Idiomas de trabalho:
inglês para polonês
polonês para inglês
espanhol para inglês

Malgorzata Stich - Silva
High quality and value for money

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Nativo para: polonês 
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My working languages
Polish <>English
Spanish,Portuguese > English
Spanish, Portuguese > Polish
My professional qualifications
MA Diploma in Translation Studies, Dublin City University 2012.
BA International Spanish Arts (Spanish/Art History), University College Dublin 2010
My specializations and experience

I specialize in technical translation, particularly in the uncommon field of Legal Metrology. My other working areas include: marketing, contracts, art & art history, travel & tourism, social sciences and various general texts.

I wrote my MA dissertation on medical field of Community Interpreting (“Language barriers and access to health care – Polish patients’ experiences in Ireland”) and I developed particular interest in general medical translation, which is something I want to pursue further in my career as a freelance translator and interpreter.
I work as Polish - English Community Interpreter for Irish public services - the Courts, the HSE, An Garda Siochana and various social services.

I also have an extensive background in the fields of Art History and Tourism thus, I am looking for an opportunity to translate texts within this specializations.

Metrology - Prior to obtaining my university degree, I begun working for an Irish company who design and manufacture test measures and provers for Legal Metrology Services. I translate product manuals and specifications as well as marketing material for the Polish market. In due course, I gained an extensive knowledge of this field and its specific terminology

I am a volunteer translator and project manager with the Irish Rosetta Foundation where I constantly gain professional experience, one of the recent projects was a special Olympics DVD En> Pl. I also translated sections of the Red Activas webiste Es > En. I volunteer with the International Children's Digital Library where I translate short stories for children.

My contact details
[email protected]
mobile: (353)858488590
Este associado ganhou pontos KudoZ por ajudar outros tradutores com termos de nível PRO. Clicar nos totais de pontos para ver as traduções de termos fornecidas.

Totais de pontos ganhos: 18
Pontos do nível PRO: 14

Idiomas Principais (PRO)
inglês para polonês10
polonês para inglês4
Principais áreas gerais (PRO)
Ciências Humanas4
Principais áreas específicas (PRO)
Cinema, filmes, TV, teatro4
Esportes/forma física/recreação4
Direito: Contrato(s)2

Ver todos os pontos ganhos >
Palavras-chave Spanish translator, Brazilian Portuguese translator, Polish native speaker, tłumacz języka hiszpańskiego, tłumacz języka portugalskiego, Brazylijski Portugalski, tłumacz języka angielskiego, tłumaczenia pisemne, tłumaczenia ustne, traducción de español a polaco. See more.Spanish translator, Brazilian Portuguese translator, Polish native speaker, tłumacz języka hiszpańskiego, tłumacz języka portugalskiego, Brazylijski Portugalski, tłumacz języka angielskiego, tłumaczenia pisemne, tłumaczenia ustne, traducción de español a polaco, traducción de español a inglés, portugués brasileño/de Brasil, Polaco lengua materna, tradutor de espanhol, tradutor de portugues, tradutor de inglês, traduzir de portugues para inglês, portugues brasileiro, turystyka, historia sztuki, marketing, sport, transport, żeglarstwo, metrologia, pomiary, metrology, tourism, art history, arts, crafts, sports, sailing, human resources, turismo, historia del arte, arte, deportes, transporte, navegación, metrología, recursos humanos, turismo, historia da arte, esporte, transportes, iatismo, metrologia. See less.

Última atualização do perfil
Mar 2, 2020