Translation, Editing/proofreading, MT post-editing, Software localization, Transcription, Transcreation, Website localization, Project management, Copywriting, Interpreting, Native speaker conversation, Subtitling
português para inglês, inglês para português, norueguês (bokmal) para inglês, and 53 more.
Specializes in
Engenharia (geral), Engenharia: Industrial, TI (Tecnologia da Informação), and 7 more.
5.00 (2 reviews)
Very good translator and very professional.
I have known and worked with Karine Marques for a long time. As an outsourced technical translator, she started collaborating with us since 2007. She has amazing language skills given the fact that is bilingual from birth and she is also a very skilled mechatronic engineer. Very responsible and dedicated. Always delivers before the deadline. Deep linguistic and technical knowledge. I strongly recommend her work.
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