385 registrants

First 2013 virtual powwow for members of the Certified PRO Network

Mar 20, 2013

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Results (386) (Members shown first)
Hossein Abbasi Mohaghegh Contact directly
Mobile & Website Localization Specialist
Native in persa (farsi) Native in persa (farsi)
(English-Farsi Translation BA, Payamnoor Universit, Chabahar Maritime University, MA-‍C‍habahar Maritime University, 21 years of experience
Anne Carnot Contact directly
HR, Intl org & Social Science specialist
Native in francês Native in francês
CELTA, Chartered Institute of Linguists, OTHER-IoL DipTrans, SFT, ATLF, 16 years of experience
Fernsucht Contact directly
Unparalleled quality language services
Estados Unidos
Native in russo Native in russo
Freelancer and outsourcer
Bio: English/Russian translator with B.S. in Mechanical Engineering
Marta Giralt Contact directly
Languages are not a handicap!
Native in catalão Native in catalão, espanhol Native in espanhol
Universitat de Vic (Barcelona, 1998), BA-Facultat de Traducció i interpretació; Universitat de Vic, 25 years of experience
Mary Holihan Contact directly
NYU Certified French> English Translator
Estados Unidos
Native in inglês Native in inglês
Bio: French to English translation, editing. Specialization in Business and financial documents.
Maria Sola Contact directly
(Audiovisual) Translator and Localiser
Native in catalão Native in catalão, espanhol (Variant: Standard-Spain) Native in espanhol
Native Languages, MA-City University London, 16 years of experience
Gordana Petrovska Dojchinovska Contact directly
Solving language dilemmas.
Native in inglês Native in inglês, macedônio Native in macedônio
Authorised Court Translator and Interpreter, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University - "Blaze Koneski" Faculty of Philology, BA-Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje, 19 years of experience
Kamal Mrabet Contact directly
Your intermediary for the Arab World!
Native in árabe (Variants: Moroccan, Standard-Arabian (MSA)) Native in árabe
Universidad de Sevilla, PHD-Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, ATN / APTS, 17 years of experience
doctor_suz Contact directly
bilingual physician-scientist
Estados Unidos
Native in alemão Native in alemão, inglês Native in inglês
Bio: Bilingual DE<>EN physician-scientist
Message: Looking forward to meeting you!
Alfonso Romero Contact directly
Verifiable work references (20 Years)
Native in espanhol Native in espanhol
Bio: Freelance translator & book writer from Mexico. My areas of specialization are: auomotive industry, computers, IT, electronics, mechanical engineering.
Message: Greetings from Monterrey, Mexico!
Paula Mangia Garcia Terra Contact directly
Translating with soul
Native in português (Variant: Brazilian) Native in português, italiano (Variant: Standard-Italy) Native in italiano
28 years of experience
Kalinka Hristova Contact directly
Into clear Bulgarian
Native in búlgaro (Variant: Standard-Bulgaria) Native in búlgaro
Instituto Cervantes DELE Superior, Cambridge University (ESOL Examinations), Ministère de l'Éducation Nationale, OTHER-Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency in English; DELE Superior; DALF (Diplôme approfondi de langue française); DAPLE (Diploma Avançado de Português Língua Estrangeira), 23 years of experience
Umang Dholabhai Contact directly
Accurate and Punctual
Native in guzerate Native in guzerate, inglês (Variants: British, US, UK, Canadian) Native in inglês
Freelancer and outsourcer
OTHER-University of Mumbai, 22 years of experience
Miguel Carmona Contact directly
Technical Eng>Spa Translator
Estados Unidos
Native in espanhol 
American Translators Association, ATA, NOTIS, 32 years of experience
Anita Šumer Contact directly
Reliable, on time, concise, precise
Native in esloveno 
University of Maribor, Faculty of Arts, GD-Faculty of Arts Maribor, 21 years of experience
Zbynek Taborsky Contact directly
Business, Legal, Marketing, EU, Politics
República Tcheca
Native in tcheco 
BA degree - University of South Bohemia in CB, BA-University of South Bohemia in Ceske Budejovice, Czech Republic; English and French for EU Administration, ATA, JTP, SFT, IAPTI, 17 years of experience
Professionalism coupled with experience
Native in grego Native in grego, inglês Native in inglês
Message: I want to greet my colleagues with the words of Jeff Smith:
"Understanding the practical structure as well as the financial structure of your business is inseparable from your ability to influence its profitability".
Steen Johnsen (X) Contact directly
Market Economist and EN>DA translator
Native in dinamarquês 
Bio: I'm a native Dane who's been working as a freelance translator since 1990. I'm an economist and worked with sales and marketing in Copenhagen, Denmark until 2000.
Message: Hello everybody nice to meet you all!
Erika Pilar Pancella Contact directly
Travel, Fashion and Marketing Specialist
Native in italiano 
Università Ca' Foscari di Venezia, City University London, BA-Università Ca' Foscari di Venezia, AITI, 14 years of experience
Laura Barzilai Contact directly
Native in espanhol 
Bio: Professional Translator and Interpreter with biochemistry studies. 15 years of experience as a freelancer, and still here :)
Message: Thank you for attending this virtual powwow making our profession richer.
Natalie Pavey (X) Contact directly
Passez de la parole aux actes.
Native in inglês (Variants: Canadian, US) 
Bio: Hello, I am a native English speaker with an in-depth understanding of the French language and its regional variations, having resided in three French-speaking regions of the world within the past 10 years, including France, West Africa and Quebec, Canada. In addition t...
Message: Hello all! Nice to be here.
Jeppe Fischer Contact directly
Punctual and meticulous Dane
Native in dinamarquês Native in dinamarquês
Message: Hi fellow translators.
I am a Danish freelancer open for networking.

Enjoy the event everybody.
OG Pete Contact directly
AI solutions for language revitalization
Estados Unidos
Native in inglês (Variant: US) Native in inglês
Freelancer and outsourcer
Jagiellonian University, BA-Jagiellonian University, 20 years of experience
Irina Dicovsky - MD (X) Contact directly
#homeopatia #Hahnemann
Native in inglês Native in inglês, português Native in português
Liga Medicorum Homeopathica Internationalis, Fundación Médico Homeopática Vitalis - Argentina, 35 years of experience
Martin Bruckmann Contact directly
Precision first
Native in francês 
Freelancer and outsourcer
living and studying 1 year in the UK, 30 years of experience
Francesco Paolo Jori Contact directly
Ph.D., former biomedical investigator
Native in italiano Native in italiano
20 years of experience
avidadollars Contact directly
Federação Russa
Native in inglês (Variants: UK, British) Native in inglês, russo (Variants: Standard-Russia, Moscow) Native in russo
Lomonosov Moscow State University, MA-MSU, 10 years of experience
Patricia Daehler Contact directly
M.S. in Dietetics, 10 yrs clinical exp.
Estados Unidos
Native in alemão 
Bio: German->English/English->German Medical Translator
Andrea Kowalenko Contact directly
Legal & technical - fast and reliable
Native in alemão (Variants: Austrian, Bavarian, Swiss, Germany) Native in alemão
23 years of experience
Albert Stufkens Contact directly
Translation Facilitates Communication
Native in holandês (Variant: Netherlands) Native in holandês, inglês (Variant: British) Native in inglês
Netherlands Ministry of Justice, BA-School for Language and Literature The Hague / Leiden, 46 years of experience
Petra Junge Contact directly
Certified EN DE Translator
Native in alemão 
National Accreditation Authority for Translators and Interpreters, German Chamber of Trade and Industry, NAATI, IAPTI, 23 years of experience
Stephanie Busch Contact directly
All of my experience at your service
Native in alemão (Variant: Germany) Native in alemão
Bio: EN/SV>DE translator
Message: EN/SV>DE translator
Peter Beauclerk DTCM, CPT Contact directly
Bridging cultures one text at a time
Estados Unidos
Native in inglês 
Bio: French to English (US), 10+ years, law, business, legal, medicine, alternative medicine
Message: Good day all! It's great to have the opportunity to share experience & information with my peers :)
Jamina Yap Contact directly
Transcreate, Translate, Localize
Native in indonésio Native in indonésio
Freelancer and outsourcer
Certified by Association of Indonesian Translators, HPI, 19 years of experience
Sanchia Holder Contact directly
I've volunteered with TWB since 2012.
Trinidad e Tobago
Native in inglês (Variants: Trinbagonian, Jamaican) 
Mother tongue, BA-Randolph-Macon Woman's College, 15 years of experience
Sami Mills Seppälä (X) Contact directly
An independent language professional
Reino Unido
Native in finlandês (Variant: Standard-Finland) 
University of Helsinki, MA-University of Helsinki, 30 years of experience
Alina-Maria Zaharia Contact directly
Professional translator DE/EN/RO
Native in romeno Native in romeno
Freelancer and outsourcer
Romanian Ministry of Justice, PHD-Universitatea din Craiova, 22 years of experience
Tetyana Balayeva Contact directly
1,000,000+ words translated
Native in russo Native in russo, ucraniano Native in ucraniano
Gorlovka Institute for Foreign Languages, GD-(Hons) Gorlovka Institute for Foreign Languages, Ukraine, UTA, 19 years of experience
Erik Matson Contact directly
Quality technical translations
Native in norueguês Native in norueguês, inglês Native in inglês
Freelancer and outsourcer
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 27 years of experience
Jan Schauseil Contact directly
Business and finance (annual reports)
Native in inglês 
University of Cambridge, 21 years of experience
Hajnalka Kis Contact directly
Kiss your translations!
Native in húngaro (Variant: Hungary) Native in húngaro
Associazione Italiana Traduttori e Interpreti, Accredia, GD-Ludwig Maximilians Universität, AITI, AIPTI / IAPTI, 23 years of experience
Josef Aron Contact directly
Fast, Reliable, Professional Translation
Native in tcheco 
Loyola University, BA-Philosophical Faculty, Krakow, 31 years of experience
Elenka Ganeva Contact directly
Native in búlgaro Native in búlgaro
Bio: Freelance translator with MA in Processing Automation, 20+ years of translation experience mainly in technical and legal fields. SDL Trados 2007 Suite and Studio 2011, Across
Message: Nice to e-meet you!
Ekaterina Guerbek Contact directly
Over 1000 pages published
Native in russo (Variant: Standard-Russia) Native in russo
Bio: Translator ES, EN, FR > RU. MA in Linguistics by St. Petersburg State University (Russia, 1987)
Lucinda Wills Contact directly
ATA Certified
Estados Unidos
Native in inglês Native in inglês
Bio: 14+ years experience, NYU-SCPS credential, ATA member
Annamaria Martinolli Contact directly
Translator, Journalist and Blogger
Native in italiano 
Cambridge University , Scuola Superiore di Lingue Moderne per Interpreti e Traduttori, MA-Universita' degli Studi di TRIESTE Scuola Sup. LINGUE MODERNE INTERPRETI e TRADUTTORI 104/S - Class of second level degree in Translation of Literary and Technical Texts, 17 years of experience
Lucía Marino Contact directly
Conference Interpreter and Translator
Native in espanhol 
Bio: I was born in Argentina and moved to Spain when I was 20. I studied Translation and Interpreting there, at the University Complutense de Madrid, and started working as a freelance translator. Some years later I completed a master's degree in conference interpreting at U...
Message: Hello everyone! It is my first powowow of any kind, so I am really looking forward to it!! Nice to meet you all!
Elena Slepukhina Contact directly
Federação Russa
Native in russo 
Freelancer and outsourcer
Orel State University, 23 years of experience
Lucy Williams Contact directly
Translator and native English copywriter
Native in inglês (Variant: British) 
Chartered Institute of Linguists, OTHER-Chartered Institute of Linguists, ASETRAD, 16 years of experience
Alicia Poggi (X) Contact directly
IT, multimedia, marketing translations
Native in francês 
Institut Supérieur de Traducteurs et Interprètes, MA-ISTI, 13 years of experience