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[View Powwow Report] powwow: Freelance translators meetup

December 13, 2011, 4:00 am
AustráliaBrisbaneIn personinglês

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Interested members (4) / Confirmed: 0
Name NoteWill Attend
Ekaterina Kamlovskaya  \"Organizer\" \"Reporter\" \"Photographer\" ...  
spangaro   ...  
Trinh Do   ...  
Kaiya J. Diannen   ...  

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Powwow: Brisbane - Australia
Ekaterina Kamlovskaya
Ekaterina Kamlovskaya  Identity Verified
Local time: 07:13
inglês para russo
+ ...
Freelance translators? Nov 23, 2011


Are there any freelance translators who would be interested in such a meetup? I would be happy to get to know people working in the industry.

Trinh Do
Trinh Do  Identity Verified
Membro (2007)
inglês para vietnamita
+ ...
Interested Nov 23, 2011

I'm based in Brisbane and love to meet other people / members. Great idea!

Ekaterina Kamlovskaya
Ekaterina Kamlovskaya  Identity Verified
Local time: 07:13
inglês para russo
+ ...
Great! Nov 23, 2011

Trinh Do wrote:

I'm based in Brisbane and love to meet other people / members. Great idea!

Great! I am leaving for Melbourne and then Japan and will be back in Brisbane after December, 10. Let's see who else is interested and then decide on the date and time. I will be really glad to share experiences. I am starting up a freelance translation business - so any advice will be highly appreciated.

Trinh Do
Trinh Do  Identity Verified
Membro (2007)
inglês para vietnamita
+ ...
I just had a 'simple' translation / interpreting idea already! Nov 26, 2011

Hi all,

This is not too complicated and involves medical / community care, which can be extended beyond Australia. It can be extended to Europe, the US, UK and Asia. It involves Alzheimer's disease as I have a parent with this condition and believe me, it is very serious. It gets to the stage when language is involved and the person cannot communicate and gets lost, and you do need to cater for the person's needs. Also, I love to introduce other people to my European work contact beca
... See more
Hi all,

This is not too complicated and involves medical / community care, which can be extended beyond Australia. It can be extended to Europe, the US, UK and Asia. It involves Alzheimer's disease as I have a parent with this condition and believe me, it is very serious. It gets to the stage when language is involved and the person cannot communicate and gets lost, and you do need to cater for the person's needs. Also, I love to introduce other people to my European work contact because sometimes I'm too busy to take up the work to help him. Or alternatively, I need some help myself.

Ekaterina Kamlovskaya
Ekaterina Kamlovskaya  Identity Verified
Local time: 07:13
inglês para russo
+ ...
Project question Nov 28, 2011

Trinh, I am interested, can you tell me more? Can I participate somehow (which means can I use my English -Russian translation skills / research skills/ etc)? My email is [email protected]

Trinh Do
Trinh Do  Identity Verified
Membro (2007)
inglês para vietnamita
+ ...
Nice to meet you, Ekaterina Nov 30, 2011

I think we've 'met' on-line. I am your local payment contact, but I prefer the translation part. I will ask an Australian professor whether he needs any Russian historical documents translated. He's doing research on Vietnamese history, but this is intertwined with Russia during the 1940s when Stalin was in power. Maybe this might lead to somewhere, but not so sure. Look forward to see ing you.
My e-mail address is [email protected]

Trinh Do
Trinh Do  Identity Verified
Membro (2007)
inglês para vietnamita
+ ...
Alzheimer issue Nov 30, 2011

Oh yes, about this issue. of course, it can be used everywhere, especially when newly arrived Russians in Australia come here and after some time they develop the condition. It is only an idea, not quite a project, and interpreting / translation is essential in this area.

Kaiya J. Diannen
Kaiya J. Diannen  Identity Verified
alemão para inglês
Interested Nov 30, 2011

Hi there! I'm interested, but I start work at 6pm, so it will depend on whether my schedule allows me to "take some time off" that evening/week - otherwise it sounds great!

Trinh Do
Trinh Do  Identity Verified
Membro (2007)
inglês para vietnamita
+ ...
Potential venue suggestion Dec 3, 2011

The venue I suggest is Pigs and Whistle inn (a quiet place) at 'Indooroopilly Shoppingtown - very convenient for people from interstate, as there are buses and trains coming here. Another is University of Queensland Staff Club, in St. Lucia, but I must check to make sure they allow outsiders (actually my sister gets invited here every time she comes back here from the US). I am an alumnus there, but there are numerous alumni. Another place is Boucher or Three Girls Skipping at Graceville, 365 Ho... See more
The venue I suggest is Pigs and Whistle inn (a quiet place) at 'Indooroopilly Shoppingtown - very convenient for people from interstate, as there are buses and trains coming here. Another is University of Queensland Staff Club, in St. Lucia, but I must check to make sure they allow outsiders (actually my sister gets invited here every time she comes back here from the US). I am an alumnus there, but there are numerous alumni. Another place is Boucher or Three Girls Skipping at Graceville, 365 Honour Ave., opposite the Graceville railway statiion. YOu just catch the Ipswich/Richlands line (all stations) from the City or airport.Collapse

Trinh Do
Trinh Do  Identity Verified
Membro (2007)
inglês para vietnamita
+ ...
I actually remember that I have to be away in Sydney until December 12 Dec 6, 2011

Is it possible if you can arrange the Powwow on December 13-15? I misremembered the return flight to Brisbane, thought it was Dec. 11.

Ekaterina Kamlovskaya
Ekaterina Kamlovskaya  Identity Verified
Local time: 07:13
inglês para russo
+ ...
Coming back Dec 7, 2011

Hi there,
I will be back on Friday - free to meet any day next week except 14/12 and may be 13/12 also (how about 15/12?). I live in taringa so both indooroopilly and UQ locations are fine to me.

Trinh Do
Trinh Do  Identity Verified
Membro (2007)
inglês para vietnamita
+ ...
15/12 will be fine Dec 9, 2011

Indooroopilly - Pig'n' Whistle will be great,

Ekaterina Kamlovskaya
Ekaterina Kamlovskaya  Identity Verified
Local time: 07:13
inglês para russo
+ ...
Time? Dec 13, 2011

What time would you prefer to meet at?

Ekaterina Kamlovskaya
Ekaterina Kamlovskaya  Identity Verified
Local time: 07:13
inglês para russo
+ ...
Interested Dec 13, 2011

Janet Rubin wrote:

Hi there! I'm interested, but I start work at 6pm, so it will depend on whether my schedule allows me to "take some time off" that evening/week - otherwise it sounds great!

Hi Janet,

Will you be free to meet on Thursday? What time would you prefer?

Trinh Do
Trinh Do  Identity Verified
Membro (2007)
inglês para vietnamita
+ ...
11-11.30 am Dec 13, 2011

Please confirm asap.

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