Idiomas de trabalho:
inglês para espanhol
francês para espanhol
alemão para espanhol

Comprehensive Language Services

Barcelona, Cataluña, Espanha
Horário Local: 18:14 CET (GMT+1)

Nativo para: espanhol Native in espanhol
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Total: 60 entries
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Apr 29, 2020 (posted via  fátima Bizarro ...more »
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Our translators, over 150 specialised native translators, have solid experience in medical and technical translations, ranging from product and service catalogues and technical specifications, to promotional materials and administrative and legal translations.

We are an international translation and interpreting agency based in Barcelona, Spain, providing high quality translation services in all languages at highly competitive rates. Since translation costs are lower in Spain, we can offer our customers a gold standard service at lower prices.
Palavras-chave medicina, medicine, medical, médica, médico, sworn translation, traducción jurada, técnica, technical, manual. See more.medicina, medicine, medical, médica, médico, sworn translation, traducción jurada, técnica, technical, manual, ingeniería, electrónica, engineering, electronics, specifications, especificaciones, promotionals materials, catálogo, catalogue, dermatology, oncology, dermatología, oncología, devices, medical devices, instrumentos, instrumental, instrumental médico, jurídica, juridical, legal. See less.

Última atualização do perfil
Jun 25, 2024