Idiomas de trabalho:
inglês para português
espanhol para português

Adriana de Araújo Sobota
The experience and the quality you need

Campos do Jordão, São Paulo, Brasil
Horário Local: 20:17 -03 (GMT-3)

Nativo para: português 
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Thanks for visiting my page. I am a freelance translator from Spanish and English into Brazilian Portuguese. I have translated over 10 million words along the last 17 years. I also provide localization services from European to Brazilian Portuguese.

I use the latest in translation memory, glossary and terminology management tools to maintain consistency, reliability and uniformity in my translation work, such as Studio 2017, Multiterm, memoQ, XTM, Memsource, Xbench, and Verifika.

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. It's my pleasure to help you meet your business goals.

I'm committed to excellence and punctuality, and I give a high standard of personalized service that has kept my clients coming back. You can check the feedback I received from some of them here.

I received the Most Valuable Translator of 2013 Award from one of my top clients and you can check it here.

And again, I received the Most Valuable Translator of 2015 Award from one of my top clients and you can check it here.

Besides translation, in 2015 and 2016 I participated in three other challenging projects:

* Caminho das Pedras - mentoring program of Brazilian Association of Translators and Interpreters (ABRATES). I was one of the creators of the Program and worked for about 1 year as coordinator of the program. You can check it here.

* Metáfrase - the online ABRATES magazine. I was responsible for its creation and worked as the creator and Editor-in-chief for the first two issues. You can see the first issue here, and the second issue here.

* Pedagogic coordinator and teacher at Netwire Learning Center, an online school for translators. You can check the courses here.

Recent translation projects include (SPN> ENG<>PT):

• IT (hardware, software, marketing, UI/GUI, manuals)
• B&A / Marketing
• Aviation (mostly helicopters)
• HR policies, training
• Contracts
• HSE standards
• Medical trials and equipments texts, MSDS
• Market research, brochures, among other technical texts in several fields
• Travel, tourism & hospitality
• Websites

Email: [email protected]

Skype: adry.araujo

Telephone: +55 13 3301 2837

ABRATES Member ATA Member
Este associado ganhou pontos KudoZ por ajudar outros tradutores com termos de nível PRO. Clicar nos totais de pontos para ver as traduções de termos fornecidas.

Totais de pontos ganhos: 82
Pontos do nível PRO: 78

Principal área geral (PRO)
Pontos em mais 4 áreas >
Principal área específica (PRO)
Mecânica/engenharia mecânica11
Engenharia (geral)4
Direito: Contrato(s)4
Navios, vela, marítima4
Comidas e Bebidas3
Pontos em mais 6 áreas >

Ver todos os pontos ganhos >
Palavras-chave Technical translator, English, Portuguese, Spanish. Marketing, Medicine, BA, Oil&Gas, Engineering, IT, Telecom. See more.Technical translator, English, Portuguese, Spanish. Marketing, Medicine, BA, Oil&Gas, Engineering, IT, Telecom, Websites, Education, HSE, European Portuguese to Brazilian Portuguese localization. Tradutora técnica, Português, Inglês, Espanhol. Marketing, Medicina, BA, Petróleo e Gás, Engenharias, TI, Telecom, Websites, Educação, SSMA, Localização de português europeu para português brasileiro. Traductora técnica, Español, Inglés, Portugués. Marketing, Medicina, BA, Petróleo y Gás, Ingeniería, TI, Telecom, Websites, Educación, HSE, Localización del Portugués europeo al Portugués brasileño.. See less.

Última atualização do perfil
Jan 7

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