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Em qual projeto de tradução você está trabalhando agora?

Julia Shpakova publicado em compartilhado:

I completed the Rus-Eng translation of travel content about Russian handicrafts and souvenirs to take home from Russia, i.e. matryoshkas, samovars, and much more! Very insightful.


I Do That

Julia Shpakova publicado em compartilhado:

I tapped the blockchain and decentralized ecosystem. Great experience. An intersection of business, philosophy, logics, finance, and democracy. Huge potential not only for miners, for me as a translator and creative writer as well. I could not even think about such opprotunities, I'm too shortsighted.

bitcoin,blockchain,liquid democracy,decentralized ecosystem


I Do That

  • inglês para russo
  • 45680 palavras
  • Компьютеры: Системы и сети
  • Other CAT tool
Julia Shpakova publicado em compartilhado:

And now I'm almost through with the study about illicit financial flows and the undergrownd economy, very impressive


I Do That

  • inglês para russo
  • 14367 palavras
  • Бизнес / Коммерция (в целом)
  • Other CAT tool
Julia Shpakova publicado em compartilhado:

I finished a very interesting paper from English to Russian about venture capitalists and their decisions-making process.


I Do That

  • inglês para russo
  • 20590 palavras
  • Финансы (в целом)
  • MemoQ