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Amostras de tradução submetidas : 1
polonês para inglês: website translation for Polish advertising agency General field: Marketing
Texto de origem - polonês Nieodłącznym elementem oznakowania firmy są plakaty, naklejki i etykiety, muszą one współgrać z kolorystyką i istniejącym wizerunkiem firmy. Do wykonania poszczególnych tablic, szyldów, plakatów i naklejek stosujemy różne podłoża: folie wycinane, folie z nadrukiem, plexi, PCV, szkło, płyty warstwowe typu dibond, alubond, tubond oraz stal nierdzewną mosiężną i chromo-niklową.
Oklejanie Samochodów
Oklejanie samochodów i innych pojazdów to efektywna forma dodarcia do szerokiego odbiorcy. Jest to reklama dynamiczna, mobilna, sprawdzona na całym świecie, ponieważ każdego dnia reklamuje Państwa firmę wszędzie tam, gdzie znajduje się oklejony samochód. Jak wiadomo, skuteczność reklamy umieszczonej na samochodach, skuterach, koparkach, łodziach, itp. jest bardzo wysoka.
Do oklejania pojazdów stosujemy folie wycinane, folie odblaskowe oraz wydruki wielkoformatowe. Dla poprawy jakości oraz przedłużenia czasu ekspozycji wydruki na pojazdach możemy zalaminować ochronnie na życzenie. Grafikę wykonujemy zarówno na szybach, jak i karoserii pojazdu. Wykonujemy także przyciemnanie szyb.
Oklejanie samochodów wykonujemy we własnej hali bądź w siedzibie Klienta. Zlecenia realizujemy także poza godzinami pracy Klienta, tak aby nie blokować pojazdów.
Tradução - inglês Integral features of company signage are posters, stickers and labels and they have to correspond with the colouring and the existing corporate image. We use various surfaces for making individual signs, shop front signs, posters and stickers. Mainly: cut out films, films with print, PMMA, PVC, glass, composite panels: dibond, alubond, tubond, also brass and nickel-chromium stainless steel.
Vehicle livery
Vehicle livery is a powerful way of reaching your target group. It is a dynamic and mobile form of advertising which has proven successful all over the world, and because of vehicle mobility, you are advertising the company in different places every day. It is widely known that advertising on cars, scooters, excavators, boats etc. has a high success rate.
In vehicle livery, we use cut out and reflective films and large format printing. In order to improve quality and extend the print’s lifespan, we can cover it with protective coating. We do graphics on both windows and body of the vehicle. We also do window tinting.
Vehicle livery is done in our own workshop or in client’s premises. We complete the orders outside client’s working hours, in order not to interfere with daily vehicle usage.
inglês para polonês (Cambridge University (ESOL Examinations)) polonês para inglês (Cambridge University (ESOL Examinations)) espanhol para inglês (Dublin City University)
Adobe Acrobat, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, OmegaT, Powerpoint
MA Diploma in Translation Studies, Dublin City University 2012.
BA International Spanish Arts (Spanish/Art History), University College Dublin 2010
My specializations and experience
I specialize in technical translation, particularly in the uncommon field of Legal Metrology. My other working areas include: marketing, contracts, art & art history, travel & tourism, social sciences and various general texts.
I wrote my MA dissertation on medical field of Community Interpreting (“Language barriers and access to health care – Polish patients’ experiences in Ireland”) and I developed particular interest in general medical translation, which is something I want to pursue further in my career as a freelance translator and interpreter.
I work as Polish - English Community Interpreter for Irish public services - the Courts, the HSE, An Garda Siochana and various social services.
I also have an extensive background in the fields of Art History and Tourism thus, I am looking for an opportunity to translate texts within this specializations.
Metrology - Prior to obtaining my university degree, I begun working for an Irish company who design and manufacture test measures and provers for Legal Metrology Services. I translate product manuals and specifications as well as marketing material for the Polish market. In due course, I gained an extensive knowledge of this field and its specific terminology
I am a volunteer translator and project manager with the Irish Rosetta Foundation where I constantly gain professional experience, one of the recent projects was a special Olympics DVD En> Pl. I also translated sections of the Red Activas webiste Es > En. I volunteer with the International Children's Digital Library where I translate short stories for children.
Este associado ganhou pontos KudoZ por ajudar outros tradutores com termos de nível PRO. Clicar nos totais de pontos para ver as traduções de termos fornecidas.
Totais de pontos ganhos: 18 Pontos do nível PRO: 14
Palavras-chave Spanish translator, Brazilian Portuguese translator, Polish native speaker, tłumacz języka hiszpańskiego, tłumacz języka portugalskiego, Brazylijski Portugalski, tłumacz języka angielskiego, tłumaczenia pisemne, tłumaczenia ustne, traducción de español a polaco. See more.Spanish translator, Brazilian Portuguese translator, Polish native speaker, tłumacz języka hiszpańskiego, tłumacz języka portugalskiego, Brazylijski Portugalski, tłumacz języka angielskiego, tłumaczenia pisemne, tłumaczenia ustne, traducción de español a polaco, traducción de español a inglés, portugués brasileño/de Brasil, Polaco lengua materna, tradutor de espanhol, tradutor de portugues, tradutor de inglês, traduzir de portugues para inglês, portugues brasileiro, turystyka, historia sztuki, marketing, sport, transport, żeglarstwo, metrologia, pomiary, metrology, tourism, art history, arts, crafts, sports, sailing, human resources, turismo, historia del arte, arte, deportes, transporte, navegación, metrología, recursos humanos, turismo, historia da arte, esporte, transportes, iatismo, metrologia. See less.