10,051 registrants

Freelance Translator Virtual Conference

Sep 30, 2010

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  • Ongoing education: 57.9%
  • Meeting new clients: 40.5%
  • Socializing: 38.6%
  • Having fun / celebrating ITD: 37.1%
  • Meeting new collaborators: 32.2%
  • Getting discounted software: 22.1%
  • Finding translators: 772

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See also: Translation company directory | Freelance translator directory

ProZ.com users -- in Macedônia (FYROM) -- registered for the event (37)
Checked in
Sonja Kitanovska Contact directly
Absolutely reliable and professional
Macedônia (FYROM)
Native in macedônio Native in macedônio
Interested in: meeting clients, ongoing education, fun
Ss Cyril & Methodius University, Macedonia, Cambridge University (Lang. Degrees), Ss. Cyril and Methodius University - "Blaze Koneski" Faculty of Philology, PHD-Ss Cyril and Methodius University, Skopje, Translators' Association of the Republic of Macedonia, 24 years of experience
Checked in
Ivan Dimoski Contact directly
Excellent, reliable, reasonable
Macedônia (FYROM)
Native in macedônio Native in macedônio, sérvio Native in sérvio
UKIM, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University - "Blaze Koneski" Faculty of Philology, Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Macedonia, BA-Faculty of Philology, 27 years of experience
Checked in
Nadica Gjosevska Contact directly
EN-MK-EN, certified,23 years experience
Macedônia (FYROM)
Native in macedônio Native in macedônio
Interested in: meeting clients, discounted software, ongoing education
Bio: Certified translator of English - Macedonian - English, and EFL teacher/ teacher trainer; More than 13 years experience. MA in ELT, BA in English language and literature- teaching and translation.
Message: E-greetings from Stip!
Sunny66 Contact directly
Also a teacher
Macedônia (FYROM)
Native in búlgaro Native in búlgaro
MA, 25 years of experience
Checked in
BlagicaK Contact directly
Native in macedônio Native in macedônio
Interested in: experiencing a virtual conference
21 years of experience
Checked in
Sandra Neshova Krajchev Contact directly
Macedônia (FYROM)
Native in macedônio 
Interested in: meeting clients, meeting collaborators, ongoing education
Bio: B.A. in English language and literature, M.A. in Conference Interpreting, working as an English teacher and freelance translator and interpreter.
Checked in
iva strezoska Contact directly
Macedônia (FYROM)
Native in macedônio Native in macedônio
Interested in: meeting clients, meeting collaborators, ongoing education
Bio: Graduated interpreter (English and German language), Simultaneous and consecutive interpreting and translation (English to Macedonian, Macedonian to English and German to Macedonian)
Message: <br /><a href="http://www.alegoo.com/comments/welcometomypage/welcometomypage-2.php"><img src="http://www.img-alegoo.com/images/welcometomypage/new/10.gif" border="0" alt="Send This Graphic To Your Friends!"></a><br /><a href="http://www.al...
Checked in
Aneta Risteska Contact directly
Medicine, Localization, Law, Subtitling
Macedônia (FYROM)
Native in macedônio 
Interested in: ongoing education, socializing, fun
Ss. Cyril and Methodius University, Macedonia, BA-Faculty of Philology, Skopje, 22 years of experience
Checked in
Senka Mihajlovska Contact directly
Macedônia (FYROM)
Native in macedônio Native in macedônio
Interested in: meeting clients, ongoing education, socializing
BA, 21 years of experience
Checked in
SnezhanaL Contact directly
Interested in: ongoing education
Checked in
Kire Dimik Contact directly
Old clients = Happy. New ones = Lucky.
Macedônia (FYROM)
Native in macedônio 
Interested in: meeting clients, meeting collaborators, ongoing education
Ss. Cyril and Methodius University, BA-Ss. Cyril and Methodius University, Faculty of Philology, Department of Translation and Interpreting, 21 years of experience
Checked in
Gordana Mirchevska Contact directly
Interpreter/ Translator
Macedônia (FYROM)
Native in macedônio Native in macedônio
BA-University of Ss. Cyril and Methodious, 17 years of experience
Checked in
Gabriela Nikolova Contact directly
Experienced translator and subtitler
Macedônia (FYROM)
Native in macedônio 
Interested in: meeting clients, meeting collaborators, ongoing education
Bio: Certified translator from English/Serbian into Macedonian and vice versa

Checked in
Milena Chkripeska Contact directly
Sound as a pound service
Macedônia (FYROM)
Native in macedônio 
by Ss. Cyril and Methodius University Skopje, BA-Interpreting and Translation (English, French), Faculty of Philology, Skopje - Republic of Macedonia, 21 years of experience
Checked in
Venko Nochevski Contact directly
Specialized in software localization
Macedônia (FYROM)
Native in macedônio 
Interested in: discounted software, ongoing education, socializing
BA-Faculty of Electrical Engineering, St Kliment Ohridski University, 24 years of experience
Checked in
Irena Kacarski-Kimova Contact directly
Conference interpreter, MATA founder
Macedônia (FYROM)
Native in macedônio Native in macedônio
Interested in: meeting collaborators, ongoing education, socializing
Interested in participating in: Strategies for reaching end clients
Bio: Freelance English-Macedonian and Macedonian-English translator and conference interpreter. www.macedoniantranslation.my.proz.com
Message: Looking forward to meeting you!
Checked in
Biljana Vasileva Bojcev Contact directly
translation, localization, subtitle
Macedônia (FYROM)
Native in macedônio 
Interested in: meeting clients, socializing, winning prizes
Interested in participating in: Subtitling
Bio: Official sworn translator over 14 years in Macedonian / English as well as in Serbian language.
I work in a team with two other translators (please visit our web page http://www.balkantranslators.com/
Specialties IT, Hoouse hold appliance Manuals, Subtitling, Patents,...
Checked in
magoa Contact directly
Native in macedônio Native in macedônio
University of Skopje, BA-University Ss. Cyril and Methodius Skopje, 29 years of experience
Checked in
JasminkaVT (X) Contact directly
Efficient and accurate
Native in macedônio Native in macedônio
Interested in: ongoing education
Macedonia: Ministry of Justice , Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Macedonia, BA-Ss Cyril and Methodius University -Skopje, Faculty of Philology , 25 years of experience
Elena Rizova Contact directly
Your translation is my priority
Macedônia (FYROM)
Native in macedônio Native in macedônio
(Ss. Cyril and Methodius University Skopje), BA-Ss. Cyril and Methodius University - Skopje,Macedonia, 18 years of experience
Alain Marsol (X) Contact directly
Wordsmith for your French markets
Native in francês 
Freelancer and outsourcer
19 years of experience
Ch. Hamim Contact directly
English, Albanian and Macedonian transla
Macedônia (FYROM)
Native in albanês Native in albanês, macedônio Native in macedônio
Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Macedonia, 22 years of experience
Rodna Ruskovska Contact directly
With great attention to detail...
Macedônia (FYROM)
Native in macedônio Native in macedônio
Certified Court Translator - Primary Court Skopje , ATA, CIOL, 30 years of experience
Maja Dojcinova Contact directly
English/French - Macedonian translator
Macedônia (FYROM)
Native in macedônio Native in macedônio
St.Cyril and Methodius, PHD, 22 years of experience
Mitko Jovanov Contact directly
Translation is an Art
Macedônia (FYROM)
Native in macedônio Native in macedônio
Interested in: meeting clients, finding translators, ongoing education
Authorized (sworn) translator, Ministry of Justice, BA-Philological Faculty Skopje, MK, 20 years of experience
marinkoslake (X) Contact directly
Macedônia (FYROM)
Native in macedônio Native in macedônio
30 years of experience
ginara (X) Contact directly
Macedônia (FYROM)
Native in macedônio Native in macedônio
English to Macedonian (University Ss Cyril and Met, BA
Tanja Mickovska Contact directly
Nichts über Qualität
Native in alemão Native in alemão, macedônio Native in macedônio
DNSPS, GD-Philologische Fakultät Skopje, 33 years of experience
Nitase Contact directly
Native in albanês Native in albanês
sasho janevski Contact directly
very good in economy translations
Macedônia (FYROM)
Native in macedônio Native in macedônio
OTHER-university- St kiril i medodij, 12 years of experience
Marvik Contact directly
Sanja198 Contact directly
21 years of experience
Pro Linguist with 14 years of experience Contact directly
Pro Linguist with 14 years of experience
Macedônia (FYROM)
Native in albanês (Variants: Gegë / Gheg, Toske / Tosk) Native in albanês
OTHER-International Organization, 19 years of experience
MinaDJ Contact directly
Arsim Jonuzi Contact directly
Correct and reliable translating
Macedônia (FYROM)
Native in albanês Native in albanês, macedônio Native in macedônio
Interested in: meeting collaborators, socializing, fun
Anastasija G Contact directly
Med-Legal Translator | Localization
Macedônia (FYROM)
Native in macedônio Native in macedônio
Interested in: socializing, fun, experiencing a virtual conference