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7 years and 3 months ago
Since its inception in 2012, Giving Tuesday has been celebrated across the globe as a day to give back: whether it be through donations, fundraising, volunteering your time and expertise, or simply by calling others to support a particular cause or initiative.
The evidence is overwhelming: climate change is an imminent threat, our food systems are increasingly stressed, and our lands, waters, and species are threatened like never before. If we don’t act now, the viability of our planet and our quality of life – to say nothing of the health of our economy – face an existential threat.
1% for the Planet are committed to supporting their nonprofit partners essential work in our six core focus areas: climate, food, land, pollution, water, and wildlife. is pleased to host the Giving Tuesday Virtual Event to raise funds for 1% for the Planet. 1% for the Planet is a global organization that connects dollars and doers to accelerate smart environmental giving. We recognize that the current level of environmental giving - only 3% of total philanthropy - is not enough to solve the most pressing issues facing our planet.
This #GivingTuesday, help us kick off the 2017 season of giving by taking responsibility and giving back to the planet!
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Make a donation by choosing one or several options below: matched each donation, and together we reached the donation drive goal.
Thanks to trainers and attendees for their fantastic fundraising efforts!
Presentations will be of interest to translators and interpreters and deal with tips and tools to boost your productivity and improve your quality of life; DipTrans exam or MA in translation; we will talk about the true cost of being a freelance translator. Attendees will be offered a cafeteria-style-menu of tools and skills-sets "needed" (not optional: REQUIRED) in the profession today.
As always, will match, dollar for dollar, the first $1,000 USD donated to this charity. | |||||||||
Spread the word! Giving Tuesday Virtual Event – November 28, 2017
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