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inglês para português: ISO/IEC The consumer and standards General field: Tecn./Engenharia
Texto de origem - inglês The purpose of this publication is to give
guidance to those who represent consumer
interests in the technical committees of the
International Organization for Standardization
(ISO) and the International Electrotechnical
Commission (IEC). It may also serve as a guide
for the corresponding work at national level or
to assist those who recommend the use of
International Standards, for example delegates
to the World Trade Organization (WTO).
The aim of consumers engaged in standardization
work is to ensure that standards
for consumer products are as comprehensive
as possible and correspond to real consumer
needs. It should be emphasized, however, that
consumer interest in this work goes further than
standards development. Consumers and their
organizations can play a crucial role in raising
general public awareness of the existence of
agreed standards, thereby ensuring that buyers
demand products manufactured, or services
rendered, according to these standards.
After specifying how International Standards
affect consumers and presenting several key
defi nitions, the publication explains in some
detail both the principles and procedures of
consumer participation in standardization work
and concludes with guidance on consumer
expectations from certifi cation, as summarized
Principles of consumer
participation in standardization work
This fi rst main section begins with an overview
of standards development procedures, cited
from ISO/IEC Guide 59, Code of good practice
for standardization, and briefl y presents the
history of consumer participation in standards
work. Moreover, general information is given on
the duties, responsibilities and management of
ISO and IEC technical committees.
Also provided is the list of recommendations
made by ISO and IEC to their members
in the context of consumer representation,
which state that at the national level members
should :
• support ISO and IEC initiatives aimed at
encouraging consumer representation in
standardization ;
• orchestrate consumer participation in relevant
policy matters, and in the initiation and
planning of standards work programmes ;
• invite consumer interests to participate in all
technical committees working on standards
projects of interest to the consumer ;
• encourage the active participation of consumers
in national delegations to technical
committees that are developing consumerrelevant
International Standards ;
• guide consumer representatives on standards
procedures and provide them with
technical briefi ngs ;
• communicate the results of their work to the
public ;
• help fi nd solutions to fi nance consumer
representation, when required ;
• keep in contact with the public to “sound
out” consumer opinion ;
• study the way other consumer committees
work, so as to improve their own national
structures, where appropriate ;
• coordinate all activities arising from these
recommendations within the same country.
Another simple and straightforward list sets
out the minimum requirements to secure effective
consumer participation even if resources
are limited, based on the selection of “key
moments” when consumers especially need to
play a role in the work.
Tradução - português A finalidade desta publicação é dar orientação àqueles que representam os interesses do consumidor nos comitês técnicos da International Organization for Standardization (ISO - Organização Internacional de Normalização) e na International Electrotechnical Comission (IEC - Comissão Eletrotécnica Internacional). Pode também servir como um guia para o trabalho correspondente em nível nacional ou ajudar aqueles que recomendam o uso das Normas Internacionais, por exemplo os delegados à World Trade Organization (WTO – Organização Mundial do Comércio).
O objetivo dos consumidores envolvidos no trabalho da normalização é assegurar-se de que as normas para produtos de consumidores sejam tão detalhadas quanto possível e correspondam às necessidades reais do consumidor. Deve-se enfatizar, entretanto, que o interesse do consumidor neste trabalho vai além do desenvolvimento das normas. Os consumidores e suas organizações podem ter um papel crucial em aumentar a consciência pública geral sobre a existência de normas concordadas, portanto assegurando-se que os compradores exijam que os produtos manufaturados, ou serviços prestados, estejam de acordo com estas normas.
Após ter especificado como as Normas Internacionais afetam consumidores e apresentando diversas definições chave, a publicação explica em algum detalhe os princípios e procedimentos da participação do consumidor no trabalho da normalização e conclui com uma orientação a respeito de expectativas do consumidor sobre certificação, como resumido abaixo.
Princípios da participação de consumidores no trabalho de normalização
Esta primeira seção principal começa com uma vista geral dos procedimentos de desenvolvimento das normas, mencionada do Guia 59 de ISO/IEC, Code of good practice for Standardization (Código da boa prática para a normalização), e apresenta brevemente a história da participação do consumidor no trabalho das normas. Além disso, uma informação geral é dada sobre os deveres, responsabilidades e a gestão dos comitês técnicos da ISO e da IEC.
É fornecida também a lista de recomendações feitas pela ISO e a IEC a seus membros no contexto da representação do consumidor, que indica que nos membros em nível nacional os membros devem:
§ dar suporte à ISO e à IEC visando encorajar a representação do consumidor na normalização;
§ organizar a participação do consumidor em matérias relevantes de política, e na iniciação e no planejamento de programas de trabalhos de normas;
§ convidar representantes dos consumidores a participar em todos os comitês técnicos que trabalham em projetos das normas do interesse do consumidor;
§ incentivar a participação ativa dos consumidores em delegações nacionais aos comitês técnicos que estão desenvolvendo Normas Internacionais relevantes ao consumidor
inglês para português: Book on Project management
Texto de origem - inglês Book "The Project Manifesto" by Robert Newbold (
Tradução - português Translation to Portuguese " O Manifesto Projetos" (
Anos de experiência em tradução: 40 Registrado no Aug 2010.
I worked for Philips Brasil for 32 years, since March 1966,
except for some periods in other Philips organizations
From 1988 to 1992, I was the Head of the Product
Development Division of the Consumer Electronics
Business Unit in Brasil, leading a group of around 70
engineers and technicians in the Electronics,
Mechanical and Quality fields. We were a part of the
Overseas Development area in Philips, together with
other such centers in The Netherlands and Singapore.
This required frequent international business travel.
In 1994 I moved to a similar job with the company´s
Domestic Appliances Division in Brasil, after a period
working in Philips Europe.
After retiring from Philips, I started working as a
consultant in the Project Management area, which I
continue to do today. In 1999, after having attended a
5-week course at the Goldratt Institute in New Haven,
USA, I became a licensee of the Critical Chain
methodology for Project Management, and I conduct now
its implementation in large companies in Brazil.
In 2006 I wrote a chapter of the book “Gerenciamento de
Projetos na Prática”
Experience in translations
Since the seventies, during my employment with Philips, I
took part in Technical Committees of the Brazilian
Standardization body
As a result, I have been retained by ABNT to translate
several standards and related texts from English,
Spanish, French , Dutch to Portuguese, and from
Portuguese to English. These texts are related to
various subjects, including:
Consumer relations
Social responsibility
Language pairs:
English - Portuguese (Brazilian)
Dutch- Portuguese
Spanish - Portuguese
Some special translation jobs:
I have translated to Portuguese the book “The Project
Manifesto”, by Robert Newbold, issued in March 2014 in
USA. The version in Portuguese has been issued by
Amazon in the Kindle version 1n November 2014
Palavras-chave Brazilian Portuguese, technical, marketing, engineering, spanish, english, french