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Microsoft Word Avançado para tradutores: ganhando produtividade com uma ferramenta básica

This discussion belongs to training » "Microsoft Word Avançado para tradutores: ganhando produtividade com uma ferramenta básica".
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Francisco Fernandes
Francisco Fernandes  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:26
francês para português
+ ...
Track Changes Nov 27, 2013

I wonder if it will also be part of the session the system use of proofreading (Track Changes), since this would be very interesting and useful to all the participants. Another suggestion would be sending a handbook with the Word features that will be demonstrated, for continuation of study and practice required.

airmailrpl  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:26
inglês para português
+ ...
Question Dec 17, 2013

Question - what exactly does this phrase mean:
"* unlimited access to the video recording and course material (available within one working week after the session),"

We will have unlimited access to the video recording and course material for only one week after the session??


We will have unlimited access to the video recording and course material forever starting after one week has passed after the session presentation??

Adriana Pequeno
Adriana Pequeno
Local time: 17:26
espanhol para português
+ ...
Dúvida Dec 20, 2013

Estou interessada neste curso mas é a 1ª vez que penso em inscrever-me.
Não consigo verificar a hora e a minha dúvida é: o horário do curso é hora de Portugal?

Helen Shepelenko
Helen Shepelenko
Dúvida Dec 20, 2013

Adriana Pequeno wrote:

Estou interessada neste curso mas é a 1ª vez que penso em inscrever-me.
Não consigo verificar a hora e a minha dúvida é: o horário do curso é hora de Portugal?

Hello Adriana,

The session will take place on January 29 at 15:00 your time.

Hope this helps.

My bests,

Helen Shepelenko
Helen Shepelenko
Question Dec 20, 2013

airmailrpl wrote:

Question - what exactly does this phrase mean:
"* unlimited access to the video recording and course material (available within one working week after the session),"

We will have unlimited access to the video recording and course material for only one week after the session??


We will have unlimited access to the video recording and course material forever starting after one week has passed after the session presentation??

Hello airmailrpl,

All participants will have unlimited access to the video and handouts. A link to the video and materials will be emailed to all attendees within one working week after the session. Once a video is released and the link is share, you can watch the video as many times and when it is needed (while you have your profile).

Hope this helps and clarifies. Please let me know if you have any doubts. Thanks

My bests,

Reginaldo Francisco
Reginaldo Francisco  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:26
inglês para português
+ ...
Track Changes Dec 20, 2013

Francisco Jose Fernandes wrote:

I wonder if it will also be part of the session the system use of proofreading (Track Changes), since this would be very interesting and useful to all the participants. Another suggestion would be sending a handbook with the Word features that will be demonstrated, for continuation of study and practice required.

Reginaldo Francisco
Reginaldo Francisco  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:26
inglês para português
+ ...
Track changes Dec 20, 2013

Hi, Francisco José Fernandes. Thank you for your suggestion. I will try and include something about track changes in the course if there is time available.
I will make some material available for further practice as well.

Ana Bruyns
Ana Bruyns  Identity Verified
Local time: 02:26
inglês para português
+ ...
Versão Mac Jan 21, 2014

Olá Reginaldo. O meu Mac é versão 10.5.8. Não sei se terei tempo de fazer upgrade até ao evento. Será que consigo participar? A minha versão do word é 2008, 12.0.0...

Helen Shepelenko
Helen Shepelenko
Versão Mac Jan 21, 2014

Ana Bruyns wrote:

Olá Reginaldo. O meu Mac é versão 10.5.8. Não sei se terei tempo de fazer upgrade até ao evento. Será que consigo participar? A minha versão do word é 2008, 12.0.0...

Dear Ana,

If you start watching the webinar with Mac 10.5.8, the software start trying to run, it will fail and you will get a message that this OS is not supported. If you are interested in the live session you may try another computer or purchase access to the video. This video will be available at .

The video will include the presentation and the Q&A portion recorded. In case you have any questions as for the tool you can always contact the trainer and get a reply via email. You will have unlimited access to the video and as per your request, after training completion a certificate of attendance will be issued. Please let me know if this works fine with you. Thanks.

My bests,

Adriana Pequeno
Adriana Pequeno
Local time: 17:26
espanhol para português
+ ...
Pagamento por transferência bancária Jan 21, 2014

Boa noite

Posso pagar por transferência bancária? Se sim, onde encontro os dados?

Helen Shepelenko
Helen Shepelenko
Pagamento por transferência bancária Jan 22, 2014

Adriana Pequeno wrote:

Boa noite

Posso pagar por transferência bancária? Se sim, onde encontro os dados?

Hello Adriana,

You can pay via wire transfer. To proceed with the payment please click on the purchase button on the training page, choose wire transfer as a payment method and proceed with payment steps. In case you have any questions or concerns, please submit a support request, Thanks!

My bests,

Danilo Miranda
Danilo Miranda
Local time: 18:26
inglês para português
+ ...
Word 2011 for Mac Jan 28, 2014

Is it for any word version? I have word 2011 for Mac. Thanks!

[Edited at 2014-01-29 07:58 GMT]


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Microsoft Word Avançado para tradutores: ganhando produtividade com uma ferramenta básica

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