10,051 registrants

Freelance Translator Virtual Conference

Sep 30, 2010

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  • Ongoing education: 57.9%
  • Meeting new clients: 40.5%
  • Socializing: 38.6%
  • Having fun / celebrating ITD: 37.1%
  • Meeting new collaborators: 32.2%
  • Getting discounted software: 22.1%
  • Finding translators: 772

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See also: Translation company directory | Freelance translator directory

ProZ.com users -- in Espanha -- registered for the event (583)
Checked in
cristina orriols Contact directly
15 years in medical interpreting&trans
Native in espanhol Native in espanhol
Interested in: meeting clients, meeting collaborators, experiencing a virtual conference
European Masters in Conference Interpreting, Chartered Institute of Linguists, University of Westminster, MA-University of Westminster, TREMEDICA, CIOL, ASETRAD, 18 years of experience
Checked in
Jesus Murillo Contact directly
HT, MTPE, QM, Cultural Adaptor
Native in espanhol Native in espanhol
Bio: Looking forward to the event!
Checked in
Gary Smith Lawson Contact directly
Human translation for humans.
Native in inglês (Variant: British) Native in inglês
Interested in: meeting clients, meeting collaborators
Mitjà, Generalitat Valenciana, BA-University of Salford, ASETRAD, Xarxa, IAPTI, IAPTI, MET, 28 years of experience
Checked in
EirTranslations Contact directly
25+ yrs in Law, Finance & Tech + Trados
Native in espanhol Native in espanhol, inglês (Variants: British, Irish, UK, US) Native in inglês
Interested in: meeting clients, meeting collaborators, discounted software
Cluny-Iseit, Madrid, Spain, Society of Authors: Translators Assoc., City University London, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, OTHER-CLUNY-ISEIT Higher Institute of Translation & Interpreting, SoA:TA, ASETRAD, 31 years of experience
Checked in
Guido Castañeda Contact directly
More than 30 ys in medical translation
Native in espanhol Native in espanhol
Interested in: meeting clients, meeting collaborators, socializing
Bio: I am a doctor medical translator since 1983. I live in Spain.
Checked in
Lenguamundo Contact directly
Your Indo-Iranian Language Partner
Native in espanhol Native in espanhol, urdu Native in urdu
Freelancer and outsourcer
Interested in: meeting clients, meeting collaborators, discounted software
Bio: Urdu / Spanish Translator
Message: Bienvenidos - خوش آمدید
Checked in
Edwal Rospigliosi Contact directly
Great skill for a great translation
Native in espanhol Native in espanhol
Chartered Institute of Linguists, 16 years of experience
Checked in
Catherine Laporte Contact directly
Calidad y puntualidad
Native in francês (Variant: Standard-France) Native in francês
Interested in: socializing, fun, experiencing a virtual conference
UCO Angers France. Homologado por el MEC España, BA-Université Catholique de l'Ouest Angers France, 26 years of experience
Checked in
Anna Asperó Contact directly
Translating ideas
Native in espanhol Native in espanhol, catalão Native in catalão
Interested in: meeting clients, meeting collaborators, ongoing education
Universitat Pompeu Fabra, MA-Universitat Pompeu Fabra (Barcelona) - Translation and Interpreting, 23 years of experience
Checked in
Emilia Gabriela Gavrilas Contact directly
Because quality matters
Native in romeno (Variant: Romania) Native in romeno, espanhol (Variant: Standard-Spain) Native in espanhol
Interested in: meeting clients, meeting collaborators, discounted software
Bio: My name is Emilia Gavrilas. I am a 31 year old romanian woman, living in Spain since 2002. I have studied translation and interpretation in Romania and I am authorised to translate legal documents from English and French into Romanian. Since I live in Spain, I have begu...
Message: Hello, everyone!
It is a great pleasure for me to take part in this conference. I am here to learn more about everything that refers to translations as business and as art.
Checked in
Berni Armstrong Contact directly
Never Missed a Deadline in 31 Years
Native in inglês Native in inglês
Interested in: meeting collaborators, ongoing education, socializing
Bio: See my ProZ Profile
Message: Hi out there in translator land!
Checked in
Conchi Otaola Contact directly
Legal and Technical Specialist
Native in espanhol Native in espanhol
Interested in: socializing, fun, experiencing a virtual conference
Message: Hello everyone. Once again here we are in our day!!
Checked in
Marleen Pieper Contact directly
Strong linguistic background
Native in holandês Native in holandês
Interested in: meeting clients, ongoing education, socializing
Bio: Translator English and Spanish to Dutch with a bachelor degree in Spanish translation and a master degree in European Studies (University of Amsterdam).
International upbringing (mainly South American countries and of course my native country The Netherlands) After Uni...
Checked in
TradRus Contact directly
Really professional translations
Native in russo (Variant: Standard-Russia) Native in russo
Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte de España (convalidación), MA-Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, APTIC, 32 years of experience
Checked in
Maria Teijido Contact directly
European Spanish
Native in espanhol (Variant: Standard-Spain) Native in espanhol
Chartered Institute of Linguists, OTHER-CIOL Dip Trans English-Spanish, 21 years of experience
Checked in
Kate Major Patience Contact directly
Analytical and creative.
Native in inglês Native in inglês
Interested in: ongoing education, socializing, fun
Bio: Translator/proofreader. Fields: politics, literature and the arts, music, history, gastronomy, tourism, journalism, academic texts.
Checked in
Ieva Kupruka Contact directly
Words are the most influential power..
Native in letão Native in letão
Interested in: meeting clients, meeting collaborators, discounted software
Message: Hello! Sveicināti!
Checked in
Mariia Nemyrovska Contact directly
High quality at the best price
Native in russo (Variant: Standard-Russia) Native in russo, ucraniano (Variant: Standard-Ukraine) Native in ucraniano, espanhol (Variant: Standard-Spain) Native in espanhol
Interested in: meeting clients, meeting collaborators, discounted software
Bio: Karazin Kharkiv National University
Checked in
Magali Bramon Contact directly
Marketing Translation & Transcreation
Native in espanhol (Variant: Standard-Spain) Native in espanhol, italiano (Variant: Standard-Italy) Native in italiano
Interested in: meeting clients, meeting collaborators, discounted software
Bio: I was born in Italy in 1982.
Bilingual by birth (Italian and Spanish), I have been studying in Italy until I was 8 years old. Then my family and I moved to Ibiza, a very touristic island in the Mediterranean see of Spain. When I was 18 years old I moved to Barcelona to...
Checked in
Ignacio Urrutia Contact directly
Um mundo de palavras...
Native in espanhol (Variant: Standard-Spain) Native in espanhol, português Native in português
Freelancer and outsourcer
Interested in: ongoing education
MA-University of Vigo, 22 years of experience
Checked in
Sheila Wilson Contact directly
20 years producing 100% natural English
Native in inglês (Variant: British) Native in inglês
Interested in: meeting clients, meeting collaborators, discounted software
Interested in participating in: Using machine translation as a freelancer
Bio: French to English translator and business EFL teacher. I'm English but have lived in the south of France since 1996. Principal specialisations in tourism, hotel and catering, general business, education and journalism.
Checked in
Emma Goldsmith Contact directly
25 years as a translator – former nurse
Native in inglês (Variant: UK) Native in inglês
Diploma, Sanpere Escuela de Traductores, Madrid, ITI, TREMEDICA, MET, 32 years of experience
Checked in
José Miguel Esteban del Ser Contact directly
International organizations specialist
Native in espanhol (Variant: Standard-Spain) Native in espanhol
Interested in: ongoing education, socializing, fun
Spain: EOI (Escuela Oficial de Idiomas), OTHER-ESTUDIO SAMPERE (MADRID), 14 years of experience
Checked in
Gwenydd Jones Contact directly
ES/FR>EN legal, business, marketing
Native in inglês (Variants: British, Wales / Welsh, UK) 
University of Liverpool, Chartered Institute of Linguists, University of Portsmouth, City University London, MA-MA Legal Translation (City University), DipTrans (IoL), MA Translation Studies (Portsmouth University), BA hons in Hispanic Studies and French (Liverpool University)., CIOL, 17 years of experience
Checked in
Lizette Britz Contact directly
One-Stop Spanish Translations
Native in espanhol (Variants: Standard-Spain, US) Native in espanhol
Interested in: meeting clients, meeting collaborators, discounted software
International House Eastern Spain, OTHER-Internation House, Barcelona, ATA, 27 years of experience
Checked in
Marilena Berca Contact directly
Specializing in scientific translation
Native in romeno Native in romeno, espanhol Native in espanhol
Freelancer and outsourcer
Interested in: meeting clients, meeting collaborators, ongoing education
BA, 15 years of experience
Checked in
Electra Voulgari Contact directly
Native in grego Native in grego
Interested in: meeting clients, meeting collaborators, socializing
Interested in participating in: Translating the social sciences
University of Crete, National and Capodistrian University of Athens, OTHER-Calamo y Cran, 19 years of experience
Checked in
Montse P. Contact directly
Translation and localization
Native in espanhol Native in espanhol, catalão Native in catalão
Interested in: meeting collaborators, discounted software, ongoing education
University of Barcelona, Escuela Oficial de Idiomas, Universidad Oberta de Catalunya, GD-UOC, L10N, Gestió de projectes, 17 years of experience
Checked in
Eñaut Urrestarazu Aizpurua Contact directly
medical devices protocol health
Native in espanhol Native in espanhol, francês Native in francês
Freelancer and outsourcer
Interested in: meeting clients, ongoing education, experiencing a virtual conference
Bio: CEO at ITtranslations, specialized in technical translations and localization. We work mainly into French (France & Canada), Spanish (European & LA) and German.
Message: Hello everybody!
Checked in
iolanda casacuberta Contact directly
Veterinary Surgeon and Translator
Native in catalão Native in catalão, espanhol Native in espanhol
Université de Lausanne, Switzerland, Chartered Institute of Linguists, MA-Institute of Linguists, Associació Professional de Traductors i Interprets de catalunya, Tremédica, CIOL, 25 years of experience
Checked in
Stephen McCann Contact directly
Quality Patent Translations
Native in inglês Native in inglês, espanhol Native in espanhol
Interested in: meeting clients, meeting collaborators, discounted software
Escuela Oficial de Idiomas, Dublin City University, BA-Dublin City University, 23 years of experience
Checked in
Judith Anne Smith Contact directly
20 years experience in Life Sciences
Native in inglês Native in inglês
Interested in: fun, experiencing a virtual conference
Interested in participating in: Technical translation: Engineering, IT, etc.
Bio: Science and technology. English, Spanish, and Catalan.
Message: Happy Translator's Day! It's my last day at my current job (translating digital textbooks). Tomorrow I start freelancing!
Checked in
Natalia Olatz Prio Platz Contact directly
Helping clients make their best choices
Native in espanhol (Variant: Standard-Spain) Native in espanhol
Freelancer and outsourcer
Interested in: meeting clients, meeting collaborators, finding translators
Bio: Freelance EN, FR and DE>ES translator and EN<>ES and FR<>ES conference interpreter since 2004. Fields of specialization: biology, biotechnology, medicine, water and sustainability, ecology, climate change, NGOs, sanitation, development, geography and technical issues.
Message: I hope that this conference is going to be very fruitful for us all. The fact that it is virtual makes it very convenient.
Checked in
Antonio M. Regueiro Contact directly
Native Spanish Biologist 48 y experience
Native in espanhol Native in espanhol, inglês Native in inglês
Freelancer and outsourcer
Interested in participating in: Using machine translation as a freelancer
Min. of Foreign Affairs, Sworn Interpreter (Spain), MA-Escuela Oficial de Idiomas, 48 years of experience
Checked in
Samuel Jiménez Contact directly
Native in espanhol (Variant: Standard-Spain) Native in espanhol
Interested in: meeting clients, ongoing education, socializing
Universidad de Salamanca, BA-Faculty of Translation and Interpretation, University of Salamanca, 14 years of experience
Checked in
Anette Hilgendag Contact directly
A passion for words
Native in alemão (Variant: Germany) Native in alemão
Interested in: meeting collaborators, discounted software, socializing
Bio: DipTransIoLET
Working languages: Target: German (native speaker)
Source: English, Spanish, Catalan
Fields: Banking & Finance, Legal, Business, Medicine, Automotive, Software, Tourism
3 years (01/2000- 09/2002 ) in-house translator and project manager at translation ...
Message: ¡Feliz día de San Jerónimo!
Checked in
Livia D'Ettorre Contact directly
Experience as in-house translator and PM
Native in italiano Native in italiano
Interested in: meeting clients, meeting collaborators, ongoing education
Interested in participating in: Strategies for reaching end clients
Message: Hi everyone! I am really happy to take part in this conference.
Checked in
Justin Peterson Contact directly
20 Years of Experience
Native in inglês Native in inglês
Freelancer and outsourcer
Interested in: everything
Bio: Grew up in San Francisco, CA before attending college in Virginia and moving to Spain after graduation. MA in Spanish Lit from UNC. Became a professional translator 5 years ago after teaching college Spanish for 6 years.
Message: Hola!
Checked in
Christine Döring Contact directly
creative translations in marketing
Native in alemão Native in alemão
Interested in: discounted software, ongoing education, socializing
23 years of experience
Checked in
Elma de Jong Contact directly
B.Tr., more than 30 years experience
Native in holandês (Variant: Netherlands) Native in holandês
Interested in: discounted software, ongoing education
BA-Dutch State School for Translators and Interpreters (Translation Academy), Maastricht, Netherlands, 35 years of experience
Antony Price Contact directly
Academic Publications
Native in inglês Native in inglês
Freelancer and outsourcer
Institute of Linguists Diploma , OTHER-Institute of Linguists Diploma in Translation (Spanish to English), 13 years of experience
Assia Terpecheva Contact directly
30 years in professional translations
Native in búlgaro (Variant: Standard-Bulgaria) Native in búlgaro
Sofia Technical University, BA-Sofia Technical University, ATA, , 33 years of experience
Silvia Montero Contact directly
Expert in mental health since 1999
Native in espanhol (Variants: Standard-Spain, US) Native in espanhol, inglês (Variants: British, US) Native in inglês
Official School of Languages, Spain, OTHER-Excellent qualification:superior level of English, Spain's Official School of Languages (highest recognition), 29 years of experience
Marta Gómez Contact directly
Experience that translates into quality
Native in espanhol Native in espanhol
Freelancer and outsourcer
Deusto and UAB, University of Wales, University of Deusto, BA-Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, 23 years of experience
Juan Salanova Contact directly
You can rely on my Spanish
Native in espanhol (Variant: Standard-Spain) Native in espanhol
University of Zaragoza, Escuela Oficial de Idiomas, MA-University of Zaragoza, 24 years of experience
Gemma Sanza Porcar Contact directly
Biomedical Translation
Native in espanhol Native in espanhol, catalão Native in catalão
EOI, Cambridge University (ESOL Examinations), MA-Universitat Jaume I, 19 years of experience
Maria Sampedro Contact directly
Flexibility. immediate reply.
Native in espanhol (Variant: Standard-Spain) Native in espanhol
Universidad de Valencia, Spain, MA-Facultad de Filología, Universidad de Valencia, ATA, Xarxa Traductors i Int�rprets de la Com., ASETRAD, 38 years of experience
Maria Asis Contact directly
Detail-oriented, 100% reliable TEP
Native in espanhol (Variant: Standard-Spain) Native in espanhol, catalão (Variant: Central) Native in catalão
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (Barcelona), Escuela Oficial de Idiomas, BA-Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, ATIC, Sworn Translator Accreditation (Foreign, 27 years of experience
Juan Antonio Castán Abán Contact directly
Creative & hardworking professional
Native in espanhol (Variant: Standard-Spain) Native in espanhol
Interested in: everything
Universidad de Valladolid, MA-UNIVERSIDAD DE VALLADOLID, ASATI, 17 years of experience