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espanhol para inglês: Newspaper Translation excerpt General field: Arte/Literatura Detailed field: Jornalismo
Texto de origem - espanhol ¿Para qué sirve la literatura?
En esta conversación inédita, que tuvo lugar en el Círculo de Lectores de Madrid el 6 de noviembre de 1997, los escritores Günter Grass y Juan Goytisolo reflexionaron sobre asuntos geopolíticos y la situación en sus dos países, la misión del escritor y, por supuesto, literatura. Grass, que sería Premio Nobel de Literatura en 1999, prefigura con relativo acierto desarrollos de la situación política alemana, en tanto que Goytisolo subraya similitudes y diferencias con la española.
Juan Goytisolo (JG): Quisiera comenzar citando un artículo de Günter Grass, donde dice: "¿Para qué sirve la literatura cuando el futuro se nos presenta como una catástrofe anunciada, profetizada por horribles estadísticas? ¿Qué queda para contar, cuando a través de múltiples ejemplos diarios, vemos confirmada y certificada la capacidad de la especie humana para destruirse a sí misma y destruir a todos los seres vivos, de las formas más diversas? Lo único que se puede medir después de Auschwitz es la permanente amenaza de autoexterminio colectivo mediante la energía nuclear, que de ahora en más confiere a la "solución final" una dimensión global. El futuro aparece mayormente agotado, o si se prefiere arruinado. No es más que un simple proyecto, que muy probablemente haya que abandonar".
Los vencedores de la guerra fría están por lograr algo inédito en la historia: descerebrar a la especie humana por medio de una astuta combinación de tecnociencia y tecnomercado. Nos acercamos a las utopías negativas por caminos absolutamente imprevisibles. Así que la primera pregunta puede parecer absurda: ¿qué puede hacer la literatura para defender al ser humano de esa catástrofe programada?
Günter Grass (GG): Yo era todavía un joven escritor de lengua alemana cuando tuve que enfrentarme por primera vez a esa terrible pregunta. Al término de la segunda guerra mundial tenía apenas 17 años. Tenía proyectos artísticos personales, pero rápidamente sentí que para mi generación y para los autores de la literatura alemana que renacía, los temas centrales ya estaban fijados: la guerra criminal desatada por Alemania; la capitulación total; los crímenes y su sombra trágica. Al mismo tiempo, a comienzos de los años ´50, conocí en la república soberana de Alemania Occidental (también fue el caso en Alemania Oriental) la imposición de la censura sobre el pasado. Algunos dirigentes políticos y hasta algunos intelectuales, construían leyendas. Hablaban de un pobre pueblo engañado, manipulado por los "flautistas de Hamelin". Cuando me acuerdo muy bien, ya que era un adolescente durante ese nefasto período, de que todo ocurrió a la luz del día. Las mentiras eran evidentes, pero después de 1945 la mayoría de los alemanes adoptaron una consigna: no hablar del tema, cubrir todo con un manto de olvido y dejar las cosas como estaban.
Tradução - inglês What’s the use of literature?
Writers Gunter Grass and Juan Goytisolo reflect on geopolitical issues and the situations in their respective countries, the mission of the writer and, of course, literature, in this previously unpublished conversation which took place at the Reader's Circle, Madrid, on November 6th, 1997. Grass, who went on to receive the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1999, predicts future developments in German politics with telling accuracy. Goytisolo highlights the similarities and differences of these observations with the political landscape of his native Spain.
Juan Goytisolo (JG): I would like to begin by quoting an article by Gunter Grass, in which he says: "What is the use of literature when the future is presented to us as a foregone catastrophe, prophetisised by chilling sets of statistics? What is there left to tell, when on a daily basis we see numerous examples of humankind's capacity to destroy not only itself but also all living creatures and in such a variety of different ways? In the aftermath of Auschwitz the only thing left to consider is the permanent threat of collective self-extermination using nuclear weapons, which from now on adds a global dimension to the term “ The final solution”. The future appears to be completely exhausted, even ruined. It is no more than a simple project, which will most likely have to be abandoned”.
The victors of the Cold War are on the verge of achieving something previously unheard of in history: the intellectual draining of the human race through a shrewd combination of techno-science and techno-business. We are now approaching an age of negative utopias, going in directions once completely unthought of. Bearing this in mind my first question may seem absurd: What can literature do in order to defend man from that inevitable catastrophe?
Gunter Grass (GG): I was still a young, unknown German writer when I first had to ponder that terrible question. I was only 17 when the Second World War finished…I had my own artistic projects, yet very quickly I sensed that for my generation, and for the authors of Germany’s renascent literature, the core themes had already been fixed. The criminal war waged by Germany; the surrender; the crimes that were committed and the shadow that these cast. At the same time, at the beginning of the fifties, I saw for myself how the sovereign republic of West Germany enforced a censorhip of the past (this was also the case in East Germany). Some political leaders, and even some intellectuals, created myths: they would talk of a country that had been tricked, led astray by the 'Pied Pipers of Hamlin'. Yet while the lies were clear to see, after 1945 most Germans stuck to one motto: don't talk about it, brush it under the carpet, leave things just the way they were.
espanhol para inglês: Promotional Video Script (for conversion into subtitles) General field: Marketing Detailed field: Publicidade/Relações públicas
Texto de origem - espanhol
En Colombia, en la ciudad de Medellín, existe desde el año 2010 la asociación "padres abriendo puertas", que trabaja por el beneficio de las familias y personas con discapacidad y que durante más de dos años de duro trabajo, ha ido construyendo una sociedad más incluyente que implemente políticas de atención integral y mejore la calidad de vida de esta población y sus familias.
Lucas Jaramillo es un ejemplo de la asociación padres abriendo puertas. Rodeado de su familia y gracias a su constancia con las actividades de la asociación, ha logrado tener una mejor calidad de vida, aunque su padre ha tenido que hacer un gran esfuerzo, junto con un equipo de padres de familia, para mantener esta asociación que, actualmente, interviene a más de 250 personas en la ciudad.
Diego Jaramillo:
En este momento tenemos afiliadas 88 familias entonces prácticamente estamos hablando que somos alrededor de 250 personas detrás de una persona con discapacidad. Hablando pues en hogares que sean conformados, por ejemplo como en el caso de Lucas, por mi esposa Lucas y yo.
Pero tenemos hogares de tres, de cuatro personas y hasta más. incluso tenemos familias donde no hay una sola persona con discapacidad sino que tenemos dos entonces que se complica más la cosa.
Tradução - inglês
In Medellin, Colombia, the Parents Opening Doors association has been supporting disabled people and their families since 2010. In this time, it has strived to create a more inclusive society, implementing integrated care approaches and improving the quality of life of its service users.
Lucas Jaramillo has benefitted from Parents Opening Doors. With his family by his side, and through his sustained participation in the association´s activities, he now enjoys a better quality of life. His father and a parent team have worked tirelessly to sustain the association, which currently helps over 250 people in Medellin.
Diego Jaramillo:
There are 88 families currently registered with us which works out around 250 people supporting every disabled person. For example, our household is made up of Lucas, my wife and I.
There are also larger families with three or four people, sometimes more. We even deal with families where more than one person is disabled, making the situation more complicated.
português para inglês: Brochure for Portuguese Tourist Board event General field: Marketing Detailed field: Turismo e viagem
Texto de origem - português Conferências & Palestras
Sessões organizadas pelo Turismo de Portugal em parceria com a BTL – Feira Internacional de Turismo, com o objetivo de partilhar informação estratégica com o setor e reforçar a sua capacidade comercial e promocional nos mercados externos. As sessões proporcionam aos empresários o contacto direto com agentes turísticos internacionais especializados, permitindo-lhes conhecer as necessidades dos turistas desses mercados ao nível da formatação do produto e adequação da oferta, bem como as estratégias mais eficazes e estruturadas de abordagem.
A entrada é livre para expositores da BTL, sujeita a inscrição. A inscrição para não expositores têm um custo de 30 euros para uma ou todas as sessões.
Auditório do pavilhão 2 da FIL, BTL - Lisboa
| 27-02-2013 Espanha, França, Itália, Reino Unido, Irlanda, EUA
| 28-02-2013 TUI Quality Management, Alemanha, Benelux, Escandinávia, Polónia, Brasil
| 01-03-2013 China, Índia, Emirados Árabes Unidos
Turismo e ambiente: potencialidades em Portugal
Workshop que se focará no tema do turismo em ambiente natural. A procura deste tipo de turismo aumentou significativamente nos últimos anos, um pouco por todo o mundo, estando atualmente em franca expansão. Portugal apresenta uma localização geográfica privilegiada, com acesso natural ao meio marinho e costeiro, bem como a diversos tipos de ecossistemas terrestres, o que lhe confere diversos fatores de competitividade. Para além disso, tem um clima ameno e uma elevada biodiversidade em fauna e flora preservadas. Estes são alguns dos elementos que conferem a Portugal o potencial para se tornar num destino de topo deste tipo de turismo.
Tradução - inglês Conferences & Lectures
Sessions organised by the Portuguese Tourism Board in conjunction with the BTL - International Tourism Fair, with the aim of both sharing strategic information with the sector and strengthening its commercial and promotional capacity in foreign markets. The sessions place business people in direct contact with specialist tourism agents. This allows them to become acquainted not only with the needs of tourists from these markets, in product formatting and supply matching terms, but also with the most efficient and structured approach strategies.
Entry is free for BTL exhibitors provided they register beforehand. Non-exhibitors must pay a 30 Euro registration fee, granting access to as many sessions as desired.
Auditorium, Lisbon International Fair (FIL) Exhibition Hall 2, BTL
| 27-02-2013 Spain, France, Italy, UK, Republic of Ireland, United Arab Emirates
| 28-02-2013 TUI Quality Management, Germany, Benelux, Scandinavia, Poland, Brazil
| 01-03-2013 China, India, United Arab Emirates
Tourism and the environment: the potential in Portugal
Workshop will focus on the topic of eco-tourism. Across the world, demand for this type of tourism has increased significantly. It is currently booming. Portugal boasts an excellent geographical location, with natural access to marine and coastal areas, as well as many types of inland ecosystems, all of which improve its competitiveness. In addition, it has a pleasant climate and a plethora of unspoilt plants and wildlife. These are just some of the elements that give Portugal the potential to become the number one destination for this type of tourism.
I am an MA-qualified translator working between Spanish, Portuguese,
French, Italian and my native English. Having lived and worked in
Spanish and Portuguese-speaking countries for many years, I combine
translation with other language-related services.
My recent projects cover a range of fields, including:
– Financial translations for the WTO and numerous Swiss financial institutions – Pt>Eng interpreting and copywriting for US/Brazilian web design agency Aero – Script editing and voiceovers for Swiss podcast firm Young Pods – On-site translations during European summits at the Portuguese Parliament
– Project management and art text translations for the Swiss Art Awards – Esl>Eng subtitles for feature-length film Who is Dayani Cristal?
– Pt>Eng subtitles for a Portuguese travel documentary
Software: SDL Trados Studio 2022, Memsource, Subtitle Workshop, Subtitle Editor
I am an efficient and dependable translator with over 15 years of experience producing accurate, high quality work.