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Em qual projeto de tradução você está trabalhando agora?
Proofreading a Master's Thesis on football
(editado) Testimonies about the Brazilian Military Dictatorship
1 user
(editado) En traduisant des jugements de tribunal.
(editado) translating an article on architecture and social transformation.
1 user
(editado) I'm reviewing a study on the impact of remote teaching on the training of social workers
(editado) Just revised the translation of a compilation of studies on education in emergency situations.
I'm translating an article on architecture and urbanism
(editado) I'm reviewing an unpublished novel.
(editado) just translated an abstract of a veterinary essay on canine disease
1 user
(editado) just translated a fable
(editado) Just a test
(editado) Just edited the translation of a headhunter website
(editado) Just translated an abstract
1 user
(editado) I transcribed a 4:20 audience last week
editing a marketing book
(editado) Just evaluated yet another translation sample submitted in a Certified PRO application.
Just translated a report on the war in Ukraine.
Just took a translation test for an NGO.
(editado) Just evaluated an excellent translation
(editado) Just translated a letter.
Just finished a translation proofreading of a manual on prophylactic measures in public health.
Translating procedural testimonies again.
(editado) Translating procedural testimonies.
(editado) I just reviewed an example text from a Certified PRO Network candidate.
Transcribing an average of 1.5 hours of processual hearings per day
I just translated a series of Halal slaughter certificates
Translating a technical report on corporate restructuring
(editado) Testimony.
Translanting another insurance policy.
(editado) Medical study
Translating statements about personal and family relationships.
(editado) Proofreading a medical study
Translating an abstract about the pandemic impact on nursing professionals' mental health
(editado) Translating an article abstract.
(editado) Translating a privacy policy contract.
(editado) Translating an article about the importance of networking for entrepreneurs.
(editado) Inactivated Virus Vaccine Study
(editado) Subtitle translation
PT>EN academic article abstracts
1 user
Translation proofreading
Translating a suspense tale.
(editado) Evaluating tests of new translators
Training Course for Translators and Community Interpreters
PT-BR and PT-EU Transcription
Translating the guidelines of the Bachelor of Social Work courses from Portuguese to English (14,800 words)
Translating a vaccination booklet
1 user
Post-editing in automatic transcription (subtitling)