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[View Powwow Report] powwow: Dublin Annual Powwow

November 30, 2012, 5:00 pm
IrlandaDublinIn personinglês
Caffé Cagliostro, Bloom's Lane, Ormond Quay Dublin 1

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: organizer : photos : report : host

Interested members (41) / Confirmed: 24 / Tentative: 3
Name NoteWill Attend
carrick16  \"Organizer\" \"Reporter\" \"Photographer\" ...  y
Mariana Dellavale   ...  y
DLyons   ...  y
Xfivexs (X)   Can't come unfortunately.  n
Rachel Ball   ...  m
Martin Vihm   ...  
TRussell   I can come until 8pm. Thanks for organising!  y
Valentina Balšić   ...  y
Marina Bilak   ...  y
Flora Iacoponi, MCIL   Looking forward to meeting you all  y
Dvi Shifa   So sorry....I have urgent work to do now  n
Chiara Italiano Medcalf   Sorry but unfortunately I am away that weekend. Was looking forward to it :(  n
Diarmuid Kennan   ...  y
Ciarán Rooney   I'm afraid I won't make it. I'll be out of the country  n
Yvonne Gallagher   Looking forward to it!   y
Luciane Shanahan   ...  m
Aisling O'Callaghan   I will not be able to make it up from Killarney this time around. Have a great night!  n
Elisa Fusconi   ...  y
Rob Weldon   ...  
Delphine Koelsch McCarthy   ...  
Pol-Eng Artur   Pol-Eng Artur - Artur Banaszkiewicz  y
Irene Doval Marcos   Would be my first Powwow! Please put me a +1  y
S Kelly   My first. Hopefully I'll be free on the day.  y
hosulliv   ...  y
Franziska Witschel   Hi Ellie and all the others! Great that you are doing it again, I am really sorry that I cannot come, I moved back to Munich! Wish you all loads of fun!  n
Fanny Gendrau   Fanny Gendrau  y
Valentina Primiceri   Hello! my first powwow too! excited to be there.  y
Madeleine Jaoul   My first powwow! Can't wait to meet you all!  y
Julie Napier   ...  m
Karolina Malkova   ...  
Monica Campardo   ...  y
libra      y
Malgorzata Stich - Silva   will be my first! looking forward to meeting everyone!  y
Anja Hackländer   Hi! Unfortunately I'll be in Germany that weekend but I'd love to come to next Powwow which hopefully won't be a year away. In the meantime if anyone wants to get in touch with me just send me a little message. Cheers, Anja  n
John O'Brien   ...  y
Susanne Kennan   ...  
Veronica Salvador  \"Photographer\" Hey! I would love to come and meet you all. Can't wait!  y
Liam Quinn   ...  y
susabe   ...  
Daniela Verna   Daniela Verna   
XFlavio Frulio (X)   ...  y

Postings about this event

Powwow: Dublin - Ireland
carrick16  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:53
inglês para italiano
+ ...
So... Oct 17, 2012

What a great bunch of people!!! Thank you all for your interest!!!

I'll be venue hunting soon... I have a couple of places in mind, but, as always, suggestions (but also questions) are welcome (and encouraged!) so drop me a line and say hi.
Meanwhile, if any of you would like to invite translator friends/colleagues from out of town please do so and help spread the word! If they're on, please get them to sign up here, if they're not, don't forget to let me know how many p
... See more
What a great bunch of people!!! Thank you all for your interest!!!

I'll be venue hunting soon... I have a couple of places in mind, but, as always, suggestions (but also questions) are welcome (and encouraged!) so drop me a line and say hi.
Meanwhile, if any of you would like to invite translator friends/colleagues from out of town please do so and help spread the word! If they're on, please get them to sign up here, if they're not, don't forget to let me know how many pluses you'll be coming with so that I can make sure our venue has seating for everyone (likewise, if they won't make it in the end, please tell me as soon as possible).

That's all for now folks... Happy translating!

Irene Doval Marcos
Irene Doval Marcos  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:53
inglês para galego
+ ...
+1 Nov 24, 2012

Sooooo, I just editted my comment because a friend is coming from Spain this week and I can't leave her alone. So, it will be 2 of us! Also, I go out from work at 17:00 so I might not be able to make it right in time, but I will be there ASAP for sure! ^_^

carrick16  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:53
inglês para italiano
+ ...
No problem Irene! Nov 26, 2012

Hi Irene,

Thanks for letting me know your friend is coming along, the more the merrier!

And of course it won't matter what time you'll join us... We'll be thereicon_wink.gif
See you on Friday then!!

DLyons  Identity Verified
Local time: 21:53
espanhol para inglês
+ ...
Thanks Ellie Nov 30, 2012

We really enjoyed it!

Yvonne Gallagher
Yvonne Gallagher
Local time: 21:53
Membro (2010)
francês para inglês
+ ...
Hear Hear! Second that! Dec 1, 2012

Very nice to meet everyone and have such a pleasant evening. We should not wait another year to do it again!

Monica Campardo
Monica Campardo
Local time: 21:53
inglês para italiano
Hello! Dec 3, 2012

Hi everybody, it was lovely meeting you and thanks Ellie for organizing such a lovely evening.
Pity I had to leave early, I was really enjoying conversations and company.
I will be looking forward to the next one!



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