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Em qual projeto de tradução você está trabalhando agora?
Transcreation and adaptation of the website of an internationally famous Whisky brand for the Mexican Market
Negociation Skills Training Materials for large multinational pharmaceutical company
Transcreation and adaptation of the website of a European Beauty Brand for the Mexican Market
Large internal Marketing Process Manual for top computer company
Language audit for marketing purposes of a large feminine care brand
Cosmetic (premium perfumes) company's employees manuals
Checking of UI translations for major dating app in the world.
Large sales guide for major Music streaming app
Cultural consultation on ads for a global social app Transcreation of ads for a global food brand new bouillon cubes! Two weeks ago I started a 250,000 word project from PT into ES. E-learning related to Project Management
Major beauty brand Glossary transcreation for webpage 8000 words
Just finished reviewing transcreated strings for a major dating app! Translation of blog articles for a European Luxury Beauty brand. 6000 words
Translation of PT to ES articles on IT news
(editado) Adaptations of IT/Software translations into Mexican Spanish (5000 words)
Cheking Tourism transcreation, 5000 words
Blog articles for a major beauty brand. My favorite kind of work!
(editado) Reviewing adaptations of Social Media post for a major media channel I am transcreating marketing materials for major international hotel brand! |