videos » 2012 Virtual Event videos » 2012 year-end Certified PRO Network virtual event - Continuing education resources for translators and interpreters

Posted by Sales Admin on Dec 20, 2012 0 views
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There are a variety of educational programs in existence globally that can provide the proper formal training and credentials for translators and interpreters, but what about continuing professional development as a linguist’s career develops? This webinar will identify the major sources of programs which can be accessed to maintain and enhance the skill sets required for translators and interpreters to work competently.

The following topics will be addressed:
1. Translator and Interpreter Associations
2. Universities and Colleges
3. Language Association
4. Subject Specialty CPD Providers
5. Private CPD Providers
6. Translation Portals
7. Self-Study
8. Selecting the Right CPD Courses for You

Language: Inglese