765 registrants

3rd Lawyer Linguist virtual event

Dec 10, 2014

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ProZ.com users -- in Japão -- registered for the event (3)
Checked in
ChrisRathbone Contact directly
Bio: I’m Canadian and initially studied at the University of Saskatchewan (B.A. and J.D.). I have spent 18 years in Japan in Matsumoto, Nikko, Karuizawa, Sapporo, Kobe and Tokyo among other places, and have become fluent in the Japanese language, passing level 1 of the Jap...
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Masakado Kobayashi Contact directly
Clear and Precise
Native in japonês 
OTHER-studying at a post-graduate institution based in Tokyo, with International Paralegal and Legal Translation major, 12 years of experience
Matoko_Tsuta Contact directly
With Best Quality
Native in japonês 
Bio: The legal translator for 4 years in Tokyo.
Went to Chuo University Law Faculty Law department for 5 years and left.
Studied legal translation at Babel University for 2 years.
Message: Let's do our best in our translation work!