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Basic info

Stijn Claerhout, mother tongue: Dutch, nationality: Belgian, specialty: financial and legal translations

Education & working experience

☆ - Master in Romanic Languages (French-Spanish), Catholic University of Leuven (2001-2005)
☆ - Complementary Master in Business Economics, Leuven School of Business & Economics
☆ - Work experience within Fortis Bank, Euler Hermes, Norgine Pharmaceuticals...

Language combinations

French - > Dutch (or Flemish)
English - > Dutch (or Flemish)
Spanish - > Dutch (or Flemish)
Portuguese - > Dutch (or Flemish)

Recent experience


Investor information:
- Translation (EN-NL) of an investor's update for a well-known Belgian asset management company

- Press release (EN-NL) of the results for the third quarter for a large Belgian pharmaceutical company

- Translation (FR-NL) of a proposition of services for the private banking department of a large Dutch-Belgian bank

- Translation (FR-NL)of an investment case for a Dutch translation company

- Translation of investment advice (buy/sell) for a Luxemburg bank

-Translation (EN-NL) of a notice to shareholders

Technical analysis

-Translation (FR-NL) of a technical analysis for a regional bank in France


- Translation (EN-NL) of a simplified prospectus for a pension fund of a large Dutch-Belgian bank

- Translation (EN-NL) of a simplified prospectus for a life insurance of a large Dutch-Belgian bank

- Translation (FR-NL) of a prospectus for a large French fund management company

- Translation (EN-NL) of two simplified prospectuses for an Irish investment fund

- Translation (EN-NL) of a full prospectus for an Irish investment fund


- Translation and revision (EN-NL) of KIIDs (Key Investor Information Document) for a Luxemburg based reporting company

- Revision (EN-NL) of about 30 KIID's for an English translation company

- Revision (EN-NL) of 10+ KIID’s for a Luxemburg based translation agency


- Morning Bell, daily newsletter for the members of a currency trading website

- Dual currency deposit agreement (FR-NL) for a well-known state-owned Dutch bank



- Contract for the health and safety coordinators (FR-NL) for a large French-Belgian bank

- Commercial loan agreement (ES-NL) for a notary in Granada, Spain

- Dual currency deposit agreement (FR-NL) for a well-known state-owned Dutch bank

- Delivery contract (FR-NL) for dairy products for a large food company

Terms & conditions

- Disclaimer for a large listed Belgian pharmaceutical company

- General terms & conditions (EN-NL) for a UK based web design company

- Sales terms (FR-NL) for a starting health care company


- Translation (EN-NL) of job offers for the human resources department of a large French-Belgian bank

- Safety instructions (EN-NL) for the Brussels offices of a large Belgian-Dutch bank

- Translation (FR-NL) of a scientific-historical article in Vlaamse migranten in Wallonië, an edition of Lannoo

- Revision of the code of conduct (EN-NL) of a European mid-cap pharmaceutical company

- Translation of the minutes (EN-NL) of the annual meeting of the board of directors for the Belgian branch of a large German chemical company

- Translation (FR-NL) of the website of an investment vehicle for development cooperation of the Belgian government

- Translation (FR-NL) of 3 bulding specifications for a real estate project in Brussels (more than 45.000 words)

-Translation (FR-NL) of a website for a Belgian cloud service

-Translation of administrative certificates (PT-NL)

- Sector analysis (FR-NL) of a metal workers union

-Translation of a newspaper ad (FR-NL) for a French fund management company

Background of specialization

Finance & stock market

- Complementary Master in Business Economics
- Two years at Fortis Bank, then at Euler Hermes Credit Insurance,
- A course on balance sheet analysis and financial analysis
- Well informed about the latest economic news.
- Good understanding of the following subdomains: corporate finance, risk analysis, stock markets, macro-economic indicators, balance sheet and annual accounts, investment funds, forex, international finance, public finance (monetary and fiscal policy), responsible investments....
- Familiar with terms like annual report, monetary policy, depreciation, value investing or EBIT.


- Good knowledge of Belgian Social and commercial law (via Complementary master in Business economics), revision of articles of association and coordinated bylaws from listed clients of Fortis Belgium

-Terms and conditions of sale, general terms and conditions, articles of association, amendments of bylaws, contracts, minutes, disclaimers, privacy statements...

C.A.T & software:

- Wordfast PRO
- Trados Studio 2011
- MemoQ 2013

- Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Adobe Premiere, Adobe Dreamweaver
Este associado ganhou pontos KudoZ por ajudar outros tradutores com termos de nível PRO. Clicar nos totais de pontos para ver as traduções de termos fornecidas.

Totais de pontos ganhos: 57
Pontos do nível PRO: 49

Idiomas Principais (PRO)
espanhol para holandês36
francês para holandês8
inglês para holandês5
Principais áreas gerais (PRO)
Principais áreas específicas (PRO)
Finanças (geral)8
Cosméticos, beleza4
Turismo e viagem4

Ver todos os pontos ganhos >
Palavras-chave dutch holandes finanzas finances stock market banco banque Bruxelles Belgique Belgium België tourist guide valuta forex exchange market flemish flamand néerlandais crédit investment fund prospectus financial report rapport financier fonds d'investissement statuts coordonnées bylaws articles of association green energy financial statements bourse value investing ebit ebitda accounting annual results KIID Key investor information documentation UCITS IV vertaler Nederlands Frans Spaans Engels essentiële beleggersinformatie investissement document

Última atualização do perfil
Oct 25, 2022