10,051 registrants

Freelance Translator Virtual Conference

Sep 30, 2010

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Registrant interests

  • Ongoing education: 57.9%
  • Meeting new clients: 40.5%
  • Socializing: 38.6%
  • Having fun / celebrating ITD: 37.1%
  • Meeting new collaborators: 32.2%
  • Getting discounted software: 22.1%
  • Finding translators: 772

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See also: Translation company directory | Freelance translator directory

Results (10,051) (Members shown first)
Adam Benneter Contact directly
Quality is paramount
Native in alemão (Variant: Germany) Native in alemão
Interested in: experiencing a virtual conference
University of Freiburg, 21 years of experience
Claudia Iglesias Contact directly
Native in francês Native in francês, espanhol Native in espanhol
Freelancer and outsourcer
Interested in: fun, winning prizes
Ministère de l'Éducation Nationale, France, Université de Saint-Boniface, OTHER-CUSB Manitoba, COTICH, 24 years of experience
Balaban Cerit Contact directly
Speed is important, quality is essential
Native in turco Native in turco
Interested in: discounted software
ProZ.com Certified PRO certificate, ATA, 25 years of experience
Vadim Kadyrov Contact directly
Official Russian localizer for MDaemon.
Native in russo (Variant: Standard-Russia) Native in russo
Interested in: ongoing education, experiencing a virtual conference
the Zaporozhye National University, MA-Zaporizhia National University, 21 years of experience
Susan Spies Contact directly
MA Translation, University of Geneva CH
Estados Unidos
Native in inglês Native in inglês
Interested in: ongoing education
New York University - School of Continuing and Professional Studies, Université de Genève, MA-University of Geneva, ATA, CATI, 20 years of experience
Ellh Karlaouzos- Gaston Contact directly
Technical & Patent translator since 2001
Reino Unido
Native in francês Native in francês, grego Native in grego
Interested in: meeting collaborators, socializing, fun
Bio: Translator specialized in patents, IT, Telecom, environment, technical documents, manuals, automotive.
Message: Hello everybody, enjoy translation's day !
Amy Merrill Contact directly
Life sciences/medical specialist, PG Dip
Nova Zelândia
Native in inglês (Variant: British) Native in inglês
Interested in: meeting clients, ongoing education, fun
Bio: Just starting out in the business, currently half way through a post-graduate diploma in translation studies. BA in Spanish and Mandarin. Currently working with Spanish and English and looking to gain some experience.
Message: Hola a todos
satish krishna itikela Contact directly
25 Years in Telugu Translation
Native in télugo Native in télugo, híndi Native in híndi
Interested in: meeting clients, discounted software, ongoing education
Message: I wish that this event will be successful.
Dan Marasescu Contact directly
Inactive for the moment
Native in romeno Native in romeno
Interested in: meeting clients, discounted software, ongoing education
University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania, Cambridge University (ESOL Examinations), MA-University of Málaga, 9 years of experience
Tomasz Swiderski Contact directly
Native in polonês Native in polonês
OTHER-University of Wroclaw, Poland, 20 years of experience
Herdis Engels Contact directly
Native in alemão (Variants: Germany, Saxon (Upper)) Native in alemão
Interested in: meeting clients, meeting collaborators, discounted software
Chartered Institute of Linguists, MA-University of Westminster, London (UK), AVÜ - Die Filmübersetzer, CIOL, VdÜ, 19 years of experience
Paul Sinfield Contact directly
Commercial real estate specialist
Reino Unido
Native in inglês Native in inglês
Interested in: ongoing education, experiencing a virtual conference
17 years of experience
John Romanski Contact directly
technical, financial and medical expert
Estados Unidos
Native in inglês Native in inglês
Ordre des traducteurs, terminologues et interprètes agréés du Québec, McGill University, Université Concordia, Département d'études françaises, PHD-McGill, 10 years of experience
Leena vom Hofe Contact directly
Text on Target
Native in alemão Native in alemão
Interested in: meeting collaborators, ongoing education, experiencing a virtual conference
University of Applied Sciences, Cologne, Germany, OTHER-University of applied sciences Cologne, BDÜ, 20 years of experience
Benjamin Cortes Contact directly
Accurate and creative translations
Native in francês (Variants: Standard-France, Canadian) Native in francês
MA-Sorbonne, Paris 4, FRANCE, 22 years of experience
ACP Traductera Contact directly
CEE specialist- Project cofinanced by EU
República Tcheca
Native in eslovaco Native in eslovaco, tcheco Native in tcheco
Thierry Renon Contact directly
Experienced and reliable
Native in francês Native in francês
University of Westminster, MA-University of Westminster, London, SFT, 29 years of experience
Mohammad Emami Contact directly
Experienced, Qualified Translator/Editor
Reino Unido
Native in persa (farsi) (Variant: Iran) Native in persa (farsi)
International English language testing system, PHD-Corpus-based Translation Studies, Iran Society of Linguistics (I.S.L.), 26 years of experience
Checked in
Paul Callender Contact directly
BSc (Hons), MA, DipTrans (CIOL)
Native in inglês 
Interested in: discounted software, ongoing education, experiencing a virtual conference
Chartered Institute of Linguists, OTHER-DipTrans (CIOL), 17 years of experience
Checked in
Ana Torres Contact directly
The words you need
Estados Unidos
Native in espanhol (Variant: Standard-Spain) 
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (Spain), BA-Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, 21 years of experience
Checked in
Albina Tomenko Contact directly
Native in russo Native in russo
Interested in: experiencing a virtual conference, winning prizes
Bio: I finished State University in Dniepropetrovsk (Ukraine)with specialty Spanish and Spanish Literature. And during 25 years I am working: teaching languages and translating. Now I am finishing Ph.D. in Educational Administration.
Message: Me da gusto saludar a todos los participantes de la conferencia virtual. Disfruten y aprendan porque no hay límites para la perfección.
Checked in
Gabriel Arevalo (X) Contact directly
Specialized in Cloud Computing
Native in espanhol (Variant: Latin American) 
Interested in: everything
Bio: English-Spanish translator and System Engineer. Learning every single moment from everyone, anywhere.
Message: Please take into account that everyone has something to give and a lot needed to be received.
Checked in
Interested in: discounted software
Checked in
Lisa Siegel Cruz Contact directly
Prompt, accurate, affordable & reliable
Estados Unidos
Native in espanhol (Variants: Latin American, US, Puerto Rican) Native in espanhol, inglês Native in inglês
Interested in: winning prizes
BA-University of the Sacred Heart, ATA, FLATA, 44 years of experience
Checked in
Peter Beauclerk DTCM, CPT Contact directly
Bridging cultures one text at a time
Estados Unidos
Native in inglês 
Interested in: meeting clients, meeting collaborators, discounted software
Certified Professional TranslatorProz.com, GD-Canadian College of Acupuncture & Oriental Medicine, 23 years of experience
Checked in
Roxanna Delgado Contact directly
Medical translation expertise from an MD
Estados Unidos
Native in espanhol Native in espanhol
Interested in: ongoing education, experiencing a virtual conference
American Translators Association, Medical degree, GD-Universidad Nacional Pedro Henríquez Ureña, ATA, 19 years of experience
Checked in
MARISOL MANDARINO Contact directly
ENGPT-BRSPA Official Cert Translator
Native in português (Variant: Brazilian) Native in português
Certificate of Proficiency in English, Cambridge, Universidad de Salamanca, GD-UFRJ, USAL, PUC-RJ, UGF, Associação Tradutores Juramentados MG (ATP-MG), ABRATES, 38 years of experience
Checked in
Elena Ryabova Contact directly
Constant pursuit of perfection
Native in russo 
Society of Translators and Interpreters of British Columbia, 21 years of experience
Checked in
Lissechi Contact directly
Native in espanhol Native in espanhol
Interested in: ongoing education, socializing, fun
Checked in
Percy Balemans (X) Contact directly
Transcreation & Creative Translations
Native in holandês (Variant: Netherlands) 
School of Translation and Interpreting, NL, Chartered Institute of Linguists, Netherlands Society of Interpreters and Translators (NGTV), BA- , 24 years of experience
Checked in
alv Contact directly
Native in espanhol Native in espanhol
Interested in: meeting clients, discounted software, fun
44 years of experience
Checked in
Bel Cabreira Contact directly
Native in português Native in português
Interested in: meeting clients, ongoing education, socializing
15 years of experience
Checked in
Peter Thompson Contact directly
Food and food technology
Native in italiano Native in italiano, inglês Native in inglês
30 years of experience
Checked in
B. M. Contact directly
Technical and Legal Translations
Reino Unido
Native in sérvio Native in sérvio
OTHER-Oxford University, 24 years of experience
Checked in
millymilly Contact directly
Native in espanhol Native in espanhol
Interested in: ongoing education, socializing, fun
Checked in
Melisa Larquin Contact directly
Native in espanhol Native in espanhol
Interested in: meeting clients, ongoing education, experiencing a virtual conference
Bio: I have study English since I was a child and now I've become a technical scientific translator and certified translator of English.
Checked in
Sara Bollati Contact directly
Competent, accurate, reliable
Nova Zelândia
Native in italiano 
Interested in participating in: Happy hour post-Evento tra traduttori (Italiano)
New Zealand Society of Translators and Interpreters, Scuola Superiore di Lingue Moderne per Interpreti e Traduttori, Scuola Superiore per Mediatori Linguistici “Adriano Macagno” di Cuneo, OTHER-Scuola Interperti e Traduttori, NZSTI, 33 years of experience
Checked in
pmartedigital Contact directly
Native in português Native in português, italiano Native in italiano
Interested in: fun, experiencing a virtual conference, winning prizes
Checked in
ebeatriz17 Contact directly
Native in espanhol Native in espanhol
Interested in: ongoing education, socializing, fun
19 years of experience
Checked in
fuchsia Contact directly
MBA, Wall Street Experience
Native in chinês Native in chinês
Interested in: experiencing a virtual conference
Native speaker of Chinese, 30 years of experience
Checked in
JOUSTRADUCTIONS Contact directly
Native in holandês Native in holandês
Interested in: ongoing education, socializing, experiencing a virtual conference
MA-HIVT, 42 years of experience
Checked in
javier bartaburu Contact directly
Native in português (Variant: Brazilian) Native in português, espanhol (Variants: Latin American, Standard-Spain) Native in espanhol
15 years of experience
Checked in
Érika Stupiello Contact directly
Professional and reliable work
Native in português Native in português
JUCESP (São Paulo Board of Trade), PHD-São Paulo State University, 28 years of experience
Checked in
KWelles Contact directly
Native in espanhol Native in espanhol
Interested in: meeting collaborators, ongoing education, fun
33 years of experience
Checked in
Heike Scherer Contact directly
Schnell und zuverlässig
Native in alemão Native in alemão
Interested in: discounted software, experiencing a virtual conference
German Courts, OTHER-Universität Heidelberg, BDÜ, SFÖ, 34 years of experience
Checked in
Susana Budai Contact directly
Detail oriented, always learning more
Native in inglês Native in inglês, espanhol Native in espanhol
OTHER-Cambridge Certificate in English, 41 years of experience
Checked in
Marko Erdnuess Contact directly
- Technical Translations since 1994 -
Native in alemão Native in alemão
OTHER-Fachakademie fuer Fremdsprachenberufe der Landeshauptstadt Muenchen, Staatlich gepruefter Uebersetzer (1993), 31 years of experience
Checked in
cryskas (X) Contact directly
Native in inglês Native in inglês
Interested in: fun, experiencing a virtual conference
Checked in
CB_MUC Contact directly
Translation Technologist
Native in alemão Native in alemão
University of Heidelberg ("Diplomübersetzerin"), 31 years of experience
Checked in
Teresa Pelka Contact directly
Linguistics and translation
Native in polonês Native in polonês
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza, MA-Adam Mickiewicz University Poznan, Poland, 15 years of experience