765 registrants

3rd Lawyer Linguist virtual event

Dec 10, 2014

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Results (767) (Members shown first)
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Alida Paolini Contact directly
Estados Unidos
Native in espanhol Native in espanhol
19 years of experience
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Zaida Machuca Inostroza Contact directly
Traduction, Transcription, Sous-titrage
Native in espanhol 
Bio: Chilean Freelance Translator since 1989.
Translate from French, Portuguese and English into Spanish.
Work also in proofreading, transcribing and subtitling.
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Checked in
Bade Cemsal Contact directly
Native in turco (Variant: Standard-İstanbul ) Native in turco, inglês (Variant: British) Native in inglês
Aston University, MA-Aston University Birmingham, 16 years of experience
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elchert (X) Contact directly
Estados Unidos
Native in inglês Native in inglês, japonês Native in japonês
Bio: I am a Japanese document reviewer and translator. I've lived and worked in Japan for about 12 years. I have a B.A. from Yale and an M.Eng. from the Tokyo Institute of Technology(東京工業大学). I've worked as a professional translator for more than five years, ...
Message: Hello, pleased to meet you! This is the first PROZ virtual event I've "attended."
Checked in
Galya Korovina Contact directly
Estados Unidos
Native in russo 
Freelancer and outsourcer
American Translators Association, State of New York Office of Court Administration, US State Department, MA-Moscow State Linguistic University, ATA, NYCT, NYCT, 36 years of experience
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wendyawalk Contact directly
Lawyer Linguist
Native in inglês 
Bio: I am an attorney working as a Spanish to English translator.
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anita straznik Contact directly
AS Translation scs
Native in polonês Native in polonês
MA-University of Lodz, 33 years of experience
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Ana Santos Contact directly
Linguist with solid expertise
Native in espanhol Native in espanhol
Asociación Guatemalteca de Intérpretes y Traductores, BA-Universidad Mariano Gálvez de Guatemala, ATA, AGIT, 18 years of experience
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Graham Robinson (X) Contact directly
ATA-certified ES>EN translator (legal)
Estados Unidos
Native in inglês (Variant: US) 
American Translators Association, MA-New York University, ATA
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Alison Walker Contact directly
Spanish & Portuguese to English
Reino Unido
Native in inglês Native in inglês
Institute of Translation and Interpreting, University of Glasgow, BA-University of Glasgow, ITI, 17 years of experience
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Anahit Simonyan Contact directly
Translator for the state & intl bodies
Native in armênio 
Yerevan State Linguistic University, MA-State Linguistic University, Yerevan, Armenia, 20 years of experience
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eVeritas Contact directly
Legal precision in every translation
Porto Rico
Native in espanhol (Variants: Mexican, US, Latin American, Standard-Spain, Dominican, Puerto Rican, Cuban) Native in espanhol, inglês (Variants: UK, US, British) Native in inglês
Message: Hello everyone!
Checked in
Natalie Pierre-Louis Contact directly
Experienced Haitian translator/attorney
Estados Unidos
Native in inglês Native in inglês, crioulo haitiano Native in crioulo haitiano
21 years of experience
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Phoenix III Contact directly
True words...
Estados Unidos
Native in inglês (Variant: US) Native in inglês, espanhol (Variant: Latin American) Native in espanhol
Bio: Translator and interpreter EN > ES - ES > EN with over 25 years experience in the most diverse fields.
Message: I'm very glad to join and look forward not only to this enriching experience but to meet colleagues as well.
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nouguesl Contact directly
F-L translator of Legal Documents
Estados Unidos
Native in espanhol Native in espanhol
ATA, Asociacion Metropolitana de Traductores AMTRADI, 23 years of experience
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Carolina Carabecho Contact directly
Accurate & reliable certified Translator
Native in espanhol Native in espanhol, inglês Native in inglês
Universidad del Salvador, OTHER-Universidad del Salvador, ATA, CTPCBA, AATI, 28 years of experience
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Alexandra Dimou Contact directly
Native in grego Native in grego
Certificate in software and website localisation, , Chartered Institute of Linguists, University of Surrey, MA-University of Surrey
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abe123abc (X) Contact directly
experienced, organized, affordable
Estados Unidos
Native in persa (farsi) Native in persa (farsi)
BA-Roosevelt University, Chicago, IL, 15 years of experience
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crispania Contact directly
English to Spanish Translator Voice-over
Estados Unidos
Native in espanhol Native in espanhol
Bio: Spanish Translations Reviewer for Medicare and Medicaid insurance plans.
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Ekaterina Veremyanina Contact directly
Marketing: tourism,beauty,lifestyle,art
Federação Russa
Native in russo 
Bio: Certified English-Russian translator with 10-year experience. Specialize in techical translation and contract & patent translation.
Message: Hello everyone!
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Xinproz Contact directly
life sciences, Ph.D.
Estados Unidos
Native in chinês Native in chinês
Graduate degree
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CaterinaSaccani Contact directly
EN/DE/NL > IT Translator & Interpreter
Native in italiano (Variant: Standard-Italy) Native in italiano
Bio: Freelance Conference Interpreter (MA) & Translator (BA)
Language combination: Italian (native), German, English, Dutch
Fields of specialization: Law, Marketing, Website Translation & SEO
Based in Aachen (Germany)
Message: Good morning to all Lawyer-Linguists! I wish you a successful and inspiring conference :)
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Tomasz Ratajczyk Contact directly
Polish Certified Translator Interpreter
Native in polonês Native in polonês
Polskie Towarzystwo Tłumaczy Przysięgłych i Specjalistycznych, Adam Mickiewicz University, School of Translation, Interpreting and Languages, MA-Law, English, 13 years of experience
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Cristian FASSONE Contact directly
parole giuste per ogni mercato
Native in italiano Native in italiano, espanhol Native in espanhol
20 years of experience
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Ismini Karantzi Contact directly
Freelance Translator
Native in grego (Variant: Modern) Native in grego
Ionian University, Department of Foreign Languages, Translation & Interpreting, MA-Department of foreign languages, Translation and Interpretation, Ionian University, Corfu, Greece, 12 years of experience
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Guadalupe Muñoz Contact directly
ASETRAD member | Sworn Translator
Native in espanhol 
Bio: http://about.me/guadalupemunioz
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William Zhang Contact directly
Top Quality Translation
Native in chinês (Variants: Simplified, Mandarin) Native in chinês
CATTI 2, MA-中国石油大学(华东), ATA, 12 years of experience
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Lea Lozančić Contact directly
EU Conference Interpreter
Native in croata Native in croata, italiano Native in italiano
Sapienza - Università di Roma, University of Zagreb , OTHER-Postgraduate studies in Conference Interpreting, Association of Court Interpreters and Translators, United Nations Volunteers, 10 years of experience
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Galina Rusinova Contact directly
Speed, quality, professionalism, on time
Native in búlgaro Native in búlgaro
Sofia University Department for Language Teaching , 24 years of experience
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Inta Snepste Contact directly
Native in letão Native in letão
MA-University of Latvia, 21 years of experience
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Agnès Bourguet Contact directly
Sworn Translator and much more
Native in francês Native in francês
Perito Traductor autorizado por el Supremo Tribuna, OTHER, 15 years of experience
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Emmanuelle Guibé Contact directly
Au-delà du mot : le concept
Reino Unido
Native in francês (Variant: Standard-France) Native in francês
Bio: Translator EN <> FR for > 16 years
Masters in Urban Planning and Regional Development (RICS accredited)
LLB (Honours) European
Diploma in Translation - CIoL
Maîtrise d'anglais
Message: Looking forward to the webinar and sharing experience :-)
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Thomas Landman (X) Contact directly
Estados Unidos
Native in inglês Native in inglês
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Penina Scher Contact directly
Native in inglês Native in inglês
New York University - School of Continuing and Professional Studies, MA Linguistics Universite de Geneve, Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz, OTHER-New York University, NAJIT, 29 years of experience
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Jelena Jovanovic Contact directly
Jelena Jovanovic
Native in sérvio 
Message: Hello everyone,

I would like to attend this on-line session and meet other participants.
The last conference was very useful and I hope I'll get a chance to attend this one too.


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Mali303 Contact directly
Native in turco (Variant: Standard-İstanbul ) 
Bio: I was born in Istanbul, Kartal. I graduated from Police College and I'm a student in International Security Science Faculty..
Message: Congratulations to all..
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Larysa Kramarenko Contact directly
Translation Transcription Proofreading
Native in ucraniano Native in ucraniano, russo Native in russo
Kiev Institute of Translators and Interpreters, BA-Kiev Institute for Translators and Interpreters, 21 years of experience
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Kseniia Nawin Contact directly
English/German/Russian translator
Federação Russa
Native in russo 
Kirov teachers’ training college, degree in Engl, 23 years of experience
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january 1 Contact directly
Native in croata Native in croata, bósnio Native in bósnio
Certified Court Translator
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Josephine Cassar Contact directly
13 yrs. experience translating EU stuff
Native in inglês (Variants: UK, British) Native in inglês, maltês Native in maltês
"O" level & "A" level, University of Oxford, OTHER-TRANSLATOR Training: FR>EN course with Suzanne James Associates, 15 years of experience
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Maud Harmand Contact directly
Spanish-English-German- into FRENCH
Native in francês Native in francês
DELE superior Nivel C2 Instituto Cervantes, Cambridge University (ESOL Examinations), BA-University Nancy 2, 17 years of experience
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saracf5 Contact directly
Also a lawyer
Native in espanhol Native in espanhol, catalão Native in catalão
Universidad de Alicante, PHD-Alicante University, Spain, 19 years of experience
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María Natalia Rezzonico Contact directly
Legal Translator — Trans. & Law degrees
Native in espanhol Native in espanhol
Bio: Attorney-at-law. Sworn translator. EN-SP ATA certified.
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Maria Grazia Nunziante Contact directly
Master in legal translation En>It
Native in italiano Native in italiano
Freelancer and outsourcer
Master ICoN, Università di Pisa, MA-ICoN Consortium of the Universities of Pisa, Genova and Bari), International Association Traduttori e Interpreti (IATI), 11 years of experience
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qiqilucky Contact directly
Bio: I am a Chinese interpreter and translator and I am on the path to be a lawyer. I speak both Cantonese and Mandarin.
Message: Nice to meet you.
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Bruce Popp Contact directly
ATA Certified Translator & Patent Agent
Estados Unidos
Native in inglês (Variant: US) 
Bio: I am both
an ATA Certified Translator For French into English
a USPTO Registered Patent Agent.

I translate patents and handle filing with the USPTO.
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Ximera Contact directly
Native in russo Native in russo
35 years of experience
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Samantha Payn Contact directly
CIOL Chartered Linguist
Reino Unido
Native in inglês (Variant: British) Native in inglês
Chartered Institute of Linguists, University of Bristol, OTHER-IoL Dip Trans (1993), CIOL, 35 years of experience
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Fiona Mallard Contact directly
Native in inglês Native in inglês
University of Salford, BA-University of Salford, 11 years of experience