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espanhol para inglês - Taxa: 0.06 - 0.07 EUR por palavra / 20 - 25 EUR por hora português para inglês - Taxa: 0.06 - 0.07 EUR por palavra / 20 - 25 EUR por hora italiano para inglês - Taxa: 0.06 - 0.07 EUR por palavra / 20 - 25 EUR por hora francês para inglês - Taxa: 0.06 - 0.07 EUR por palavra / 20 - 25 EUR por hora romeno para inglês - Taxa: 0.06 - 0.07 EUR por palavra / 20 - 25 EUR por hora
catalão para inglês - Taxa: 0.06 - 0.07 EUR por palavra / 20 - 25 EUR por hora
português para inglês: Civilian Aspects of Crisis Management General field: Ciências Humanas Detailed field: Governo/política
Texto de origem - português O desenvolvimento dos aspectos civis dos mecanismos de gestão de crises constitui uma elevada prioridade para os Parceiros da Cooperação, todos eles empenhados no processo de desenvolvimento ou revisão da legislação e dos mecanismos associados. Estas atividades serviram de fórum para debates relacionados com o papel do parlamento, a divisão de responsabilidades entre os ministérios/organismos civis e o aparelho militar, e entre os diferentes níveis governamentais. As atividades conduzidas nos diversos Países Parceiros centraram-se no desenvolvimento duma percepção destes conceitos no seio do governo, da função pública, dos militares e da mídia. Um documento identificando um certo número de princípios comuns aos países da Aliança em matérias de legislação e dispositivos de planejamento civil de emergência está para ser redigido por um grupo de relatores da OTAN [NATO] e será transmitido aos Parceiros da Cooperação ainda este ano.
Tradução - inglês Developing the civilian aspects of crisis management mechanisms is of high priority to the Cooperation Partners, all of which are engaged in the process of developing or revising the associated legislation and mechanisms. These activities served as a discussion forum concerning the role of Parliament and the division of responsibilities between the ministries/civilian organizations and the military, and between the different levels of government. Activities conducted in the various Partner Countries focused on developing an understanding of these concepts within the government, the public sector, the military and the media. A document identifying a certain number of principles common to allied countries regarding legislation and provisions for civil emergency planning is to be drafted by a group of NATO rapporteurs and will be sent to the Cooperation Partners later this year.
italiano para inglês: Italian Business Translation General field: Adm./Finanças Detailed field: Negócios/comércio (geral)
Texto de origem - italiano Vi chiediamo di sottoporci la Vostra migliore offerta per la fornitura in appresso descritta da effetuarsi alle seguenti condizioni :
1) Specificazioni techniche
Il materiale e le apparecchiature dovranno essere quotate in stretto accordo con l’allegata richiesta di approvvisionamento a le specifiche, norme a tabelle dati a disegni citati e/o allegati, ed alle condizioni generali di fornitura che formano parte integrante della presente richiesta.
2) Condizioni generali di acquisto
La quotazione dovrà essere in accordo alle richieste specificate nella allegate condizioni generali di acquisto che sono parte integrante dell'ordine al fornitore selezionato.
3) Variazioni alle specifiche e/o disegni
Voi dovrete dichiarare nella quotazione se il materiale o le apparechiature sono in accordo a quanto richiesto dalle specifiche, norme, tabelle, dati a disegni allegati. Qualsiasi eccezione dovrà essere dettagliatamente indicata nella quotazione. In caso contrario si assume che la quotazione è in completo accordo con quanto indicato nella richiesta di offerta.
4) Parti dì ricambio
Le offerte di apparecchiature dovranno essere completate con l’elenco e il prezzo delle parti dì ricambio da Voi raccomandate per due anni di esercizio. L’offerta delle parti di ricambio dovra essere compilata usando l’allegato formato CTIP.
Tradução - inglês We ask that you submit your best offer for provision of services hereinafter described to be carried out under the following conditions:
1) Technical Specifications
The material and equipment must be listed in strict accordance with the specifications of the request for proposals, as well as the standards, tables, data, mentioned and/or attached drawings, and with the general supply conditions which form an important part of this request.
2) General Purchasing Terms and Conditions
The listing should be in accordance with the requirements specified in the attached General Purchasing Terms and Conditions, which are an integral part of the order to the selected supplier.
3) Changes in Specifications and/or drawings
You will have to state in the quote if the material or equipment are in accordance with what is required by the specifications, standards, tables, data, and accompanying drawings. Any exception must be indicated in detail in the listing. Otherwise it is assumed that the listing is in complete agreement with what is stated in the Request for Proposals.
4) Spare Parts
Equipment offers must be completed with the listing and price of the spare parts which you recommend for two years of operation. The supply of spare parts must be compiled using the attached CTIP format.
espanhol para inglês: LEFT CORONARY CATHETERIZATION, CORONARY ANGIOGRAM, AND VENTRICULOGRAM General field: Medicina Detailed field: Medicina: cardiologia
Diagnostio Clinico
PROCEDIMIENTO: Por arteria femoral derecha por método de Seldinger se efectúa coronariografla derecha e izquierda utilizando OPTIRAY320 como medio de contraste. Se utilizaron catéteres Judkins N° 6-4.
A. o. : 159/80 mmHg
V.I. : 159/0-15 mmHg
El tronco es corto, de buen calibre y no tiene lesiones.
La arteria descendente anterior ateromatosa en su tercio proximal y se ocluye en su tercio medio.
Primer ramo diagonal difusamente elÚenno, con estenosis de 60% en su segmento proximal.
La arteria circunfleja es de buen desarrolloco dominante, no presenta lesiones obstructivas. Primer
ramo obtuso marginal sin lesiones obstructivas. Segundo ramo obtuso marginal con lesión de 50%
en su origen.
CORONARIA DERECHA.-. Co dominante. De buen desarrollo. Presenta irregularidades en todo su trayecto con estenosis menor de 50%.
VENTRICULOGRAFIA: Se observa ventriculo izquierdo con volumen de fin de sfstoly fm de diástole normal. Existe hipoquinesia leve de pared anterior media y apical y apical, con buena función global del VI. No hay reflujo de medio de contraste a través de la válvula mitral. La raíz aórtica es normal.
Enfermedad ateromatosa de las arterias coronarias epicárdicas que incluye oclusión antigua de ADA media.
Ventrículo izquierdo con hipoquinesia inferior basal y media y buena función global.
Clinical Diagnosis
PROCEDURE: The right and left coronary angiogram is carried out through the right femoral artery according to the Seldinger method utilizing the OPTIRAY320 as a contrast medium. Judkins catheters N˚
6-4 were utilized for the procedure.
INCIDENTS, MEDICATIONS: There were no significant incidents.
Ao : 159/80 mm Hg
LV : 159/0-15 mm Hg
LEFT CORONARY ARTERY.- The trunk is short, of good caliber, without lesions.
The descending anterior artery is atheromatous in its proximal third and is occluded in its middle third. The first diagonal branch is diffusely diseased, with stenosis of 60% in its proximal segment.
The circumflex artery is well developed, co-dominant, no obstructive lesions present. No obstructive lesions on the first obtuse marginal branch. The second obtuse marginal branch shows 50% lesion at its origin.
RIGHT CORONARY ARTERY.- Co-dominant. Well developed. Shows irregularities throughout its trajectory with less than 50% stenosis.
VENTRICULOGRAM.- The left ventricle is shown to have normal end-systolic and end-diastolic volume. There is light hypokinesis of the anterior medial and apical wall, with good global cardiac function of the LV. There is no reflux of the contrast medium through the mitral valve. The aortic root is normal.
Atheromatous disease of the epicardial coronary arteries which includes long-standing occlusion of the medial ADA.
Left ventricle with inferior basal and medial hypokinesis and good global cardiac function.
francês para inglês: Quality Control General field: Tecn./Engenharia Detailed field: Construção/engenharia civil
Texto de origem - francês Une attention particulière sera accordée à la démarche de qualité environnementale globale des bâtiments comme par exemple à la qualité de l’air intérieur, au plan des logements pour accroître la récupération d'énergie solaire en hiver, à l’optimisation énergétique des réseaux de distribution de chaleur, à l’optimisation de la régulation des systèmes de chauffage, au choix optimal des systèmes de ventilation, à l’éclairage, à la protection solaire pour le confort d’été, au choix des matériaux de construction…
Tradução - inglês Particular attention will be given to the overall environmental quality approach of the buildings such as, for example, the quality of indoor air, the housing scheme designed to increase the capture of solar energy during the winter, the energy optimisation of heat distribution networks, the optimisation of regulations for heating systems, optimal choices for ventilation systems, lighting, protection from the sun for summer comfort, and the choice of building materials…
francês para inglês: Lipid digestion General field: Medicina Detailed field: Nutrição
Texto de origem - francês Les produits de la digestion des lipides sont des monoglycérides, des acides gras, du cholestérol et des lysophospholipides. Ces nutriments sont associés aux sels biliaires sous forme de micelles qui permettent leur absorption par la bordure « en brosse » des entérocytes.
Tradução - inglês The products for lipid digestion are monoglycerides, fatty acids, cholesterol, and lysophospholipids. These nutrients are associated with bile salts in the form of micelles which allow them to be absorbed by the “brush” border of enterocytes.
catalão para inglês: Police Document General field: Direito/Patentes Detailed field: Direito (geral)
Texto de origem - catalão Generalitat de Catalunya
Departament d’Interior
Direccio General de la Policia
Diligencies numero: *************
Hora l data: **:** hores del día ** de *****de ****
Instructor/a: Mosso del cos de Mossos d’Esquadra, amb TIP *****
COMPAREIXENCA A 1- Ciutat Vella, a les **:** hores del día ** de ***** de ****, I davant o’aquesta instruccio
Qui acredita ser ******* nascuit el día ** de marc de **** a Hyderabad (India), fill de ***** i de ****** , amb Permis de coduir (Estats Units d Ameri) numero ******; amb domicill a **************** , USA, i telefon ********
Email: ********
Que en aquesta declaracio s assistit/da per I’Interpret ******* amb DNI ******
..Que ha estat informat dels drets que II son propis, mitlancant acta/esindependents.
…Que no te/tenen res mes a dir i signen aquesta compareixenca en prova de conformitat totes les persones que hi han intervingut, a las **:** hores del día ** de ***** de ****.
Perque consti ho certifico.
Tradução - inglês Generalitat of Catalonia
Department of the Interior
Police Headquarters
Proceedings number: *************
Date and Time: **:** p.m., ****** **, ****
Examiner: Corporal of the Mossos d’Esquadra, Professional Identification Card No. *****
APPEARANCE: In 1- Ciutat Vella, at **:** p.m., ****** **, ****, before this investigation
The individual claiming to be ********, born ***** **, ****, in Hyderabad (India), son of ***** and ****, with the American Driver’s License No. ********; with residence at **********, USA, with telephone number ***********
E-mail: ******
Who is assisted in this declaration by the Interpreter ***** ******, bearer of National Identification Card (DNI) No. ******.
...that he has been informed of the rights to which he is entitled by means of independent act(s).
…that he has nothing further to say, and that all of those who have intervened today hereby sign in witness whereof at **:** p.m., ****** **, ****.
In witness thereof, I hereby certify the foregoing.
Formação educacional em tradução
Bachelor's degree - University of Houston
Anos de experiência em tradução: 14 Registrado no May 2012. Tornou-se associado em: May 2012
espanhol para inglês (University Training ) espanhol para inglês (Proficiency Assessment from Nielsen Media Research) romeno para inglês (Residence in Romania for 2 years) português para inglês (Residence in Portugal since May 2022)
DejaVu, Easyling, MemSource Cloud, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, OmegaT, Powerpoint, STAR Transit, Trados Studio
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My name is Robert Long and I am an experienced freelance translator specializing in Latin-based languages. Since 2012, my personal and professional journey has been defined by a strong commitment to consistent quality and meticulous attention to detail. This dedication is aimed at providing substantial value to the companies I work with.
As an American living abroad since 2018, my experiences over the past few years have greatly honed my linguistic abilities while also deepening my understanding of different cultures. Such insights are invaluable in the field of translation.
Over the course of my career, I have skillfully translated over 5 million words across various domains, with a primary focus on legal and marketing content. I am a proficient with Trados and have also worked with a number of proprietary web-based translation tools used by my clients.
Before embarking on this exciting career path, I served as a Project Manager for a successful translation agency in Houston, Texas. This role equipped me with essential industry knowledge and allowed me to develop efficient processes that continue to guide my work as a language service provider today.
Please let me know if you would like additional information or wish for me to complete any test translations. I would love the chance to work together, leveraging my knowledge and experience to provide value and quality to your company.
Thank you so much for your time and consideration.
Warm regards,
"In a world of machine translations and less than qualified translators, it can be hard to find quality and reliability. Fortunately, Robert Long offers both in not one, but five crucial languages. His attention to detail and commitment to quality are evident no matter the size or complexity of the translation. Not only is he fast, but his translations are solid. For quality and convenience on an affordable budget, Robert long is the way to go!"
~Cory Davis, Project Manager – Academy of Translation