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Translation, Editing/proofreading
português para inglês
Specializes in
Computadores: sistemas, redes, Computadores (geral), Esportes/forma física/recreação, and 7 more.
Native in
português (Variant: European/Portugal) Native in português, inglês (Variants: UK, US) Native in inglês

26 positive reviews

(26 reviews) profile photo
Linda Cai ( / Pte Ltd)
Mar 12, 2015
Fast and good qualtiy translation. Very kind and Patient. Very pleased to work with. profile photo
Mar 04, 2015
(Originally entered Feb 06, 2015)
She is very efficient and professional. I recommend her. profile photo
Svetlana Podkolzina
Jan 28, 2014
It was a pleasure working with you Monica, I appreciate the fast turnaround time and the quality of the translation! profile photo
Robert Jastram (Sepura Systems GmbH)
Dec 11, 2013
Monica is always very flexible and willing to turn work around fast. Would definitely recommend and expect to continue working with her in the future profile photo
Charlie Rowland (Rowlandmedia)
Dec 10, 2013
Great, prompt and professional service. profile photo
Chris Szabo (Navega Bem - web Design Lda.)
Dec 05, 2013
Always professional translations and rapid service. I would not hesitate to recommend Monica to anyone requiring translations. profile photo
Jaquelina (JM Translation)
Dec 03, 2013
Monica is a highly efficient and responsible translator. Very good communication and professional dynamics. I worked with her the last five years. Compliance is efficient not only as a translator but also as contractor. I highly recommend Monica Merril to do your jobs!
Monica's work was fast and accurate and she handed in her work within the deadline. profile photo
Dec 02, 2013
Es una excelente traductora y colaboradora, principalmente, en sus pares de lenguas: portugués e inglés. En las ocasiones que hemos trabajado juntos, ha desarrollado su trabajo safistactoriamente, tanto en niveles de calidad como de puntualidad. Santiago Martínez ( profile photo
Geetha (GMAB services PVT LTD)
Dec 02, 2013
Deliveries on time. Highly professional profile photo
Sergey Kalashnik
Nov 26, 2013
Monica is a reliable translator. Fast translation + highest quality.

Outsourcer feedback
(Those who did not leave a comment)

Jul 26, 2017

Willing to work with again: Yes

May 28, 2015
Marta Caeiro

Willing to work with again: Yes

Aug 19, 2014

Willing to work with again: Yes

Jan 27, 2014

Willing to work with again: Yes

Jan 21, 2014
(Oettingen GmbH) Blue Board Oettingen GmbH
Avg. LWA : 5 (4 entries)
Willing to work with again: Yes

Dec 02, 2013

Willing to work with again: Yes

Dec 02, 2013
Ursula (Eurofinesco)

Willing to work with again: Yes profile photo
Luisa Pinto
Apr 17, 2014
Monica is a top professional in her area of expertise. Knowledgeable and resourceful, never misses a deadline or fails to meet expectations. A pleasure to work with. profile photo
Elisabete Valente
Dec 02, 2013
It was a pleasure to collaborate with Monica Merrill. I wouldn't hesitate in working with her again.
Monica is great to work with. Very nice and professional. profile photo
Kimrey Batts
Nov 20, 2013
A pleasure to work with, very pleasant and easy to communicate with. profile photo
Amanda DesJardins
Nov 20, 2013 Blue Board TransLite Solutions
Avg. LWA : 5 (7 entries)
I have done some outsourcing for Monica, she is an excellent communicator and very professional! profile photo
Bryan Cahoon
Sep 18, 2013
Monica outsourced a translation to me, and it was a pleasure to work for her. She communicates well, and paid promptly.

Colleague feedback
(Those who did not leave a comment)

Dec 09, 2013
Sean Williams (X)

Willing to work with again: Yes

Dec 09, 2013
Christiane Kunth

Willing to work with again: Yes

Managed Services feedback
(This section shows feedback received after completing jobs via Managed Services)

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