This powwow has already been held!

[View Powwow Report] powwow: Guelph Summer Lunch Powwow

July 17, 2012, 8:00 am
CanadáGuelphIn personinglês
Diana Downtown
141 Wyndham Street North, Guelph, ON
tel: 519-836-3460 • fax: 519-836-3430
Event Organizer:

Tom Ellett (X)

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: organizer : photos : report : host

Interested members (10) / Confirmed: 8
Name NoteWill Attend
Suzanne Deliscar  \"Organizer\" \"Reporter\" \"Photographer\" I am interested in meeting other linguists in the Guelph area.  y
XTom Ellett (X)  \"Organizer\" Couldn't believe it when I saw Guelph on the list!  y
Lisa Maldonado  \"Reporter\" \"Host\" I am really looking forward to meeting some other local translators and having a great lunch at the Diana!  y
Margreet Mohle   I'm really looking forward to this; the Toronto powwows are just a bit too far to drive to.  y
XU. Ali Güra (X)   Thank you for organizing this. I am not yet 100% sure I can make it on the 17th, but I will try.  y
Ana Brause   It`s a pity I am in Hamilton till July 11th.... maybe next time!  n
Manon Gagne-Kellman   ...  y
Lihai(Jeff) Song   I'll be there to meet everybody, thank you.  y
Jesús Garcia   I´m interested in meeting other linguists  
Soula Kokotinis   I will be there tomorrow. Looking forward to meeting you all!  y

Postings about this event

Powwow: Guelph - Canada
Suzanne Deliscar
Suzanne Deliscar  Identity Verified
Local time: 06:06
espanhol para inglês
+ ...
Powwow in Guelph, Ontario CANADA Jul 5, 2012

Great to see interest in having a powwow further north of Toronto. Please spread the word so that we can have even more attendees from the Guelph area.

Tom Ellett (X)
Tom Ellett (X)  Identity Verified
Reino Unido
Local time: 11:06
norueguês para inglês
+ ...
Powwow in Guelph, Ontario CANADA Jul 12, 2012

Looking forward to meeting everyone! A fellow ATIO certified translator from Kitchener (not on ProZ) will likely be joining us for lunch.

Suzanne Deliscar
Suzanne Deliscar  Identity Verified
Local time: 06:06
espanhol para inglês
+ ...
Powwow in Guelph, Ontario Canada TODAY Jul 17, 2012

Looking forward to meeting linguists from the Guelph area today. We are meeting at Diana Downtown at 12 PM EDT. Please see for location details.


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