10,051 registrants

Freelance Translator Virtual Conference

Sep 30, 2010

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  • Ongoing education: 57.9%
  • Meeting new clients: 40.5%
  • Socializing: 38.6%
  • Having fun / celebrating ITD: 37.1%
  • Meeting new collaborators: 32.2%
  • Getting discounted software: 22.1%
  • Finding translators: 772

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See also: Translation company directory | Freelance translator directory

ProZ.com users -- in Nova Zelândia -- registered for the event (32)
Checked in
Saleh Ayyub Contact directly
قاضي صلح و مترجم ومستشار - صالح أيوب
Nova Zelândia
Native in árabe Native in árabe, inglês Native in inglês
Interested in: socializing, fun
Iraq, New Zealand Society of Translators and Interpreters, OTHER-MBA, Pre-MBA - Business language, New Zealand Society of Translators and Interpreters (NZSTI), Translation Standards Institute (TSI), NZSTI, 17 years of experience
Checked in
Christof Schneider Contact directly
Communication needs understanding
Native in alemão Native in alemão
Interested in: meeting clients, discounted software, ongoing education
Interested in participating in: Using machine translation as a freelancer
Bio: Translation Workflow Consultant, CAT tool training, Support
Amy Merrill Contact directly
Life sciences/medical specialist, PG Dip
Nova Zelândia
Native in inglês (Variant: British) Native in inglês
Interested in: meeting clients, ongoing education, fun
Bio: Just starting out in the business, currently half way through a post-graduate diploma in translation studies. BA in Spanish and Mandarin. Currently working with Spanish and English and looking to gain some experience.
Message: Hola a todos
Checked in
Sara Bollati Contact directly
Competent, accurate, reliable
Nova Zelândia
Native in italiano 
Interested in participating in: Happy hour post-Evento tra traduttori (Italiano)
New Zealand Society of Translators and Interpreters, Scuola Superiore di Lingue Moderne per Interpreti e Traduttori, Scuola Superiore per Mediatori Linguistici “Adriano Macagno” di Cuneo, OTHER-Scuola Interperti e Traduttori, NZSTI, 33 years of experience
Checked in
Rebecka Beetz Contact directly
I work while you sleep!
Native in alemão Native in alemão
University of Leipzig, New Zealand Society of Translators and Interpreters, Asociación Argentina de Traductores e Intérpretes, OTHER-University of Leipzig, Germany, NZSTI, 19 years of experience
Checked in
Sarah Truesdale Contact directly
Editor, proofreader, writer, translator
Nova Zelândia
Native in inglês Native in inglês
Interested in: ongoing education, fun, experiencing a virtual conference
Institute of Translation and Interpreting, DELF 1er degre, University of Edinburgh, University of Auckland, Faculty of Arts, Centre for Translation & Interpreting Studies, MA-University of Edinburgh, UK, NZSTI, 18 years of experience
Checked in
Brigitta Sinton Contact directly
accurate and reliable
Native in alemão Native in alemão
Interested in: meeting clients, ongoing education, fun
New Zealand Society of Translators and Interpreters, GD-University of Applied Sciences Cologne, NZSTI, 30 years of experience
Checked in
Jenny Streitparth Contact directly
100% every time!
Nova Zelândia
Native in alemão Native in alemão, inglês Native in inglês
Interested in: discounted software, ongoing education, experiencing a virtual conference
Interested in participating in: Using machine translation as a freelancer
German Chamber of Trade and Industry, OTHER-Sprachschulen Hommer, Koblenz, 15 years of experience
Checked in
J Fox Contact directly
Medical, technical, corporate comms
Nova Zelândia
Native in inglês 
Interested in: meeting clients, meeting collaborators, socializing
Bio: BSc (Hons) from the UK, 14 years German to English translation.

New Zealand Society of Translators and Interpreters, NZSTI
Overnight jobs - in New Zealand we work while Europe sleeps.
Checked in
Lang-uages (X) Contact directly
Quality translations by Sabine Lang
Native in alemão Native in alemão
Interested in: meeting clients, meeting collaborators, discounted software
Bio: Translator trained at University of Applied Sciences Cologne, Germany (Diplom-Uebersetzerin/equivalent to BAHons). Member of the New Zealand Society of Translators and Interpreters. Working languages: German, English, Spanish and French. Freelance translator/proofreader...
Message: Hi everyone! I am a first-timer and really looking forward to the Conference. My working languages are German, English, Spanish and French. I live and work in Cambridge, New Zealand.
Checked in
Ben Gaia Contact directly
I look for the deeper meaning.
Nova Zelândia
Native in inglês (Variant: New Zealand) Native in inglês
Interested in: socializing
Interested in participating in: Translating the social sciences
Bio: I am a New Zealand based freelance translator French to English.
Checked in
Lidiah Contact directly
Native in samoano Native in samoano
Interested in: everything
Bio: I am of Samoan descent and English was my best subject when I was in School in the islands. I have translated the NZ Road Code and interpreted the questionaires for Drivers License while with Adult Literacy and was teaching in a community of adults, which I found that I...
Message: Talofa lava from Samoa, Fakalofa lahi atu, Bula vinaka, Kia orana, Te na kou tou, Talofa ni, Malo e lelei . Looking forward to the conference and meeting everyone else.
Checked in
Elena Romanova Contact directly
Smart Translation
Nova Zelândia
Native in russo Native in russo
Interested in: meeting clients, meeting collaborators, ongoing education
Bio: Creative. Reliable. Born Russian. Dutch nationality. Driven by inspiration. Open for new ideas. Open for cooperation.
Checked in
Maria Choukri Contact directly
Language & Culture Adventurer
Nova Zelândia
Native in húngaro Native in húngaro, eslovaco Native in eslovaco
National Accreditation Authority for Translators and Interpreters, New Zealand Society of Translators and Interpreters, Corvinus University of Budapest, MA-Comenius University Bratislava, NAATI, NZSTI, 40 years of experience
Checked in
Mirjana Vlatkovic Contact directly
IT/Tech Specialist, 20 yr of experience
Nova Zelândia
Native in sérvio Native in sérvio, servo-croata Native in servo-croata, bósnio Native in bósnio
Interested in: meeting clients, meeting collaborators, ongoing education
Bio: I chose to become a translator because I enjoy to be language creative and to combine my outstanding linguistic skills with the specialized knowledge I obtained during my studies and while working.
Message: Nice to be here! :))
Checked in
Marina Krukovich Contact directly
Professional, reliable, committed
Native in russo Native in russo, bielo-russo Native in bielo-russo
Interested in: meeting clients, meeting collaborators, ongoing education
Bio: I was only 12 years old when for the first time I thought of becoming a translator / interpreter. It happened during my one month stay in Italy when I was a guest of an Italian family. I didn't know any Italian or English at the time and the family didn't speak any Russ...
Message: Hi everyone! It's the first time I am participating at the virtual conference. Hope we'll all enjoy it!!
Checked in
Melanie Wittwer Contact directly
Nova Zelândia
Native in alemão 
Interested in: meeting clients, ongoing education, socializing
Interested in participating in: Art & literary translation
Bio: MProf Translation Studies, University of Auckland 2004.
Specialisation: Education, immigration, academic translations, tourism, literary translation and deciphering old German letters.
Checked in
Kathrin Berger Contact directly
The German Connection
Nova Zelândia
Native in alemão , inglês Native in inglês
Interested in: meeting clients, discounted software, ongoing education
New Zealand Society of Translators and Interpreters, 25 years of experience
Checked in
Irina Chamritski Contact directly
PhD, life science, technical, SEO, AI
Nova Zelândia
Native in russo Native in russo, inglês (Variants: US, Australian, New Zealand, UK, Irish) Native in inglês
DipTrans Online Preparatory Course , Victoria University of Wellington, 15 years of experience
Real Zeal (X) Contact directly
Fluent in public-oriented translation.
Nova Zelândia
Native in inglês 
17 years of experience
Claudia Aguirre-Isler (X) Contact directly
financial and medical translations
Native in alemão 
Zurich University of Applied Sciences, BA-Zurich University of Applied Sciences, NZSTI, 20 years of experience
William A McNab Contact directly
Economics and finance
Nova Zelândia
Native in inglês 
New Zealand Society of Translators and Interpreters, OTHER-University of Auckland, NZSTI, 18 years of experience
Marcella S. Contact directly
Reliable, fast, accurate
Nova Zelândia
Native in português (Variants: Brazilian, European/Portugal) Native in português, inglês (Variants: British, New Zealand, UK, US, Australian) Native in inglês
Interested in: meeting clients, meeting collaborators, discounted software
Member, Cambridge University (ESOL Examinations), New Zealand Society of Translators and Interpreters, University of Auckland, Faculty of Arts, Centre for Translation & Interpreting Studies, Auckland University of Technology, MA-University of Auckland, NZSTI, 28 years of experience
Vanda Contact directly
up to date quality translation
Nova Zelândia
Native in russo 
ATA, 25 years of experience
orober Contact directly
Native in russo Native in russo
New Zealand Society of Translators and Interpreters, MA-The University of Auckland, NZSTI, 36 years of experience
Lucia Fusco Contact directly
Italian translator and Project Manager
Nova Zelândia
Native in italiano Native in italiano
39 years of experience
Ksenija Mincic Obradovic Contact directly
Fast and reliable
Nova Zelândia
Native in sérvio Native in sérvio, croata Native in croata
Freelancer and outsourcer
Interested in: ongoing education
National Accreditation Authority for Translators and Interpreters, OTHER-NAATI, New Zealand Society of Translators and I
nelly matthews Contact directly
15 years experience legal translations
Nova Zelândia
Native in romeno Native in romeno, inglês Native in inglês
Postsecondary Specialty Institute Phoenix Cluj , New Zealand Society of Translators and Interpreters, Romanian Ministry of Justice, BA-Post Secondary Institute "Phoenix" Cluj-Napoca, Romania; Specialty: Romanian/English/French legal translator and interpreter ; Licence No. 4131/2000 issued by the Ministry of Justice, Romania through Order No. 3213/C/04 December 2000. , NZSTI, IAPTI, 26 years of experience
Stefania_in_NZ Contact directly
Literary Translation Student
Native in italiano Native in italiano
Interested in: meeting collaborators, ongoing education, socializing
Bio: I am an Italian expat living in NZ and I am looking forward to put my language skills to good use in the translation world. I have translated on a volunteer basis to get more experience and I am currently attending a on-line course offered by WLS.
I look forward to vir...
Message: Saluti dalla Nuova Zelanda.
Greetings from NZ.
Aleksandra Brewer (X) Contact directly
Results with professional research
Nova Zelândia
Native in polonês 
Interested in: meeting clients, meeting collaborators, ongoing education
Institute of Applied Linguistics, New Zealand Society of Translators and Interpreters, University of Warsaw, MA-University of Warsaw, NZSTI, 23 years of experience
Eiko Konishi Contact directly
Native in japonês Native in japonês
Interested in: ongoing education, experiencing a virtual conference
New Zealand Society of Translators and Interpreters, OTHER-Auckland University, NZSTI, 20 years of experience
Michela McQ Contact directly
Native in chinês Native in chinês, inglês Native in inglês
Interested in: ongoing education, socializing, experiencing a virtual conference
22 years of experience