica, imune aos haustos da salsugem, ao carcinoma da oxidação, e à mordidela dos monstros engendrados por Leviathan.
Virgem de abismos, a madeira que Fernando Pessoa tão bem entendeu, ansiosa de vagas, arfa no mistério do seu coração.
Um lenhador decrépito, seguido pela visionária neta que fixa no horizonte a luz do olhar, derrubou o pinheiro, cortou-o em toros regularíssimos, deitou-se no chão, e adormeceu aos pés do mareante que veio cavar-lhe a sepultura. Lançada às águas, a barca desliza na imensidão.
Tradução - inglês There can be no doubt that from the same timbers, once pine and now cambala or countless other kinds of wood, were carved the cradles of infants who in the past were soothed with a pacifier dipped in brandy and sugar. If we say 'cradle' we might just as well say 'craft', both words for a vessel, and so similar in sound and spelling that they could be proof that there is no such thing as coincidence.
Timbers from the hull, the decks, the stairs, the bunks, the longboats, the table around which the comrades gather under the affectionate lamp, all of these result from the tree that is born and ultimately dies never having known the ocean’s waves. The sea may roar in anger but it will not saturate them, woodworm may strive to do its work but it will not manage to gnaw through their patience, the heat can attempt its swelling stains, or the cold its constricting tactics, but nothing shall harm them, nothing at all. We called upon the frame, mainstay of the floating edifice, and an immense respect seizes us as we stand motionless before something that sails and creaks but does not yield, that resists without fear and endures without resistance. The timbers came from a place where silence reigns, the atavistic forest, immune to the salty breath, the carcinoma of oxidation and the bite of monsters engendered by Leviathan.
Virgin of the abyss, the wood that Fernando Pessoa understood so well, eager for the surf, throbs within the mystery of her heart. A decrepit lumberjack, followed by his visionary granddaughter who keeps her luminous gaze on the horizon, felled the pine tree, chopped it into perfectly uniform logs, lay down on the ground and went to sleep at the feet of the mariner who came to dig his grave. Set afloat upon the waters, the vessel glides into boundlessness.
espanhol para inglês: Software Requirements General field: Tecn./Engenharia Detailed field: TI (Tecnologia da Informação)
Texto de origem - espanhol Requisitos del sistema de soporte del Instituto de xxxx
[RK-2] Estructura y partes
El sistema de Instituto de xxxx se estructura en varias partes independientes:
- "main": Información general al público. Esta parte no es interactiva.
- "user": Subsistema de gestión/administración de cuentas de usuario.
- "join": Subsistema de reclutamiento de panelistas (usuarios).
- "poll": Subsistema de campo (encuestas).
[RK-3] Plataforma
1) El sistema será on-line, basado en web.
2) Deberá funcionar en cualquier servidor web Apache 1.3 (
3) Deberá estar programado en lenguaje PHP 5.2 (
4) El back-end de datos será MySQL 5.0 (
5) El código mostrado será HTML o XHTML y seguirá alguno de los estándares admitidos por el W3C ( Como especificación mínima será el
"HTML 4.01 Transitional" (
Sin que sea necesario, sería interesante que el HTMl utilizado fuera "XHTML 1.0" (
Tradução - inglês Support system requirements of the Institute of xxxx
[RK-2] Structure and components
The Institute of xxxx's system is structured into several independent components:
- " main": General public information. This component is not interactive.
- " user": Management/administration subsystem for user accounts.
- " join": Subsystem for the recruitment of survey subjects (users).
- " poll": Field subsystem (surveys).
[RK-3] Platform
1) This will be an online, Web-based system.
2) It will have to function in any Apache 1.3 Web server (
3) It will have to be programmed in PHP 5.2 language (
4) The data back-end will be MySQL 5.0 (
5) Displayed code will be HTML or XHTML and will follow some of the standards allowed by W3C ( The minimum specification is " HTML 4.01 Transitional" (
Although not necessary, it would be of interest to use HTML "XHTML 1.0" (
inglês (Cambridge University, verified) africâner (Transvaal Education Department, verified) espanhol (The Open University, verified) francês (Alliance française Paris Ile-de-France (Ecole Internationale de Langue et de Civilisation Françaises), verified)
Adobe Acrobat, memoQ, MemSource Cloud, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Powerpoint, Wordfast
CLIENTS HAVE TRUSTED ME FOR 25 YEARS because they know I take pride in delivering top-quality professional language services within their deadline and
• Business/Commerce— corporate
and e-commerce websites, online/digital marketing, other marketing content,
advertising, sustainability reports, organizational procedures, company
documentation, international correspondence, quality assurance manuals, product
descriptions, press releases, market research, financial documents, legal
• Academic translation— research
papers, journal articles, theses - Architecture, Art, Business, Digital Media,
Economics, Education, Geography, Geology, Healthcare, History, Information
Technology, Law, Literature, Medicine, Music, Nursing, Philosophy, Psychology
and Sociology.
• Medical translation — COVID-19,
vaccines, English for Nursing, medical procedures and devices, patients’
medical history/records, pharmaceutical literature, nursing education
materials, medical conference presentations, theses, journal articles.
• Oenology, winemaking
• Tourism and hospitality
• Consumer electronics
• Literature: fiction and poetry
• Information Technology -user interfaces,
training manuals, user guides.
I have been a language solutions provider
since 1996. As a translator, reviewer, and copy editor, I have worked
with government bodies, universities, corporate clients and agencies in
Portugal, Brazil, Angola, Germany, Spain, France, Panama, Taiwan, China,
Singapore, South Africa, Canada, Australia, the UK and the US. I am also an
English teacher/lecturer and I
occasionally work as a consecutive/liaison interpreter at
business meetings and university events.
to English (UK) English to Portuguese (Portugal) French to English French to
Portuguese Spanish to English Spanish to Portuguese Afrikaans to English
Afrikaans to Portuguese Sworn
translation - Notarised translation
UK English, European Portuguese
UK English, European Portuguese
Language Studies: English, Spanish (majors), French (minor) - (UK) Diplôme
Supérieur (Alliance Française) Diploma in English Language Studies (UK) Diploma
in Spanish (UK/Spain) CELTA (Cambridge University) National Certificate in
Computer Science (South Africa) English-speaking High School (South Africa)
Portuguese-speaking High School (Mozambique and Portugal)
CAT Tools - Wordfast Pro,
memoQ, Memsource
RATES - Quoted for
each particular project, based on factors like language pair, subject matter,
language complexity, file format, volume and deadline. Please contact me for an estimate.