Associado desde Dec '09

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dinamarquês para português
inglês para dinamarquês

Mario Laima
PhD, freelancer translator

Aarhus N, Select, Dinamarca
Horário Local: 10:15 CET (GMT+1)

Nativo para: português Native in português, inglês Native in inglês, dinamarquês (Variants: Standard (rigsdansk), Jutlandic) Native in dinamarquês
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Tipo de conta Tradutor e/ou intérprete freelance, Identity Verified Membro verificado
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Afiliações This person is not affiliated with any business or Blue Board record at
Serviços Interpreting, Training, Translation, Terminology management, Editing/proofreading, Software localization, MT post-editing
Especializado em:
Biologia (biotecnologia, bioquímica, microbiologia)Engenharia (geral)
Medicina (geral) Medicina: instrumentos
Medicina: farmacêuticaCiência (geral)
PatentesNegócios/comércio (geral)
TI (Tecnologia da Informação) Arte, Artesanato e ofícios, Pintura

norueguês para inglês - Valores: 0.04 - 0.07 EUR por palavra
sueco para inglês - Valores: 0.04 - 0.07 EUR por palavra
norueguês para português - Valores: 0.04 - 0.07 EUR por palavra
sueco para português - Valores: 0.04 - 0.07 EUR por palavra

Atividade KudoZ (PRO) Perguntas respondidas: 2, Perguntas feitas: 1
Payment methods accepted PayPal | Send a payment via ProZ*Pay
Portfolio Amostras de tradução submetidas : 14
Experiência Anos de experiência em tradução: 25 Registrado no Dec 2008. Tornou-se associado em: Dec 2009
Certificações inglês para português (Universidade Clássica de Lisboa)
inglês para dinamarquês (Aalborg University)
inglês para dinamarquês (PhD)
francês para dinamarquês (CNRS, IFREMER)
dinamarquês para inglês (Aalborg University)
Associações N/A
Software Adobe Acrobat, memoQ, MemSource Cloud, Microsoft 365, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, MemSource, Powerpoint, Smartcat, Trados Studio, Wordbee
CV/Resume inglês (DOC)
Práticas profissionais Mario Laima endossa's Diretrizes Profissionais (v1.1).
My background is Biology, M Sc. in Biotechnological Engineering a Ph D in Environmental Science.

Research work has been focused on eutrophication processes in coastal areas: I have contributed to scientific work (over 30 international peer-reviewed articles and other works) shown in conferences and workshops in Denmark, Sweden, Poland, France, Argentina, Lithuania, Norway, Portugal, Germany, Japan, South Korea and USA.

I have experience to plan, execute, synthesize and communicate scientific knowledge to specialists and other end-users. I have coordinated and participated in inter-disciplinary projects in multi-national environments, in which my experience with several languages [Portuguese, Scandinavian Danish), English, French, and Spanish] has been beneficiary, along with years of teaching experience outside my country (Portugal).

I consider myself to be a team-worker, creative and highly motivated to collaborate. I have sense of organization and I am strict in deadlines. 

Though my research activity in EU projects for over a decade, and coordination of some, I have gained experience in multicultural environments and communicate knowledge to different end-users, not only people specialized in the field. Command of several languages, and translation of a number of projects, are in support of my activity as freelancer translator. 

Resume of international scientific reports where I am author/co-author:

Laima M.J.C., 1992. Evaluation of the indophenol method to measure NH4+ in extracts from coastal marine sediments. MARINE CHEMISTRY 39: 283–296. 

Laima M.J.C., 1992. Extraction and seasonal variation of NH4+ pools in different types of coastal marine sediments. MARINE ECOLOGY-PROGRESS SERIES 82: 75–84.

Laima M.J.C., 1993. Recovery of 15NH4+ in labelling experiments on coastal marine sediments. MARINE CHEMISTRY 44: 31–42.

Laima M.J.C., 1994.  Is KCl a reliable extractant of 15NH4+ added to coastal marine sediments ?  BIOGEOCHEMISTRY 27: 83–95.

Lund-Hansen L.C., Laima M.J.C. and Christiansen C., 1995. Physical and biogeo¬chemical aspects of resuspension. GAIA 9: 67–69. 

Christiansen C., Kunzendorf H., Laima M.J.C., Lund-Hansen L.C. and Pedersen A.M., 1996. Recent changes in environmental conditions in the Southwestern Kattegat, Scandinavia. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF NORWAY BULLETIN 430: 137–144.

Christiansen C., Lund-Hansen L.C., Jürgensen C., Vang T. and Laima M.J.C., 1996. Målehyppihed og fortolkning. JORD & VAND 3. årgang, 5: 196–198.

Christiansen C., Gertz F., Laima M.J.C., Lund-Hansen L.C., Vang T. and Jürgensen,  C. 1997. Nutrient (P,N) dynamics in the southwestern Kattegat, Scandinavia. Sedimentation and resuspension effects. ENVIRONMENTAL GEOLOGY 29: 66–77.

Lund-Hansen L.C., Christiansen C., Vang T. and Laima M., 1997. Regional North Sea -Baltic Sea circulation impact on local Kattegat Fjords and Bays. AARHUS GEOSCIENCE 7: 21-33.

Christiansen C., Nielsen J., Lund-Hansen L.C. and Laima M., 1997. Temporal and spatial variability during general dune, beach, and shoreline erosion at Klim, Denmark. AARHUS GEOSCIENCE 7: 49–60. 

Jürgensen C., Christiansen C., Lund-Hansen L.C., Laima M.J.C., and Vang T., 1997. Nutrient dynamics in the southwestern Kattegat, Scandinavia. Modelling  transport, budget, and consequences of reduced terrestrial loads. DANISH JOURNAL OF GEOGRAPHY 97: 1–10.

Laima M.J.C., Matthiessen H., Lund-Hansen L.C. and Christiansen C., 1998. Resuspension studies in cylindrical microcosms: Effects of stirring velocity on the dynamics of redox sensitive elements in a coastal sediment. BIOGEOCHEMISTRY 43: 293–309.

Laima M.J.C., Feuillet-Girard M., Vouvé F., Blanchard G., Gouleau D. and Galois  R., 1999. Distribution of adsorbed ammonium in two intertidal sedimentary structures, Marennes-Oléron Bay, France. MARINE ECOLOGY-PROGRESS SERIES 182: 29–35.

Laima M.J.C., Feuillet-Girard M., Vouvé F., Richard P., Blanchard G., Gouleau D., 1999. Nitrification rates related to sedimentary structures in an atlantic intertidal mudflat, Marennes-Oléron Bay, France. MARINE ECOLOGY-PROGRESS SERIES 191: 33-41.

Laima M.J.C., Lund-Hansen L.C., Pazdro K., Christiansen C., Emeis K., 1999. Near bottom fluxes and composition of suspended matter in the Pomeranian Bight. OCEANOLOGIA 41: 335–353.

Lund-Hansen L. C., Christiansen C., Jensen O., Laima M., 1999. The LABEREX chamber for studying the critical shear stress for fine-grained sediments. DANISH JOURNAL OF GEOGRAPHY 99: 1–7

Vouvé F., Guiraud G., Marol C., Girard M., Richard P., Laima M.J.C., 2000  Ammonium turnover in intertidal sediments of Marennes-Oléron Bay (France): effect of sediment temperature. OCEANOLOGICA ACTA 23:  575–584. 

Matthiesen H., Leipe T. and Laima M.J.C., 2001. A new filter- diffusion method to study the formation of phosphate binding iron oxides in marine sediments. BIOGEOCHEMISTRY  52: 79–92.

Lund-Hansen L.C., Christiansen C., and Laima M., 2001. A new video controlled, hydraulically damped box-corer for sediment/water interaction studies. MARINE GEORESOURCES AND GEOTECHNOLOGY 19: 147–154.

Laima M., Matthiesen H., Christiansen C., Lund-Hansen L.C. and Emeis K.C., 2001. Dynamics of P, Fe and Mn along a depth gradient in the southern Baltic Sea. BOREAL ENVIRONMENT RESEARCH 6: 317–333.

Laima M.J.C., Maksymowska D., Feuillet-Girard G., Richard  P., Sauriau P.-G., Gouleau D., Joassard L., 2002. The influence of long emersion on ammonium fluxes and nitrification in intertidal sediments of Marennes-Oléron Bay, France. MARINE ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH 53: 381–402.

Laima M., Maksymowska D., Feuillet-Girard G., Richard  P., Gouleau D., Joassard L., 2002.  Fluff deposition on intertidal sediments: effects on benthic biota, ammonium fluxes and nitrification rates. BIOGEOCHEMISTRY 61: 115–133.

Christiansen C., Edelvang K., Emeis K., Graff G., Jähmilich S., Kozuch J., Laima M., Leipe T., Löffler A., Lund-Hansen L.C., Miltner A., Pazdro K., Pempkowiak J., Shimmield G., Shimmield T., Smith J., Voss M. and Witt G., 1999. Material transport from the nearshore to the basinal environment in the Southern Baltic Sea, I: Processes and mass estimates. JOURNAL OF MARINE SYSTEMS 35: 133–150.

Emeis K.C., Christiansen C., Jähmlich S., Leipe T., Lund-Hansen L., Laima M.,Löffler A., Miltner K., Pazdro K., Pempkowiak J., Pollehne F., Shimmield T., Voß M. and Witt G., 1999.  Material transport from the nearshore to the basinal environment in the Southern Baltic Sea, II: Origin and properties of material. JOURNAL OF MARINE SYSTEMS 35: 151–168.

Edelvang K., Lund-Hansen L.C., Christiansen C., Petersen O.S., Laima M.J.C. and Berastegui D.A., 2002.  Modelling of suspended matter transport from the Oder River. JOURNAL OF COASTAL RESEARCH 18: 62–74.

Lund-Hansen L.C., Laima M.J.C., Mouritsen K., Lam N.G., and Hai D.N., 2002. Small scale spatial variability in critical shear stress related to benthic diatoms, fluff layer, and sediment parameters in a semi-enclosed non-tidal coastal environment. JOURNAL OF MARINE AND BIOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION UK 82: 3855/1–8.

Laima, M J C., Robert, S., Monnet, P. and Pantet A. (2009) Measurements of biological, biogeochemical and sediment behaviour parameters in intertidal flid mud samples – mesocosms experiments


The use of 15N-labelled molecules in tracing nitrogen cycling in sediments. Courses in Microbial Ecology, Biological Institute, University of Århus, Denmark (1991)

A utilização de macrófitas na despoluição de agues residuais: a experiência dinamarquesa. University of Évora, Portugal. January 3th (1991)

O tratamento biológico de águas residuais via utilização de sapais artificiais. Que futuro ? Serpa High School, Portugal. World environment day (1991)

Phosphorus cycling in coastal sediments. Lectures in the M Sc program in Marie Sciences. Institute of Geology, University of Århus, Denmark (1994)

Resuspension and marine euthophication. Course on Natural Environment, Man and Cultural History, Askö and Adelsö, easter Svealand, Sweden, 14-24 May (1995)

Does resuspension affect nutrient dynamic in near-shore marine areas ? 
Marine geologisk seminar. 29-30 May, Aarhus University, Denmark (1995)

Distribution of ammonium pools in marine sediments. V European Marine Inter¬disciplinary Network University of Klaipeda, Lithuania, January 11-14 (1996)

Geochemistry and nutrient fluxes at the sediment-water interface. Lectures in Marine Geology, Institute of Geology, University of Århus, Denmark (1996)

Resuspension and sediment/water fluxes in the SW Baltic Region. Seminar held at the Department of Earth Sciences, Aarhus University, Denmark, 31 October (1997)

Is heterogeneity important in the study of sediment processes ? Examples from the SW Baltic region. Meeting of the GDR Group (CNRS) for the English Channel, Station Marine de Wimereux, France, November 25-26 (1997)


Rodrigues V.J., Laima M.J.C., Urbano A. P. and Oliveira J. S. O papel das macrófitas no controlo da poluição das zonas húmidas: o caso da zona do estuário do Sado. VI National Meeting on Wastewater Treatment, 6-8 October, Setúbal Politechnical Institute, Portugal (1993)

Lund-Hansen L.C., Laima M.J.C. and Christiansen C. Flow of water and salt through the Great Belt and adjacent fjords and Bays - The estuarine transition between the North Sea and the Baltic Sea. Nordic Physical Oceanographic Meeting, 7-9 August 1994, Hirstals, Denmark.

Lund-Hansen L.C., Laima M.J.C. and Christiansen C.  Physical and biogeochemical aspects of resuspension. Part of : Modelling of long-term transport rates and accumulation of nutrients: The effects of reduced coastal nutrient loads in the Northern Little Belt region. 5th MARSKAT  Meeting, 4-6 November 1994, Trondheim, Norway

Laima M.J.C., Lund-Hansen L.C. and Christiansen C.  Physical and biogeochemical aspects of resuspension. I Symposium on the Atlantic Iberian Continental Margin, National Museum of Natural History, 28-30 November 1994, Lisbon, Portugal

Laima M.J.C., Lund-Hansen L.C., Christiansen C. and Kunzendorf H. Nutrient fluxes in a coastal basin. Part of: Modelling of long-term transport rates and accumulation of nutrients: The effects of reduced coastal nutrient loads in the Northern Little Belt Region. XIX Conference of the Baltic Oceanographers (CBO), 29 August - 1 September 1994, Sopot, Poland.

Lund-Hansen L.C., Laima M.J.C. and Christiansen C. Resuspension and sedimen¬tation in the bottom boundary layer. Part of: Modelling of long-term transport rates and accumulation of nutrients: The effects of reduced coastal nutrient loads in the Northern Little Belt Region. XIX Conference of the Baltic Oceanographers (CBO) , 29 August - 1 September 1994, Sopot, Poland

Laima M.J.C., Lund-Hansen L.C., Christiansen C. and Kunzendorf H. Nutrient fluxes in a coastal basin: The effect of resuspension on the dynamics of dissolved P pools. Proceedings of the 19th Conference of Baltic Oceanographers (CBO), 29 August - 1 September 1994, Sopot, Poland, Vol  II, pp. 518–527.

Lund-Hansen L.C., Laima M.J.C. and Christiansen C. Resuspension and sedimen¬tation at the bottom boundary layer. Proceedings of the XIXth Conference of Baltic Oceanographers (CBO), 29 August - 1 September 1994, Sopot, Poland, Vol II, pp. 795–801.

Christiansen C., Lund-Hansen L.C., Laima M.J.C. and Matthiesen H.  Resuspension and sediment-water fluxes. First Baltic Sea System Study (BASYS) Annual Science Conference, 29 September – 1 October 1997, Institute of Oceanography Warnemuende, Germany

Christiansen C., Lund-Hansen L.C., Matthiesen H. and Laima M. Fluffy sediments are difficult to sample (in Danish). In: Proc. 10th Danish Marine Science Meeting, January 21-23. Published by the Danish National Council for Marine Sciences, p. 153, Denmark (1998)

Laima M.J.C., Matthiesen H., Lund-Hansen L.C. and Christiansen C. Aspects of phosphorus geochemistry in Southern Baltic Sea sediments: Methods, fluxes, formation of Fe/P Particles and resuspension studies. First Interdisciplinary Symposium on Estuarine Processes (SIPRES), June15-17, Universidade do Algarve, Portugal. Also at Baltic Sea System Study (BASYS), Second Annual Science Conference, 23-25 September 1998,  Stockholm University, Sweden.

Laima M.J.C., Lund-Hansen L.C., Christiansen C. and Matthiesen H. “Fluff “ layer  studies: Sampling, Resuspension and Formation of Fe/P particles. Baltic Sea System Study (BASYS), Second Annual Science Conference, September 23-25, Stockholm University, Sweden (1998) 

Laima M.J.C., Lund-Hansen L.C., Christiansen C., Pazdro K., Loeffler A. and Emeis K.C. Flood Events in Odas River, July 1997: Impacts on vertical fluxes of suspended matter and organic matter content (C, N, P, fatty acids) in sediment traps, fluff layer and surface sediment. Baltic Sea Science Conference- The Changing Coastal Oceans: From Assessment to Prediction, November 23-28, Rostock-Warnemuende, Germany (1998)

Emeis K., Jähmlich S., Bahlo R., Leipe T., Löffler A., Pollehne F., Voss M., Maren W., Lund-Hansen L., Laima M., Pazdro K. and Pempkowiak J. The BASYS-subproject 3a: Preliminary results on coastal to basin processes in the Southern Baltic Sea. Baltic Sea Science Conference- The Changing Coastal Oceans: From Assessment to Prediction, November 23-28, Rostock-Warnemuende, Germany (1998)

Witt G., Siegel H., Emeis K., Jähmlich S., Bahlo R., Leipe T., Löffler A., Pollehne F., Voss M., Maren W., Lund-Hansen L., Laima M., Pazdro K. and Pempkowiak J. The consequences of the Oder flood on the distribution of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the Oder river estuary. Baltic Sea Science Conference- The Changing Coastal Oceans: From Assessment to Prediction, November 23-28, Rostock-Warnemuende, Germany (1998)

Laima M.J.C., Matthiesen H., Christiansen C., Lund-Hansen L.C. A study of phosphorus transport in a depth gradient, SW Baltic Sea. Coastal to Basin Fluxes under the topic “ Present-day material and energy budgets/fluxes and related processes”.  Final BASYS Conference, September 20-22, Institute of Oceanography Warnemuende, Germany (1999)

Edelvang K., Lund-Hansen L.C., Christiansen C. and Laima M.J.C. Vertical fluxes of suspended matter in a coastal to basin depth profile of the SW Baltic Sea. Coastal to Basin Fluxes under the topic “ Present-day material and energy budgets/fluxes and related processes”. Final BASYS Conference, September 20-22, Institute of Oceanography Warnemuende, Germany (1999)

Lund-Hansen L.C., Jähmlich S., Christiansen C. and Laima M.J.C. Absence of temporal and spatial variation in critical shear stress along a depth profile from the Oder river outlet to the Arkona basin, southwest Baltic Sea. Coastal to Basin Fluxes under the topic “ Present-day material and energy budgets/fluxes and related processes”. Final BASYS Conference, September 20-22, Institute of Oceanography Warnemuende, Germany (1999)

Christiansen C., Edelvang K., Emeis K., Graff G., Jähmilich S., Kozuch J., Laima M., 
Leipe T., Löffler A., Lund-Hansen L.C., Miltner A., Pazdro K., Pempkowiak J., Shimmield G., Shimmield T., Smith J., Voß M. and Witt G., 1999. Material transport from the nearshore to the basinal environment in the Southern Baltic Sea, I: Processes and mass estimates. Final BASYS extended abstract to BASYS Conference, Institute of Oceanography Warnemuende, September 20-22, Germany (1999)

Emeis K.C., Christiansen C., Jähmlich S., Leipe T., Lund-Hansen L., Laima M. J. C., Löffler A., Miltner K., Pazdro K., Pempkowiak J., Pollehne F., Shimmield T., Voß M. and Witt G., 1999.  Material transport from the nearshore to the basinal environment in the Southern Baltic Sea, II: Origin and properties of material. Final BASYS extended abstract to BASYS Conference, September 20-22, Institute of Oceanography Warnemuende, Germany (1999)

Lund-Hansen L.C., Laima M. J. C., Mouritsen K., Lam N., Hai D.N.Small scale spatial variability in critical shear stress related to the occurrence of benthic diatoms and fluff layer at the sediment surface in a semi-enclosed non-tidal coastal environment.  XI Danish Marine Science Meeting, January 26-28, Roskilde Universitetscenter, Denmark (2000)

Laima M.J.C., Christiansen C., Lund-Hansen L.C., Jähmlich S. and Emeis K.C.Transport of P, Fe and Mn along a depth gradient in the SW Baltic Sea XI Danish Marine Science Meeting, January 26-28, Roskilde Universitetscenter, Denmark (2001)

Edelvang K., Petersen O.S., Berastegui D.A., Lund-Hansen L.C., Christiansen C. and Laima M. Validation of a 3D model against satellite images – A case study from the Pomeranian Bay. XI Danish Marine Science Meeting, January 26-28, Roskilde Universitetscenter, Denmark (2000)

Laima M. and  Richard P. Spatial variability of nitrogen pools and nitrification rates in intertidal environments: Effects of geomorphological structures.  An Ocean Odyssey Joint Assemblies of the IAPSO-IABO , October 22-26, Mar del Plata, Argentina (2001)

Lund-Hansen L.C., Laima M.J.C., Mouritsen K., Lam N., Hai D.N. Small scale spatial variability of critical shear stress and effects of benthic diatoms, fluff   layer, and sediment properties in a non-tidal coastal environment. An Ocean Odyssey Joint Assemblies of the IAPSO-IABO, October 22-26, Mar del Plata, Argentina (2001)

Laima M.J.C. Long-term emersion of intertidal sediment systems: Impacts on biota and nitrogen cycling. Proceedings of the XII Danish Marine Science Meeting, January 9-11, University of Aarhus, Denmark (2002)

Tengberg A., Almroth E., Andersson H., Andrejev O., Egorov A., Hall P., Henttonen J., Isaev A.,  Jönsson A., Kiirikki M., Kononets M., Kravtchichina M., Kravtsov V., Laima M., Lehtoranta J., Leonov A., Lund-Hanen L., Makarov O., Mekela K., Neelov I., Pakhomova S., Pankratova N., Perttilä M., Petukhov V., Pitkänen H., Rozanov A., Sarkkula J., Väänänen P., Vankevych R. and Vershinin A. The importance of sediments for the water quality of the Gulf of Finland, project summary and description of used technology. Klaipeda Conference, Lithuania (2004)

Tengberg A., Almroth E., Andersson H., Andrejev O., Egorov A., Hall P., Henttonen J., Isaev A., Jönsson A., Kiirikki M., Kononets M., Kravtchichina M., Kravtsov V., Laima M., Lehtoranta J., Leonov A., Lund-Hansen L., Makarov O., Mekela K., Neelov I., Pakhomova S., Pankratova N., Perttilä M., Petukhov V., Pitkänen H., Rozanov A., Sarkkula J., Väänänen P., Vankevych R. and Vershinin A Environmental investigations at the seafloor using optical and acoustic sensors on “bottom landers”. Tutorial for Oceans 2004, Kobe, Japan, November (2004)

Robert, S., Laima, M J C., Monnet, P., and Pantet, A Étude experimentale integer sur la vase fluide em mesocosme: Relations entre les nutriments et le comportement sedimentaire. 10th French Congress of Sedimentology, Universite de Provence, Centre of Sedimentology and Paleontology, October 11-13.  Plubications ASF, Paris, no 51, 354 p. France (2005)
Tengberg A., Almroth E., Andersson H., Andrejev O., Egorov A., Hall P., Henttonen J., Isaev A., Jönsson A., Kiirikki M., Kononets M., Kravtchichina M., Kravtsov V., Laima M., Lehtoranta J., Leonov A., Lund-Hansen L., Makarov O., Mekela K., Neelov I., Pakhomova S., Pankratova N., Perttilä M., Petukhov V., Pitkänen H., Rozanov A., Sarkkula J., Väänänen P., Vankevych R. and Vershinin A The importance of sediments for the water quality of the Gulf of Finland, project summary and description of used technology. Publication and oral presentation, Baltic Sea conference, Klaipeda, Lithuania (2005)

Tengberg A., Almroth E., Andersson H., Andrejev O., Egorov A., Hall P., Henttonen J., Isaev A., Jönsson A., Kiirikki M., Kononets M., Kravtchichina M., Kravtsov V., Laima M., Lehtoranta J., Leonov A., Lund-Hansen L., Makarov O., Mekela K., Neelov I., Pakhomova S., Pankratova N., Perttilä M., Petukhov V., Pitkänen H., Rozanov A., Sarkkula J., Väänänen P., Vankevych R. and Vershinin A Environmental investigations at the seafloor using optical and acoustic sensors on “bottom landers”. Publication and oral presentation, ISOPE 05, Seoul, South Korea (2005)

Tengberg A., Almroth E., Andersson H., Andrejev O., Egorov A., Hall P., Henttonen J., Isaev A., Jönsson A., Kiirikki M., Kononets M., Kravtchichina M., Kravtsov V., Laima M., Lehtoranta J., Leonov A., Lund-Hansen L., Makarov O., Mekela K., Neelov I., Pakhomova S., Pankratova N., Perttilä M., Petukhov V., Pitkänen H., Rozanov A., Sarkkula J., Väänänen P., Vankevych R. and Vershinin A Environmental investigations at the seafloor using optical and acoustic sensors on “bottom landers”. Publication and oral presentation, OCEANS 05, Washington, USA (2005)

Robert, S., Laima, M J C., Monnet, P., and Pantet, A Étude experimentale integer sur la vase fluide em mesocosme: Relations entre les nutriments. 11th French Congress of Sedimentology, Universite de Caen, Centre of Sedimentology and Paleontology, October 23-27. Caen, France. (2007)


Christiansen C., Land-Hansen L.C., Laima M.J.C., Bolding K., Jürgensen C. and Vang T. Modelling of long term transport rates and accumulation of nutrients: The effects of reduced coastal nutrient loads in the Northern Little Belt region.- Final report to the Center for Strategic Environmental Research in Marine Areas, 21 pp. (1994)

Laima M.J.C. Ecossistemas e a perspectiva de desenvolvimento sustentável. A Cidade, Lisboa, edicões Colibri, nr. 10 (Nova Série): 71-81 (1995)

Correia T.P. and Laima M.J.C. A importância da inovacão no ensino universitário: o exemplo da Universidade de Aalborg, Dinamarca. Diário de Notícias- suplemento cultura, 14 de Marco (1996)

Laima M.J.C., Girard M., Gouleau D., Vouvé F., Richard P. and Héral M. Dynamics of inorganic nitrogen in two sedimentary structures of Marennes-Oléron Bay. I. Extraction of adsorbed ammonium pools. II. Measurement of actual and potential nitrification rates and carbon mineralization. Part of subproject "Le rôle des vasières interditales comme source de sela nutritifs dans la bassin de Marennes-Oléron: étude des mécanismes de régénération", under the project "Réseau trophique du bassin conchylicole de Marennes- Oléron", Région Poitou-Charentes, France (1997)

Bourget E., Dauvin J., Davoult D., Defossez J., Desroy N., Frontier S.,Gentilhomme V., Fafite R., Lagadeuc Y., Laima M., Lizon F., Luczak C., Preux P., Ramat E., Retière C., Schertzer D., Schmitt F., Seuront L., Thiébaut E. and Thoumelin G. “Hétérogénéité” Table Ronde GDR “Manche”. Station Marine de Wimereux, 25-26 November (1997)

Emeis K.C., Christiansen C., Jacobsen F., Jähmlich S., Bahlo R., Leipe T., Löffler A., Pollehne F., Voss M., Witt G., Lund-Hanse L.C., Laima M.J.C., Ksenia P., Pempkowiak J., Shimmield T. Basys 3A: Coastal-to-Basin Fluxes. Interim Report on Coast-to-Basin Transport Processes in the Southern Baltic Sea, 19 p. European Commission, Directorate Generall XII, MAST 3, Most Relevant Sub-Area A.3.2: Baltic Sea, Contract MAS3-CT96-0058 (1998)

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