Computer games were, at one time, unified. We didn’t even have the term “casual game” in 1993, let alone the idea that a first-person shooter (then an unnamed genre) could be considered a “hardcore title.” There were people who played computer games, and people who didn’t. People who got way into golf or Harpoon or hearts or text adventures — those were the “hardcore” players, in that they played their chosen field obsessively.
When Myst and the CD-ROM finally broached the mass market, this ecosystem was disrupted. Myst had, Robyn Miller makes clear, been designed to appeal to non-gamers. It sold to them. Enthusiast magazines like Computer Gaming World couldn’t set the taste for the industry anymore: there were millions buying games who didn’t read these magazines. An entirely new breed of player. In this situation, what could be more natural than concocting an us-and-them formula? In a very real way, it was already true.
The great narrative of Myst is that the “hardcore” game press and playerbase lambasted it when it launched. Disowned it. A slideshow, they called it. Abstruse, idiotic puzzles; pretty graphics and not much depth. “Critics and hardcore game players universally panned it as a slide-show that had little actual gameplay interaction”, claimed PC Gamer’s Michael Wolf in 2001.That same year, a columnist for Maximum PC recalled Myst as a “tedious code-breaking and switch-throwing mess”, and saw its then-new remake realMYST as “a pointed reminder of why the press dumped on the original so heavily when it came out.” | 曾經,電腦遊戲是無分疆界的。1993年我們甚至沒有「休閒遊戲」這個詞,更不用說把第一身射擊遊戲(一個當時未命名的遊戲分類)視為「核心向遊戲」這種概念。那時候,有玩電腦遊戲的人,也有不玩的人。那些沉迷於高爾夫遊戲、《魚叉》、《傷心小棧》(中譯《紅心大戰》)或文字冒險等遊戲的人,因為對個別選擇的遊戲種類投放大量時間,被稱為「核心玩家」。 這種玩家生態一直到《迷霧之島(Myst; 中譯《神秘島》)》以及唯讀光碟打進大眾市場才被打亂。《迷霧之島》製作人羅賓‧米勒 (Robyn Miller) 清楚指出,他的遊戲是為吸引非遊戲玩家而設計的。大眾也確實成為了該遊戲的買家,造就了一種嶄新的玩家群。《電腦遊戲世界 (Computer Gaming World) 》等遊戲愛好者雜誌再不能左右整個遊戲業的口味: 數以百萬的遊戲消費者並不閱讀這些雜誌。這樣的背景下,有什麼比創造出一個他我對立的方程式更水到渠成?甚至,在一個非常真實的層面上,對立已經形成了。 回看《迷霧之島》的偉大故事,推出時它受到屬於「核心玩家」陣營的遊戲媒體及玩家群的猛烈批評。他們拒絕承認《迷霧之島》是一款遊戲,稱它只是放映中的投影片,充斥難以理解又愚蠢的謎題,空有漂亮畫面卻缺乏深度。雜誌《電腦遊戲玩家 (PC Gamer)》的米高‧吳爾夫 (Michael Wolf) 在2001年說:「評論員及核心玩家一致認為它只有少量實際遊戲互動,只是一個投影片展示」。同年,雜誌《極限電腦 (Maximum PC)》的一個專欄作家重提《迷霧之島》,評論它為「一連串的密碼破譯和開關推拉,單調乏味,一塌胡塗」,也把當時的重製版新作《真‧迷霧之島 (realMYST)》評為「一個告訴我們原作發行當初為何被媒體批評得一文不值的直白提醒」。 |