California’s proposed online privacy act faces stiff opposition from social networking companies

Source: PC World
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Facebook, Twitter, Google and others are worried about a proposed California law that would impose new privacy regulations on social networks, stop personal data from being displayed without your consent, and give new powers to parents over their kids’ profiles. If social networks failed to live up to any of the bill’s requirements, the companies would face a fine of up to $10,000 for each violation.

Needless to say, social networking companies that stand to be affected are not happy with the proposed legislation, dubbed the Social Networking Privacy Act. A coalition of 17 companies and trade groups that includes eHarmony, Facebook, Google, the Internet Alliance,, Skype, Twitter, Yahoo and Zynga have sent a letter to the bill’s sponsor, State Senator Ellen Corbett, voicing their concerns over the new bill.

See: PC World

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