Associado desde Sep '11

Idiomas de trabalho:
inglês para espanhol
espanhol para inglês
português para espanhol
português para inglês

Diana Donatti
Conference Interpreter and translator

Estados Unidos
Horário Local: 07:54 CDT (GMT-5)

Nativo para: espanhol Native in espanhol
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What Diana Donatti is working on
Dec 20, 2016 (posted via  Presenters at the X Symposium on Translation, Terminology and Interpreting Cuba-Quebec in Varadero ...more, + 1 other entry »
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Simultaneous/ conference interpreter with over 20 years of experience.
Federal Court Certified, with vast experience in the legal, medical and oil and gas fields, both in interpreting and in written translation.
Our clients include the Federal Government, the Federal Reserve, the State of Texas, the New York Academy of Medicine, the National Minority AIDS Council, the OAS and many more.
We also have decades of experience in the Market Research, interpreting focus groups, home visits, 1:1 interviews and translating screeners, websites and advertising material.
We have all the necessary technical equipment and expertise to set up any multilingual meeting, of any size in all venues. We are experts at planning all types of events, from a 1000 delegate event in several languages to a contract negotiation or board meeting for just a few.
Palavras-chave Spanish, English, Portuguese, Interpreting, Translation, Simultaneous, Consecutive, Market Research, Medical, Legal. See more.Spanish, English, Portuguese, Interpreting, Translation, Simultaneous, Consecutive, Market Research, Medical, Legal, Technical, Oil & Gas, Interpretation Equipment, Technical Services. See less.

Última atualização do perfil
Mar 11