Associado desde Mar '03

Idiomas de trabalho:
inglês para francês
português para francês

CINETIQUE Translations - Laurence Auffret
Life Science, Technology & Engineering

Manchester, England, Reino Unido
Horário Local: 09:41 GMT (GMT+0)

Nativo para: francês Native in francês
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Total: 33 entries
What Laurence Auffret is working on
Aug 19, 2023 (posted via  french ...more »
Total word count: 0

Mensagem do usuário
Multilingual communications for Science, Technology and Engineering
Tipo de conta Freelancer e contratante
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This person is affiliated with:
Blue Board affiliation:
Serviços Translation, Interpreting, Editing/proofreading, Website localization, Software localization, Voiceover (dubbing), Subtitling, MT post-editing, Transcription, Training, Project management, Vendor management, Operations management, Copywriting
Especializado em:
Medicina: Assistência médica Medicina: instrumentos
Cálculo e estatísticaMedicina (geral)
Medicina: farmacêuticaCiência (geral)
Biologia (biotecnologia, bioquímica, microbiologia)Engenharia (geral)


Atividade KudoZ (PRO) Pontos de nível PRO: 26, Perguntas respondidas: 11, Perguntas feitas: 82
Histórico de Projetos 0 Projetos inseridos
Entradas Blue Board feitas por este usuário   9 entradas

Payment methods accepted Visa, MasterCard, American Express
Company size 4-9 employees
Year established 2003
Currencies accepted Canadian dollars (cad), Euro (eur), Pounds sterling (gbp), U. S. dollars (usd)
Glossários Medical - Pharma - Biochem
Standards / Certification(s) ISO 9001, SDL Certified
Formação educacional em tradução Master's degree - MSci. Bioeng from Rennes University.
Experiência Anos de experiência em tradução: 20 Registrado no Aug 2002. Tornou-se associado em: Mar 2003
Certificações inglês para francês (Chartered Institute of Linguists, verified)
Associações ATA, CIOL
Software Across, Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Photoshop, DejaVu, FrameMaker, Indesign, memoQ, Microsoft 365, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Acrobat Reader, MS Office 98 (Word, Excel, Access), WinZip, Pagemaker, Powerpoint, QuarkXPress, SDLX, Trados Studio, Wordfast
CV/Resume inglês (PDF)
Events and training
Práticas profissionais CINETIQUE Translations endossa's Diretrizes Profissionais .
MEDICAL AND SCIENTIFIC Life Sciences, Biotech, Medical, Pharmacology, Chemistry.
TECHNICAL Client and Products Presentations, Nuclear Energy and Decommissioning, Mechanical/Electronic/Civil Engineering, Health and Safety, Green and Alternative Technologies.
SOCIAL SCIENCES EU Policies and Guidelines on Health and Education.
EDUCATION Methodology, Linguistics, Learner's Psychology, On-line learning and new media.
ART Art history, World Art and Music, Food, Religion.

I am fully qualified in
• Biology (MSci in Bioengineering - France),
• Translation (Diploma in Translation - CIoL, UK),
• Medical Interpreting (Diploma Public Service Interpreting, medical option - CIoL, UK),
• Linguistics (MA Linguistics - France)
I have an expert level in Computer Assisted Communication and Education (Certificate E-moderator - Open University, UK).
I am also a past President of the European Medical Writers Association and I work with a team of medical and technical translators if you require a manager for larger projects (French/English and all languages combinations). We operate an ISO 2002 quality system and are ISO certified (GB2003558).

I am a French mother-tongue linguist and scientist based in Manchester (UK). I translate from English (UK or US) into French (France) and specialise in the scientific and medical fields. I offer services as a translator, interpreter or project manager.

I have over fifteen years' experience of translating in the medical and scientific fields. Two major ongoing projects on which I worked recently are concerned with marketing brochures and technical manuals for medical devices and instrumentation and are CE-certified documents. As part of this work, I have recently compiled a glossary (terms, standards, EC, IVD directives) and translated over 170,000 words. In addition, I worked as a food-improvement researcher before becoming a full time linguist, this was with the INRA (Institut National de Recherche Agronomique or "National Institute of Agronomic Research") in France and I also have practical laboratory experience in the field of crop enhancement.

My studies and experience have led me to specialise in all issues related to laboratory instrumentation and medical practices: materials and products, instrument, software, hardware, electronics, electrical engineering, surgery and medical practices, industry standards and regulations, laser and light technologies, validation of PRO instruments, readability testing, etc.

While I mainly dealt with pure sciences in my scientific work, I have also received training in a number of technical domains (including IT, physics, electronics, instrumentation, machinery) and I can certify the quality of my translations in these areas. I also translate scientific patents on a regular basis (chemistry and instrumentation). As far as commercial experience is concerned, I worked in a bank for 6 years (in a part-time capacity) and I have also translated a great deal of marketing documentation and press releases.

I always work with TRADOS Studio as this enables me to handle very large projects without compromising on consistency terminology or stylistic. I am proficient with this tool and use it equally for project and terminology management; I would be happy to also offer my services as a terminology researcher - my current database includes over 450,000 strings related to the medical domain.

My base translation rate is 70 GBP per 1000 words and decreases to 65 GBP for volume over 50,000 words. For proofing and editing tasks, the rates are calculated at 40% of the translation rate; these rates include quality control procedure and document certification. For specialised documents, my translation output is approx. 2000/2500 words per day and 10,000 for editing. My clients have always found that I provide high quality services at competitive rates.

Further details are contained in my CV on this site. I would also be happy to perform a test (of up to 300 words).

Feel free to contact me if you require any additional information.

I am looking forward to our collaboration


PR, Translation and Proofreading, Project Administration and Management, Interpreting, Web Site and Product Localisation, Cultural briefings, Language tuitions, Online Moderation.

Practical experience in the following areas:

Translating scientific, medical and engineering documents
Interpreting for scientific and social science conferences
Teaching (Sciences, Linguistics, French Language)
Research (Scientific, Market)
Cultural briefings and cross-cultural communication
Art Promotion (France, Brazil, UK)
LA_CINETIQUE's Twitter updates
    Palavras-chave AREAS Industry, Technology Aerospace, Engineering, Architecture, Bioengineering, Biochemistry, Chemical engineering, Chemistry, Computer hardware and software, Construction. See more.AREAS Industry, Technology Aerospace,Engineering,Architecture,Bioengineering, Biochemistry,Chemical engineering,Chemistry,Computer hardware and software,Construction,Electrical and electronics,Energy,Information technology,Laboratory instrumentation,Manufacturing,Mechanical engineering,Nano-technologies,Nuclear,Product development,Quality control,Telecommunications Medicine,Pharmacology,Life sciences, Analysis and methodology, Bio-systems,Cellular biology,Chromatography,Civil engineering,Clinical research,Dentistry,Embryology,Genetics,Healthcare,Holistic therapies,Lab equipment,Lab practice,Microbiology,Neuroscience,Nursing,Nutrition,Pathology,Pharmaceuticals, Physiology,Physiotherapy and ergotherapies,Primary care,Surgery,Toxicology Environmental protection,Environmental technology Agronomy,Air and noise pollution control,Energy efficiency,Environmental protection,Forestry,Hazardous materials,Recycling,Renewable energy technologies,Soil rehabilitation,Waste management,Water treatment Humanities,Social sciences Art restoration,Cinema,Criminology,Education and training,Human resources,Intercultural communication,Languages,Music,Pedagogy,Applied psychology,Sociology DOCUMENT TYPES User guides,Publications,Presentations,Brochures, Press releases,Websites,Books,Marketing materials,Administrative documentation,Patents,Marketing documentation,Reports,Software,Tape transcriptions,E-mails Industry and technology Material safety data sheets,Assembly instructions,Guidelines,Operating and instruction manuals,Patent applications,Policies and procedures,Practices and recommendations, Products specifications,Project management procedures,Tender documents,Glossaries and indexes Medicine, pharmacology and life sciences Clinical practice guidelines,Clinical studies,Diagnostic guidelines,Drug dosage schedules,Medical charts,Medical test guidelines,Medication guides,Pharmaceutical guides,Patient information,History records and scientific papers Marketing and advertising Advertising documents,Articles,Brand and generic names,Catalogues,Corporate communications,Descriptions of services,Industry information,Industry newsletters,Sales materials,Flyers Legal documents for all areas Agreements,Contracts,Licensing requirements, Regulatory issues Humanities and social sciences Human resources documentation,Training tools and resources,Curriculum units,Educational materials,Lesson plans,Bibliographies . See less.

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