385 registrants

First 2013 virtual powwow for members of the Certified PRO Network

Mar 20, 2013

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Results (386) (Members shown first)
Checked in
Nelya Plakhota Contact directly
Professionalism, accuracy, reliability
Native in ucraniano (Variant: Standard-Ukraine) Native in ucraniano
Diploma with honours in Teaching ESL and Translati, OTHER-Zhytomyr State University, 27 years of experience
Checked in
Klaus Lauble Contact directly
***Your Competent German Partner***
Native in alemão Native in alemão
Freelancer and outsourcer
German Courts, Bundesverband der Dolmetscher und Übersetzer, Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz, MA-Mainz University Translation School in Germersheim, Germany (Diplom-Uebersetzer), BDÜ, 31 years of experience
Checked in
A. Patricia Pedraza Contact directly
Thorough and reliable - SP, PT, EN
Estados Unidos
Native in espanhol Native in espanhol, inglês Native in inglês
NJ AOC, OTHER-NYU, PUC São Paulo, Unibero, Miguel de Cervantes, Universidade Gama Filho, USP, ATA, ATIF, 32 years of experience
Checked in
Jenn Mercer Contact directly
ATA-Certified FR to EN Translator
Estados Unidos
Native in inglês (Variant: US) Native in inglês
American Translators Association, New York University - School of Continuing and Professional Studies, Bachelors degrees in French & English from NCSU, BA-NC State, ATA, CATI, 16 years of experience
Checked in
Jan Kolbaba Contact directly
Full-scale Technical Translations
República Tcheca
Native in tcheco Native in tcheco
Czech Republic: General State Language Exam, Cambridge University (ESOL Examinations), OTHER-State Language School, Business Academy, ATA, IAPTI, 8 years of experience
Checked in
Linda Thody Contact directly
Reliability Quality Professionalism
Reino Unido
Native in inglês Native in inglês
Chartered Institute of Linguists, OTHER-IOL Dipl.Trans., 46 years of experience
Checked in
Adam Jarczyk Contact directly
>45,000 p. tradução o inglêso polonês!
Native in polonês Native in polonês
Freelancer and outsourcer
Silesian Technical University, 31 years of experience
Checked in
Matt Petrowski Contact directly
ProZ.com Systems Administrator/Developer
Estados Unidos
Native in inglês Native in inglês
17 years of experience
Checked in
Barbara Carrara Contact directly
Native in italiano Native in italiano
Non-fiction translation+proofreading, Lindau, Cambridge University (ESOL Examinations), Strade (union of Italian translators in publishing), 31 years of experience
Checked in
Mary Moritz Contact directly
Technical and Marketing Wordsmith
Native in inglês Native in inglês
SFT, 18 years of experience
Checked in
Judith Anne Smith Contact directly
20 years experience in Life Sciences
Native in inglês Native in inglês
Central College, Pella, Iowa, BA-Central College, Pella, Iowa, MET, 26 years of experience
Checked in
Gabriella Endredi Contact directly
I love what I do and I'm good at it
Native in húngaro Native in húngaro
University of Szeged, MA-ELTE (Budapest, Hungary) and SZTE (Szeged, Hungary), IAPTI, 19 years of experience
Checked in
Maria Arruti Contact directly
Little details make the difference
Native in espanhol (Variant: Standard-Spain) Native in espanhol, basco Native in basco
Bio: Translation and Interpretation degree (University of the Basque Country) and Diploma in Tourism (University of Deusto, Spain).

Fields of expertise: tourism, politics and music.
Working fields: business, telecom, science, law, environment, education, general.
Checked in
Yelisey Moroz Contact directly
14 years in industry, business, IT
Native in russo Native in russo, ucraniano Native in ucraniano
Bio: Donetsk National University; MA in Translation; 4 years of experience; power generation, coal mining, law, finance, public relations; translation, consecutive and conference interpretation.
Checked in
Maria Popova Contact directly
Seasoned Technical Translator, MA
Native in búlgaro (Variant: Standard-Bulgaria) Native in búlgaro
ESOL University of Cambridge, Sofia University (St. Kliment Ohridski), MA-Sofia St. Kliment Ochridsky University, 22 years of experience
Valeria Monti Contact directly
Software localization & trascreation
Native in italiano (Variant: Standard-Italy) Native in italiano
Agenzia Formativa TuttoEUROPA, MA-Agenzia Formativa TuttoEUROPA, 16 years of experience
Yuliya Pylypenko Contact directly
Quality is above all
Native in russo Native in russo, ucraniano Native in ucraniano
Donetsk Institute of Social Education, GD-Donetsk Institute of Social Education, 27 years of experience
eski Contact directly
"Serving the Global Online Community"
Native in inglês Native in inglês, espanhol Native in espanhol
Freelancer and outsourcer
Bio: Artist-musician-designer-construction supervisor- writer-turned translator; over 25 years translating professionally and 10 years serving the global online community in collaboration with my daughters and other highly experienced ProZ.com translators.
Also a moderator ...
Message: See you at the pow-wow!
Paola Gatto Contact directly
My 30 years of experience in your favour
Native in italiano Native in italiano
Bio: Qualified by AITI through entry exams in 1983. Registred with the Milan Chamber of Commerce as a Translation and Interpreting Expert.
Message: Hi, I am glad to meet you. Shall we share work?
Virág-Lilla Rácz Contact directly
30 years experience, medical translation
Native in húngaro Native in húngaro
Bio: Twenty years experience in English-Hungarian-Romanian translation in the field of medicine, economics, finance, psychology and spirituality. 2 published book translations in 2012.
Message: Warmest greetings to all the members of the Certified PRO Network!
Ivanka Dimitrova Contact directly
Experienced and punctual
Native in búlgaro Native in búlgaro
Cambridge University (ESOL Examinations), PHD-Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Economic University, Budapest, � Bulgarian Union of Translators, Union of Bulgarian Scientists, 24 years of experience
Oksana Weiss Contact directly
Medical and legal translation since 1997
Native in russo Native in russo, ucraniano Native in ucraniano
Kharkiv State University, MA-Kharkiv State University, 27 years of experience
Yavor Dimitrov Contact directly
A creative flair for words
Native in búlgaro (Variant: Standard-Bulgaria) Native in búlgaro
St. Cyril and St. Methodius University of Veliko Tarnovo, MA-St. Cyril & St. Methodius University of Veliko Tarnovo, 23 years of experience
Jakub Skřebský Contact directly
translation, voice-over, training
República Tcheca
Native in tcheco (Variant: Standard-Czech) Native in tcheco
NIHSSIS, 21 years of experience
Ivelina Drakova-Eismann Contact directly
Technik, Pharma, Medizin
Native in búlgaro Native in búlgaro
University of Economics - Varna, GD-Economical University, tekom, 24 years of experience
Timothy Rake Contact directly
My business is translating your business
Estados Unidos
Native in inglês Native in inglês
The University of Kansas, MA-University of Oregon, 17 years of experience
Elena Jones Contact directly
Certified PRO translator
Estados Unidos
Native in italiano (Variants: Venetian, Standard-Italy) Native in italiano
Bio: Freelance translator EN>IT
Irene S. Contact directly
The real technical translator
Native in romeno Native in romeno
Romanian Ministry of Justice, BA-"Ovidius" University of Constanta, 28 years of experience
Sabry Hameed Contact directly
Arabic Language Expert
Native in árabe Native in árabe
Freelancer and outsourcer
BA-Faculty of Alsun (languages), ATN / APTS, 24 years of experience
Rebecca Leon Contact directly
Precise, Professional and Always on Time
Estados Unidos
Native in inglês (Variants: US South, US, Canadian, UK, British) Native in inglês
Certified Medical Interpreter-State of Washington, BA-Southern Oregon University, ATA, TTIG, NOTIS, SOMI, MATI, 28 years of experience
Maria Lisa Nitti Contact directly
30+ yrs in Translation and Interpreting
Native in italiano (Variant: Standard-Italy) Native in italiano
Bio: Conference interpreter, translator "20 years experience), and language service provider (since 1998).
Message: Hi everyone, I was not able to attend last time, hope to make it this time!
Nicole Y. Adams, M.A. Contact directly
Native in inglês (Variants: UK, US, British, Australian) Native in inglês, alemão (Variants: Bavarian, Germany) Native in alemão
National Accreditation Authority for Translators and Interpreters, TAFE Queensland, German Courts, Bundesverband der Dolmetscher und Übersetzer, MA-University of Reading, UK, ATA, CIOL, BDÜ, AUSIT, 21 years of experience
Stefan Sobanski, C. Tr. Contact directly
Surgical Precision for Medical Documents
Native in inglês (Variants: US, Canadian, British) Native in inglês, francês (Variants: Standard-France, Canadian) Native in francês
Certificate in Medical Terminology, Université Concordia, Département d'études françaises, GD-Concordia University, 14 years of experience
Miloš Stojadinović Contact directly
Med/IT English into Serbian
Native in sérvio Native in sérvio
University of Kragujevac, BA-Faculty of Philology and Arts, University of Kragujevac, Serbia, 18 years of experience
Roy Chaudhuri S Contact directly
Bengali Certified Pro Freelancer
Native in bengali Native in bengali
ProZ Certified Pro, 24 years of experience
S.Paramesh Kumar Contact directly
IT, SAP, auto, aero, telecom
Native in inglês (Variants: US, UK) Native in inglês, híndi (Variant: Indian) Native in híndi
Bio: Fr>En technical translation and interpretation (12y) .
On hands experience (17y) in Telecom & Power Electronics).
Specialize in SAP, IT, Telecom, Aeronautics, Power Electronics, Electronics/ Electrical / Mechanical Engineering, Automotive.
Message: Hello my fellow colleagues!

Warm greetings from India!
Khwansuree DEROLLEPOT Contact directly
Quality, Professionalism and Expertise
Native in tailandês Native in tailandês
VOLVO POWERTRAIN, Saint-Priest, FRANCE, MA-University Jean Moulin Lyon 3 (France), SFT, 15 years of experience
Gwenydd Jones Contact directly
ES/FR>EN legal, business, marketing
Native in inglês (Variants: Wales / Welsh, UK, British) 
University of Liverpool, Chartered Institute of Linguists, University of Portsmouth, City University London, MA-MA Legal Translation (City University), DipTrans (IoL), MA Translation Studies (Portsmouth University), BA hons in Hispanic Studies and French (Liverpool University)., CIOL, 17 years of experience
Claudia Coja Contact directly
Your Certified Legal Translator
Native in romeno (Variant: Romania) Native in romeno
Freelancer and outsourcer
"Ovidius" University of Constanta, Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz, Romanian Ministry of Justice, MA-Universitatea Ovidius Constanta, 20 years of experience
Sergei Vasin Contact directly
27 years in IT, Telecom and Marketing
Native in russo Native in russo
MA-Bryansk State University, Russia, 28 years of experience
Manuela Junghans Contact directly
Personalised services - 24/7
Native in alemão Native in alemão
Freelancer and outsourcer
SDI Munich (Sprachen- und Dolmetscherinstitut), BA-Sprachen-und Dolmetscherinstitut Munich/Germany, 22 years of experience
Elena Carbonell Contact directly
technical translator
Native in espanhol (Variant: Standard-Spain) Native in espanhol
Universidad de Sevilla, MA-Universidad de Sevilla, Spain, 28 years of experience
Anca Oprita Contact directly
Marketing creativity, technical accuracy
Native in romeno (Variants: Romania, Moldovan) Native in romeno
Romanian Ministry of Justice, Babeş-Bolyai University, Faculty of Letters, Foreign Applied Languages, MA-Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj, Romania, 24 years of experience
Ilham Ahmadov Contact directly
"Wide range of expertise"
Native in azerbaidjano Native in azerbaidjano, russo Native in russo
Azerbaijan; Ministry of Education, OTHER-Khazar University, Baku, Azerbaijan, 10 years of experience
Jun Zhang Contact directly
21 Years of Technical Translation
Estados Unidos
Native in chinês Native in chinês
Beijing Foreign Studies University, BA-Beijing Foreign Studies University, 27 years of experience
Ildiko Santana Contact directly
Accurate / Fast / Cheap -- Pick Two
Estados Unidos
Native in húngaro Native in húngaro, inglês Native in inglês
Bio: 20 years experience in legal / financial translation (Hu<>En)
Maria Sometti (Anishchankava) Contact directly
Russian/Belarusian interpreter
Native in russo Native in russo, bielo-russo Native in bielo-russo
Minsk State Linguistic University, MA-Minsk State Linguistic University, AITI, AIIC, 14 years of experience
Boriana Marinova Contact directly
Germanistik - Kompetenz und Qualität
Native in búlgaro Native in búlgaro
Sofia University , Sofia University (St. Kliment Ohridski), MA-Sofioter Universität St.Kliment Ohridski, 25 years of experience
Clara Chassany Contact directly
Breaking barriers between languages!
Native in francês Native in francês, finlandês Native in finlandês
Université de Caen, MA-Universidad de Educación a Distancia, Translator's Café, 14 years of experience