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espanhol para inglês: Environmental Impact and Risk General field: Direito/Patentes
Texto de origem - espanhol El presente se emite en referencia a su escrito sin numero con fecha de su presentación, recibido en esta Dirección General de lmpacto y Riesgo Ambiental (DGIRA) el 15 de octubre de 2012, a través del cual como representante legal de la empresa XXX (promovente), expuso lo concerniente a los artículos 34 de la Ley General del Equilibrio Ecologico y Ia Protección al Ambiente (LGEEPA), y 40 de su Reglamento en Materia de Evaluación del lmpacto Ambiental (REIA), solicitando se le confirme que los plazos previstos para solicitar que se ponga a disposición del público Ia Manifestación de lmpacto Ambiental, modalidad Regional en la entidad federativa de que se trate; presentar medidas de prevención y mitigación adicionales u observaciones; y solicitar consulta pública o reunión pública de información, han fenecido, y que en consecuencia no dar tramite a cualquier solicitud de consulta publica y/o reunión pública de información que hayan sido presentadas fuera de los plazos establecidos por la LGEEPA y su REIA para el denominado "XXX", en lo sucesivo el proyecto; además de que se le notifiquen las propuestas de prevención y mitigación adicionales u otras observaciones que hayan sido presentadas desde el inicio del procedimiento de evaluación de impacto ambiental para el proyecto.
AI respecto, le informo que el procedimiento de evaluación de impacto ambiental al que esta sujeto el proyecto, lo lleva a cabo esta DGIRA de conformidad con lo establecido en la LGEEPA y el REIA, sin que a la fecha se haya solicitado una consulta o reunión pública de información del proyecto por las cuales se hubiesen generado propuestas de prevención o mitigación para el mismo.
Tradução - inglês This document is issued in reference to its writ without number with its submission date, received at this Directorate General of Environmental Impact and Risk (DGIRA) on October 15, 2012, through which as legal representative of the company XXX. (petitioner), expressed that pursuant to articles 34 of the General Law of Ecological Balance and Environmental Protection (LGEEPA), and 40 of its Regulation on Environmental Impact Assessment (REIA), requesting confirmation of the deadlines set forth to request that the Environmental Impact Statement be made available to the public, regional modality in the state in which it concerns; present additional prevention and mitigation measures or observations; and request a public consultation or public information meeting. They have expired, and as a result, will not process any request for public consultation and/or public information meeting that has been submitted after the deadlines set forth by the LGEEPA and its REIA for the so called "XXX", hereinafter the project; in addition to notifying about the additional prevention and mitigation proposals or other observation that have been submitted since the beginning of the environmental impact assessment process for the project.
Accordingly, I inform you that the environmental impact assessment process that the project is subject to, is being carried out by this DGIRA in accordance to that set forth in the LGEEPA and REIA, without having requested a consultation or public meeting about the project’s information for which prevention or mitigation proposals would have been generated for it.
português para inglês: Serra da Estrela Cuisine General field: Marketing Detailed field: Turismo e viagem
Texto de origem - português As delícias da gastronomia local, essas, duram todo o ano. Com os seus sabores extraídos da natureza – como os frutos e as ervas – e técnicas de confecção ímpares, a gastronomia da Serra da Estrela ocupa um lugar de destaque no panorama nacional.Pode-se até dizer que a fama de iguarias como o magnífico Queijo da Serra ultrapassa mesmo, há muito, as fronteiras de Portugal. E a história também deixou as suas marcas na Serra da Estrela onde as gentes e os costumes ajudam a retroceder no tempo, a recuperar memórias e a transmitir tradições.
Tradução - inglês The delights of local cuisine, these, last all year. With its flavours extracted from nature – such as fruit and herbs – and unparalled cooking techniques, Serra da Estrela’s cuisine is one of the highlights of the national panorama. One could even say that the renown of delicacies like the magnificent Mountain Cheese surpasses even beyond the borders of Portugal. History as well has left its marks in the Serra da Estrala where the people and the customs help to go back in time, to bring back memories and pass on traditions.
espanhol para inglês: Medical Report General field: Medicina Detailed field: Medicina (geral)
Texto de origem - espanhol ESTUDIO MICROSCÓPICO:
1) Vesícula Biliar con pliegues aplanados. El corion presenta infiltrado leucocitario y fibrosis que disocia la túnica muscular hipertrófica.
2) Fragmento de ganglios linfáticos sin signos de lesión tumoral.
3) Fragmento de tejido fibroadiposo sin lesión tumoral.
4) En los cortes practicados a la lesión tumoral descripta, se observa proceso neoplásico maligno constituido por glándulas irregulares revestidas por células atípicas con núcleos pleomórficos.
Alterna áreas extensa de material mucoide y se reconocen émbolos tumorales en vasos linfáticos. El proceso descrito, infiltra y ulcera la pared duodenal adyacente.
El tejido pancreático peritumoral muestra extensas fibrosis entre los islotes pancreáticos con focos de inflación crónica.
Tradução - inglês MICROSCOPIC STUDY:
1) Gallbladder with flattened pleats. The chorion shows an infiltrated leukocyte and fibrosis that separates the hypertrophic tunica muscularis.
2) Lymph node fragment without any signs of tumour lesion.
3) Fibroadipose tissue fragment without tumour lesion.
4) In the practise cuts to the tumour lesion described, a malignant neoplastic process constituted by irregular glands covered by atypical cells with pleomorphic nuclei. It alternates large areas of mucoid material and tumour emboli in the lymphatic vessels are recognized. The described process seeps and ulcerates the adjacent duodenal wall.
The peritumoral pancreatic tissue shows extensive fibrosis between the pancreatic islets with foci with chronic inflammation.
espanhol para inglês: Hydraulic systems. RM – HS.COM General field: Tecn./Engenharia Detailed field: Mecânica/engenharia mecânica
Texto de origem - espanhol PRODUCTOS
1. El diámetro interno debe ser lo suficientemente grande para el flujo del volumen a ser transportado. Esto reduce perdidas de presión y daños al sistema por turbulencia y calentamiento adicional.
2. Los rangos de temperatura especificados deben ser mantenidos, esto también se aplica a las temperaturas externas. Si la manguera es utilizada continuamente en rangos máximos, su vida útil será reducida; dependiendo de la aplicación individual de cada sistema.
3. Debe asegurare de que todas las especificaciones solicitadas para el sistema sean satisfechas:
-Presión de operación, posibles máximos de presión.
-Vacio parcial.
-Temperatura interna y externa.
-Resistencia a fluidos presurizados.
-Problemas de instalación.
-Influencias medioambientales.
4. La presión de operación especificada debe ser igual o menor que la presión del sistema. Los máximos de presión que exceden estos niveles pueden reducir la vida del sistema.
Nuevos Productos:
Tradução - inglês PRODUCTS
1. The inside diameter should be big enough for the flow of volume to be transported. This reduces the loss of pressure and damage to the system by turbulence and over heating.
2. The specified temperature levels should be maintained. This also applies to the external temperatures. If the hose is continuously used at maximum levels, the operating life will be reduced, depending on the individual application of each system.
3. You should make sure that all of the requested specifications for the system are fulfilled:
-Working pressure, possible maximum pressures.
-Partial emptiness.
-Internal and external temperature.
-Resistance to pressurized fluids.
-Installation problems.
-Environmental influences.
4. The specified working pressure should be equal or less than the system pressure. The maximum pressures that exceed these levels can reduce the life of the system.
New Products:
inglês para espanhol: God-Given Faith/Fe Dada Por Dios General field: Outra Detailed field: Religião
Texto de origem - inglês 1. Read Hebrews 11:1-11. I believe that there is only one way to all the treasures of God, and that is the way of faith. By faith and faith alone do we enter into a knowledge of the attributes and become partakers of the beatitudes, and participate in the glories of our ascended Lord. All His promises are Yea and Amen to them that believe.
2. God would have us come to Him by His own way. That is through the open door of grace. A way has been made. It is a beautiful way, and all His saints can enter in by this way and find rest. God has prescribed that the just shall live by faith. I find that all is failure that has not its base on the rock Christ Jesus. He is the only way, the truth and the life. The way of faith is the Christ way, receiving Him in His fullness and walking in Him; receiving His quickening life that filleth, moveth and changeth us, bringing us to a place where there is always an Amen in our hearts to all the will of God.
Tradução - espanhol 1. Lea Hebreos 11:1-11. Yo creo que hay solo un camino a los tesoros de Dios, y ese es el camino de fe. Por fe y sólo fe entramos en un conocimiento de los atributos y nos volvemos participantes de las bienaventuranzas, y participantes en las glorias de nuestro Señor ascendido. Todas Sus promesas son Sí y Amén para los que creen.
2. Dios quiere que vengamos a Él por su propio camino. Eso es por la puerta abierta de la gracia. Un camino ha sido hecho. Es un camino hermoso, y todos Sus santos pueden entrar por este camino y encontrar reposo. Dios ha prescrito que los justo vivirán por fe. Y encuentro que todo es fracaso, lo que no tiene su base en la roca Cristo Jesús. Él es el único camino, la verdad y la vida. El camino de fe es el camino de Cristo, recibiéndole en su plenitud y caminando en Él; recibiendo Su vida vivificante que llena, mueve y no cambia, trayéndonos a un lugar donde siempre hay un Amen en nuestros corazones a la voluntad de Dios.
Formação educacional em tradução
Bachelor's degree - North Carolina State University
Anos de experiência em tradução: 13 Registrado no May 2011.
Ever since I was a little boy I knew that I wanted to travel to different countries, learn new languages and experience a variety of cultures. So I studied Spanish at North Carolina State University, graduated in 2004 and moved to Bolivia in 2005 where I met my wonderful Bolivian wife and with whom we have 4 children.
During my university years, I also took up Portuguese and French, languages I currently work with.
In Bolivia I worked as an English teacher until 2010. I had done quite a bit of volunteer translation and interpreting work during those years. However, in 2011 I started working as a freelance translator.
Since 2011, I have translated hundreds of thousands of words working with SDL Trados and MemoQ. I have worked as a translator in many fields such as: business, legal, medical, tourism, open-ends, and many others.
I enjoy being able to use my language skills to facilitate the global community that we live in.