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<i>Thank you for visiting my page on Please read below for more information. I look forward to hearing from you should you require my <b>translation</b> or <b>voiceover</b> services.
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Tradutor e/ou intérprete freelance, Membro verificado
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Pontos de nível PRO: 2005, Perguntas respondidas: 1685, Perguntas feitas: 1867
Histórico de Projetos
36 Projetos inseridos 29 feedback positivo de contratantes
Detalhes do projeto
Resumo do projeto
Voiceover (dubbing) Volume: 0 days Terminado em: May 2020 Languages: inglês
Corporate & Promotional video voiceovers
Negócios/comércio (geral)
Sem comentários.
Translation Volume: 400 words Languages: romeno para inglês
Facebook posts
Sem comentários.
Translation Volume: 32500 words Terminado em: Feb 2018 Languages: italiano para inglês
"The Stand-in" - Fictional novel
Cinema, filmes, TV, teatro, Geral/conversas/saudações/cartas, Poesia e literatura
positivo Laura Berti: Really professional translator. Elegant and fast translation, showing great care for every single detail
Translation Volume: 2500 words Terminado em: Dec 2017 Languages: romeno para inglês
Short Fairy-tale for Children
Poesia e literatura, Poesia e literatura, Geral/conversas/saudações/cartas
positivo Camelia Codrea: Lara translated my literary project from Romanian into Englis, participating empathetic, paying attention at small details and she did it with an amazing speed. Thank you, Lara.
Translation Volume: 2000 words Terminado em: Nov 2007 Languages: italiano para inglês
Translation Volume: 3100 words Terminado em: Jul 2015 Languages: romeno para inglês
Motor skills report for autistic child
positivo Blue Board outsourcer (10 to 20 entries): Super fast response, professional and reliable
Translation Volume: 6300 words Terminado em: Mar 2015 Languages: francês para inglês
Water management project in the Southern Mediterranean region
European Union document.
Meio ambiente e ecologia
positivo Blue Board outsourcer (10 to 20 entries): Sem comentários.
Translation Volume: 2950 words Terminado em: Mar 2015 Languages: francês para inglês
Contract: Museum loan of art works from Niki de Saint Phalle Foundation
Arte, Artesanato e ofícios, Pintura
positivo Amitt / Amitt Co., Ltd: She accurately translated a French contract into English, only with a handful of minor typos. Also keeping in touch after the delivery. Thank you, Lara!
Translation Volume: 5007 words Duration: Dec 2012 to Jan 2013 Languages: francês para inglês
Web promotion for international dermatological skincare brand.
Cosméticos, beleza
positivo Active Traductions: Reliable translator that focuses on quality. To be recommended!
Translation Volume: 8129 words Terminado em: Jul 2012 Languages: italiano para inglês
Human Rights report: Asylum Seekers in Italy, legislation and living conditions.
Ciências sociais, sociologia, ética etc.
positivo : Great communication with us at all times. Very friendly and will defiantly use again in the future.
positivo Blue Board outsourcer (10 to 20 entries): It's a pleasure to work with Lara. We really appreciate her professionalism, her quick answer and good communication all the time. We look forward to collaborate again in the future.
Editing/proofreading Volume: 1662 words Terminado em: Mar 2012 Languages: francês para inglês
Reviewing/Editing of French to English magazine article on Lilac forcing.
francês para inglês: Calvados Detailed field: Turismo e viagem
Texto de origem - francês Au début du XXème siècle, le département du Calvados fut l’un des initiateurs de la villégiature balnéaire en France. D’abord destinations favorites des aristocrates, les stations balnéaires de la côte normande, proches de Paris, furent, a partir des années 30, le “terminus” des “congés payés”. Aujourd’hui plus de 5 millions de personnes visitent chaque année le Calvados et ses stations balnéaires.
Toutes rivalisent de charme. A vous de choisir... Il y en a pour tous les gouts. Pour les inconditionnels de balades “nature” zestées d’iode et de varech, pour les amateurs de stations familiales et pour celles et ceux qui préfèrent les endroits plus “in”, et qui ne jurent que par les “planches” et les lieux huppés de la côte...
Estuaires, falaises de calcaires et d’argiles, bocages clairsemés ou touffus... De la plaine de Caen à la Suisse Normandie, des terres graniteuses de Vire aux marais de la Dives, le Calvados est riche de sa diversité paysagère et de ses espaces naturels. Parmi les lieux d’observation privilégiés de ce patrimoine, la Maison de la Nature et de l’Estuaire à Sallenelles, un site protégé à quelques kilomètres de Caen. Vous pouvez y découvrir le fonctionnement et les milieux naturels de la baie de l’Orne. Des promenades guidées sont organisées pour observer la faune et la flore.
La Côte de Nacre... La Côte Fleurie... La Côte de Grace... D’Isigny-sur-Mer à Honfleur, 120 kilomètres de plage. Outre la baignade, vous pouvez y pratiquer de nombreux sports lies au vent et à la mer.
Mais les plages du Calvados ne son pas que des lieux ludiques. Elles sont aussi des lieux de mémoire. C’est là en effet que débarquèrent, le 6 juin 1944, les forces alliées venues libérer la France.
Omaha Beach, Juno Beach, Sword Beach, Gold Beach... les plages du Calvados se souviennent encore de leur “nom de guerre”. Ici et là, des musées, des sites, des cimetières militaires contribuent à ce que chacun n’oublie pas qu’une page de l’histoire du XXème siècle s’est écrite dans le Calvados.
Tradução - inglês In the early 20th century Calvados was one of France’s earliest bathing resorts. Situated near to Paris, the seaside resorts on the Normandy coastline were originally the favoured holiday destination of aristocrats. From the 1930s onwards these became the “chosen destination” for “paid holidays”, new in France at the time. Today more than 5 million people visit Calvados and its bathing resorts each year.
The charm here is unrivalled. Just make your choice; there is something for everyone here, whether you are a devoted walker through coastal air tinged with iodine and kelp, a lover of family resorts, somebody who prefers the latest “in” destination, or somebody that lives for boardwalks and classy coastal spots.
You will find estuaries, cliffs of limestone of flint, and “bocages”, the local name for scattered, or more densely clustered, woodland terrains. From the Plaines of Caen to Suisse Normande, and from the granite expanses of Vire to the marshlands of the Dives, Calvados is rich in its variety of landscapes and green spaces. Amongst the favoured observation areas of this heritage is the Maison de la Nature et de L’Estuaire at Sallenelles, a protected site several kilometres from Caen. Here you can discover the surroundings and all that goes on at Orne Bay. Natural flora and wildlife can be viewed on the guided tours organised here.
Over 70 miles of glorious beaches stretch from D’Isigny-sur-Mer to Honfleur, graced by the Pearl Coast, the Floral Coast and the coast of Grace. In addition to swimming here, you can participate in numerous wind or sea sports.
The beaches of Calvados are however not just amusement attractions. They are also commemorative sites. It was here that, on 6 June 1944, the allied forces landed and liberated France.
Omaha Beach, Juno Beach, Sword Beach and Gold Beach are some of the Calvados beaches whose names recall the war. Museums, locations and cemeteries, all associated with the war, play their part in making sure that nobody forgets that a page of 20th century history was written here at Calvados.
italiano para inglês: Cosa sono le pulsar? Detailed field: Astronomia e espaço
Texto de origem - italiano Cosa sono le pulsar ?
Le pulsar furono scoperte nel 1967 da Jocelyn Bell, una giovane laureata di origine irlandese del gruppo di studio di A. Hewish del Mullard Radio Observatory (oggi Nuffield Radio Astronomy Observatory) dell'Università di Cambridge. L'emissione radio caratteristica è una serie uniforme di pulsazioni, ad intervalli estremamente regolari di alcuni millisecondi, per le più veloci, di diversi secondi per quelle più lente. Se ne conoscono oltre 300, ma solo due, la Nebulosa del Granchio e la Nebulosa Vela emettono impulsi visibili. Entrambe emettono impulsi nella radiazione gamma e la prima anche nella radiazione X.
La regolarità degli impulsi è incredibile: gli osservatori possono prevedere l'arrivo di un impulso con anni di anticipo e con un'accuratezza dell'ordine di un millesimo di secondo.
Ma come può una stella funzionare come un orologio così preciso ?
L'unica risposta possibile ad una ripetizione così precisa e rapida è questa: la stella ruota rapidamente su se stessa ed emette un fascio di radiazioni che "illumina" il cielo come la luce di un faro, puntando nella direzione dell'osservatore una volta ogni giro. L'unico oggetto che puo sopportare una velocità così elevata senza distruggersi per effetto della forza centrifuga è una stella di neutroni.
Le pulsar sono stelle di neutroni con un'intensissimo campo magnetico che raggiunge i 100 milioni di tesla (il campo magnetico terrestre misura circa 30 milionesimi di tesla; quello di una macchia solare circa 10 T). La rapida rotazione la trasforma in un generatore elettrico capace di caricare le particelle a centinaia di miliardi di volt. Queste particelle sono, non è ancora del tutto chiaro in che modo, responsabili del fascio di radiazioni nel radio, nel visibile, nella radiazione X e gamma.
Queste particelle cariche vengono accellerate a spese dell'energia cinetica della rotazione, la stella pertanto rallenterà, sia pure in tempi astronomici e questo fenomeno è rilevabile con l'allungamento del periodo tra un impulso e l'altro.
Generalmente il rallentamento avviene nella misura di 1/1.000.000esimo all'anno. La Nebulosa del Granchio, la pulsar più giovane ed energetica conosciuta, rallenta di 1/2000esimo ogni anno.
Tradução - inglês What are pulsars?
Pulsars were discovered in 1967 by Jocelyn Bell, a young Irish graduate studying under Anthony Hewish at the Mullard Radio Observatory (today known as The Nuffield Radio Astronomy Observatory) at the University of Cambridge. Radio emissions are a uniform series of pulses with extremely regular periods of a few milliseconds for the fastest, and several seconds for the slowest. More than three hundred of these are known, but only two, the Crab Nebula and the Veil Nebula, emit visible pulses. Both of these emit gamma rays, and the Crab Nebula also emits X-rays.
The regularity of the pulses is astonishing. Observatories can predict the arrival of a pulse years ahead, with a degree of accuracy in the region of a thousandth of a second.
But how can a star operate as accurately as a clock?
There is only one possible answer for such precise and accurate repetition: the star rotates quickly on its axis and emits a beam of radiation that "lights up" the sky like a lighthouse. It points in the direction of the observer once during each rotation. The neutron star is the only object that can withstand such a high speed without destroying itself as a result of centrifugal force.
Pulsars are neutron stars with an extremely intense magnetic field that reaches 100 million teslas. The earth's magnetic field measures about 30 millionths of a Tesla, and a sunspot, about 10 Tesla. The star's fast rotations transform it into an electricity generator capable of charging particles to hundreds of billions of volts. It is not known how, but these particles are accountable for radiation beams in radio, visible light, X-ray and gamma rays.
These charged particles are accelerated at the expense of the kinetic energy produced from the rotation. Therefore the star will slow down, albeit in astronomical time. This phenomenon is detectable as the periods between each pulse lengthen. Generally, the deceleration happens at 1:1,000,000 a year. The Crab Nebula, the youngest and most energetic known, is slowing down by 1:2,000 each year.
romeno para inglês: NUMĂRUL DE FALIMENTE ŞI DE ŞOMERI, DECIS DE VIITORUL GUVERN Detailed field: Jornalismo
Numărul de falimente şi numărul de salariaţi care vor intra în şomaj anul viitor depind foarte mult de măsurile economice pe care le va lua viitorul guvern, suştine Ovidiu Nicolescu, preşedintele Consiliului Naţional al IMM-urilor (CNIPMMR).
El a declarat ieri că, pentru a reduce efectele crizei financiare şi economice asupra firmelor, noul guvern trebuie să deblocheze creditarea, să stimuleze investiţiile şi să atragă fonduri europene.
Florea Pârvu, vicepreşedinte al CNIPMMR, estimează că rata şomajului va creşte de la 4,1% în noiembrie 2008 la 5,5%-6% în primăvera anului viitor. Potrivit reprezentantului patronal, un şomaj mai mare va creşte concurenţa pe piaţa forţei de muncă, iar salariile noilor angajaţi vor scădea.
Cea mai gravă problemă care ar putea duce la faliment multe întreprinderi de succes este blocarea creditării, spun liderii patronali. În acest sens, CNIPMMR a solicitat că noul guvern să discute cu reprezentanţii Băncii Naţionale şi ai băncilor comerciale, pentru a găsi soluţii ca instituţiile de creditare să reînceapă să împrumute firmele.
O altă soluţie pentru sprijinirea IMM-urilor în această periodă de criză este scutirea de impozit a profitului reinvestit, consideră conducerea Consiliului IMM-urilor. „Sumele care vor fi deblocate prin neimpozitarea profitului reinvestit se ridică la ordinul miliardelor de euro”, estimează Ovidiu Nicolescu.
EVZ, 18 decembrie 2008
The number of redundancies and employees to be made redundant next year depends, to a great extent, on the economic measures to be taken by Romania’s future government, according to Ovidiu Nicolescu, president of the CNIPMMR, the National Council for Small and Medium Sized Businesses in Romania.
Nicolescu stated yesterday that, in order to minimise the effects of the financial and economic crisis on industry, the new government must unfreeze credit, stimulate investment and attract EU funds.
Florea Pârvu, the vice president of CNIPMMR, estimates that the unemployment rate will increase from 4.1% in November 2008 to 5.5% or 6% by next Spring. According to Mr Pârvu, greater unemployment will increase competition in the labour market and salaries of new employees will decrease.
The most serious problem that could lead to the bankruptcy of many successful companies is the blocking of credit, the leader of this employer’s association has said. In this respect CNIPMMR has requested that the new government talk with representatives from the National Bank of Romania and commercial banks in order to find ways in which credit institutions can start lending to companies again.
Another solution aimed at supporting small and medium sized businesses during this crisis is to exempt them from taxes on reinvested profits. This is being considered by the leadership of the council. “The amount that will be saved from not taxing reinvested profits will reach millions of Euros” Ovidiu Nicolescu estimates.
Anos de experiência em tradução: 15 Registrado no Mar 2010. Tornou-se associado em: Jan 2011
francês para inglês (Salford University, verified) italiano para inglês (Salford University, verified) francês para inglês (Westminster University, verified) italiano para inglês (Westminster University, verified) romeno para inglês (Westminster University, verified)
Adobe Acrobat, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Powerpoint, SDLX, Smartcat
Post Grad. Diploma in Technical and Specialized Translation - Merit ~~~ University of Westminster ~~~
BA(Hons) French and Italian with Literary and Cultural Studies - 2:2
~~~ University of Salford ~~~
I am passionate... ... about conveying something from one language into another This is as much for my own simple love of languages, as for the satisfaction of enabling somebody from a completely different country and culture to understand something they otherwise might not have. Whilst translating, I always try to express myself (in my native language) with precision and clarity. I also take pride in ensuring that I have a full and thorough knowledge of the subject area from which I am translating.
Professionally... ... my experience outside of translation has been eclectic The diversity of my working background has extended through theatre arts, film and TV sets, Brazilian dance entertainment, musical environments, and in employment as a Bi-lingual PA and Medical Secretary. All these diverse areas have provided me with a broad knowledge and understanding of language usage, a sensitivity to register, and a familiarity with many linguistic fields and specialist terminologies.
Skills and know-how... ...I have acquired and developed are as diverse as my life experiences Through my thorough and methodical research training from Westminster University I am meticulous and exacting, and therefore accurate, in my research skills. I love translating and strive to reach the level of excellence and professionalism I was trained to achieve. Having used Microsoft Office applications for almost Twenty years I have an expertise of MS Word up to the latest versions, and considerable experience of working on PowerPoint presentations and Excel charts and spreadsheets.
LingoNotes ... ...The Translation Service for Musicians & Music Professionals In addition to my more general work, and in harmony with my more personal interests, I have now developed a division within my business providing for the needs of the music industry.
Having translated extensively for culturally diverse and artistically specialized promotional & journalistic literature, legal documents and artistic web content across all genres of music, from classical to hip-hop, from jazz to pop, and from folk to world music, I welcome any text, in any format, from musicians, singers, music professionals or associated specialists.
I am also able to offer voiceover services in various areas of spoken language
My details have fallen victim to an ongoing translator identity theft scam. If you have received any job request e-mail allegedly from me do not proceed without 100% identity confirmation.
The only email address I use is: [email protected]
I can not be liable for the misuse of my professional/personal information publicly available online and cannot take responsibility for any business issued from any other email address.
Este associado ganhou pontos KudoZ por ajudar outros tradutores com termos de nível PRO. Clicar nos totais de pontos para ver as traduções de termos fornecidas.
Totais de pontos ganhos: 2243 Pontos do nível PRO: 2005
This user has reported completing projects in the following job categories, language pairs, and fields.
Project History Summary
Total projects
With client feedback
100% positive (29 entries)
Job type
Voiceover (dubbing)
Language pairs
italiano para inglês
francês para inglês
romeno para inglês
Specialty fields
Cinema, filmes, TV, teatro
Direito: Contrato(s)
Negócios/comércio (geral)
Poesia e literatura
Bens imobiliários
Direito (geral)
Arte, Artesanato e ofícios, Pintura
Artigos têxteis/vestuário/moda
Marketing/pesquisa de mercado
Cosméticos, beleza
Certificados, diplomas, licenças, currículos
Medicina (geral)
Meio ambiente e ecologia
Org/Coop internacional
Publicidade/Relações públicas
Turismo e viagem
Other fields
Engenharia/ciência do petróleo
Ciências sociais, sociologia, ética etc.
Jogos/vídeo games/apostas/cassino
Construção/engenharia civil
Palavras-chave Translation, inglese, italiano, francais, English to English, French to English, , Italian to English, Romanian to English, film and TV sets. See more.Translation, inglese, italiano, francais, English to English, French to English, , Italian to English, Romanian to English, film and TV sets, cinema, books, novels, tourism, media, movie, script, screenplay, editing, expert, travel, art, books, film script, video script, narrative, characters, Italian film translation, translation for film production, film, video, promotional film, film translator, voice over artist, communication, marketing, public relations, literature, history, travel, fashion, design, websites, art, kitchens, cinema, music, cosmetics, interior design translation.. See less.