Idiomas de trabalho:
inglês (monolíngüe)
inglês para árabe
inglês para búlgaro

The Choice of Market Leaders

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New Market Translations services blue chip companies in key market sectors including technology, financial, manufacturing and life sciences using web-based technologies. It provides its customers with on demand services such as Translation, Software Localization, and Web Site Translation.

NMT improves the way companies create cost-effective international versions of their products. Our solutions help customers realize significant cost savings, achieve better results and compete more effectively in demanding global markets. Blue chip customers are switching to NMT because we deliver multilingual products to the marketplace at a fraction of the time and cost that the competition charges. This business model is far more competitive than that of rival companies. NMT customers will save from 15% - 67% across the various services that are most common to translation projects.
Palavras-chave multilingual, vendor, localization, localisation, internationalisation, localization, l10n, i18n, globalization, globalisation. See more.multilingual, vendor, localization, localisation, internationalisation, localization, l10n, i18n, globalization, globalisation, gaming, web site, website, into english. See less.

Última atualização do perfil
Mar 28, 2019