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Em qual projeto de tradução você está trabalhando agora?

Paolo Romeo publicado em compartilhado:

Just received the published translation of "O Cavailero da Dinamarca", a Portuguese fairy tale by Sophia de Mello Breyner Andresen, which I completed in December (from Portuguese into Italian). Now working on "The Silver Trumpet", by Owen Barfield, going through the final revision and submitting by 26 January 2024 (English into Italian).


I Do That

Paolo Romeo publicado em compartilhado:

The Silver Trumpet, by Owen Barfield - This a long terms project, due by late 2021. It's the translation of a fairy tale first published in 1925, written by Tolkien's friend and first fellow Inkling.

fairy tale, literary, fantasy, children literature, Owen Barfield, Inklings


1 userI Do That

  • inglês para italiano
  • 31930 palavras
  • Poetry & Literature