Associado desde Sep '02

Idiomas de trabalho:
chinês para espanhol
inglês para letão
inglês para português
inglês para eslovaco
inglês para polonês

Professional Service Thru Global Network

Taipei, T'ai-pei, Taiwan
Horário Local: 15:08 CST (GMT+8)

Nativo para: inglês Native in inglês, chinês Native in chinês
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27 positive reviews
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Past 5 years
(14 entries)
Last 12 months
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Total: 138 entries
What PTSGI is working on
May 22, 2023 (posted via  Spanish Tagalog translator ...more, + 2 other entries »
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Bio is one of the largest translation and localization agencies in Asia operating since 1966. Today, it has been recognized as the global benchmark for the highest standards of quality, expertise and integrity in the Asia-Pacific Region. Our mother company is located in Taipei and we have branches in Shanghai, Beijing, Hongkong, Tokyo and agents in Los Angeles, New York, Washington, London, Paris, Rome, and Berlin.

We are specialize in multi-lingual document translation, website and software localization, game translation, immigration paperwork, interpretation, desktop publising, subtitling, voice-over, technical writing, color film output, and a lot more.

Our scope of languages covers 127 language pairs with 70 full-time translators and over 7000 expert freelancers worldwide.

For more details, please contact us directly or visit us at: E-mail: [email protected] or, Web:
Palavras-chave Law, Business, Medicine, Architecture, Constructions, Information Technology, Pharmaceuticals, Engineering, Arts and Culture, Patent Documents. See more.Law, Business, Medicine, Architecture, Constructions, Information Technology, Pharmaceuticals, Engineering, Arts and Culture, Patent Documents, Chemistry, Computers, Automotive Industry, Communications, Electronics, Cosmetics, Biochemistry/technology, Transportations, Industry and Technology, Environment, Mining and Minerals, Finance and Economics, Multimedia.. See less.

Última atualização do perfil
Sep 29, 2022