Idiomas de trabalho:
inglês para espanhol
francês para espanhol
português para espanhol

A bad translation is a bad business

Cadiz, Andalucia, Espanha
Horário Local: 01:54 CET (GMT+1)

Nativo para: espanhol 
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Currently a professor of Spanish as a Foreign language (SFL) at the University of Cádiz, Spain; I´m used to being in contact with different languages and “clients”. This, and my previous experiences around the world, from Italy to Poland, USA to Morocco and UK to France, have made me quite competent at getting to the point of what people want to say from a given language into Spanish or English.
Furthermore, my thirst of knowledge – I consider myself as a curious person – has, logically, driven me to translation.
At the beginning I made translations for friends, and foes, and colleagues, free of charge as I just wanted to help spreading their knowledge into another language. Latter on, everything became a bit serious as colleagues from my University asked me to translate their articles and communications from Spanish into English; scared as I was, no one has ever complained (so far) and my translations have been published.
It has taken me a while, to assure my self-confidence and, more than a year now, I have started to take translations seriously on a professional basis.
Nowadays, I´m more than happy when a translation I made is seen as a booster for my client's business. My last translation, an installation and service manual for an electronic device, made me realize the importance of a well done job, as we are all used to see bad and incomprehensible translations worth for nothing.
CAT tools and avant-garde software, which were/are my weak points, are taking shape as I study and use them. Continuous formation and hours of practice have prooved to be very good travelling companions.
Este associado ganhou pontos KudoZ por ajudar outros tradutores com termos de nível PRO. Clicar nos totais de pontos para ver as traduções de termos fornecidas.

Totais de pontos ganhos: 162
Pontos do nível PRO: 146

Idiomas Principais (PRO)
inglês para espanhol142
francês para espanhol4
Principais áreas gerais (PRO)
Pontos em mais 4 áreas >
Principais áreas específicas (PRO)
Poesia e literatura12
Direito (geral)8
Pecuária/criação de animais8
Engenharia (geral)8
Medicina: cardiologia4
Pontos em mais 22 áreas >

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Palavras-chave Manuals, trade unions, education, democaracy, philosophy, manuales técnicos, sindicatos, educación, democracia, filosofía. See more.Manuals, trade unions, education, democaracy, philosophy, manuales técnicos, sindicatos, educación, democracia, filosofía, estudios de mercado. See less.

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Jul 3, 2014